You would think Boarding School was boring.

Chapter one. New home.

Chapter one- new home

Ava sat in her room at her window seat as she watched the movers bring in her things. Her family just moved from the States to London. They finally decided to move closer to their family, her father and mother were both British and moved to the States for better money. Now her family had more than enough money. They decided to send her to Pemberly, a boarding school that her brother attended.

Her cousin Grant would be arriving soon, her brother would most likely take him away from her. Growing up, Aimee and Grant were always together at family visits. Once her brother returned from school Ava was kicked out of the picture. She didn’t mind much, she had other friends. Her brother Cory was down the hall making too much noise for her likings as he moved stuff around his new room.

Her brother was always up for moving to new places. He had been to four different schools; his excuse was that he got too bored. Ava herself liked to stay in one area. Once she was adapted she did not want to have to readjust once again.

“Ava, Cory. Your cousin is here!”

*Real story begins here*
I sighed and unfolded my legs and slid my flip-flops back onto my feet. I untied the hair-tie that held my hair up; my brown wavy hair fell down my back. I shook it out a little and headed down the stairs to the foyer. I made sure to take my time to show my feelings for not caring.
My brother Cory was already downstairs conversing with my cousin Grant. Grant and I were the same age, while Cory was two years older. This means I am seventeen, and Cory is nineteen. I stood next to the bottom stair, Grant looked over and smiled. He then came to me and hugged me.

“Hey you haven’t seen or heard from you in awhile.” He said once he stepped back and I could see his face. He was now tan and muscular, once when he stood at the same height, he was now taller than me.

“I’ve been busy, same as you.” He smiled and nodded in agreement. I was waiting for the moment when my brother told me to run along while the boys hung out.

“I want you two to come over tonight, a bunch of friends will be there. I want you to meet the gang before we head off to school next week.” He replied turning to Cory and I. Well that was new.

“Oh Grant what a marvelous idea!” My mother squealed before she retreated to the kitchen to order some people around. I heard her tap the keys on her blackberry before barking orders. My mother was a fashion designer, but she was usually at home when the working hours begun.

“Sorry Grant, I’m meeting with some old schoolmates.” Oh yeah, Cory used to attend school here. He already knew people, unlike me. I only knew the boy that was now starring at me.

“Well what about you?”

I lifted one shoulder, “I’m in.” I knew I couldn’t go to school with knowing no one but my cousin. How lame is that, too much for my brain to handle.

“Great, and look good. We’re going out tonight.”

“Don’t I always?” I asked over one shoulder as I headed back up the stairs to my room to shower and get ready.

My room was already unpacked as well as my clothes and everything for my shower. Even though it pained me to unpack everything, to me that would mean this move was permanent. I went into my bathroom, closed and locked the door, and turned on the shower. I waited for the hot water and then got in. I rubbed my strawberry shampoo into my hair as the hot jets ran over my face.

Once showered, I wrapped a robe around my body and headed to my closet. I opened the door and walked inside and stood searching. I sighed and tilted my head. Since my mom had the job that she did, she was always adding new clothes to my closet. I know…what a drag.

I pulled out a red halter that had a bottom that hung to your body, jeans that were ripping near the knees, and red flip-flops. I pulled out the necessary clothing to fit along the outfit and brought it all back to the bathroom. I changed and dried my hair. After applying my make-up and jewelry I sprayed my perfume and headed back into my room.

“Finally,” Grant stood from my window seat; I placed my hand over my heart not realizing he was there. He laughed and took my hand and led me down the stairs. We stopped at my door and my mom came running out from her office. I looked outside to see my dad’s car still not at home.

“Have a wonderful time dear. Please be quiet when you return.” I smiled at my mom and nodded.

“Sure thing mother,” I disliked my mother at times. She was so dumb; my father on the other hand was smart. He knew I wouldn’t come home tonight, he also knew I would most likely drink. But did he care? Did any of our parents, when you’re in my family and with lots of money, parents never cared what you did.

I walked outside with Grant and got into his little silver car. He started the engine, which hummed almost silently before speeding down the driveway onto the street.
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