You would think Boarding School was boring.

Chapter eighteen.

I was standing in front of my mirror. I had on my dress for tonight, I sighed. I looked so boring tonight; I haven’t cared much for my appearance lately. I ran a blush brush over my cheeks and slid some lip-gloss on.

I slid some shoes on and sprayed my perfume. I took one more glance in the mirror before heading downstairs. I was going with Grant and Keirsten. Grant didn’t care about coming to pick me up.

“You ready to go?” Keirsten asked. She was her bubbly self, she was smiling at me, and I smiled back and nodded.

“You’re staying the whole night this time.” Grant added opening the door for us; we walked out to the limo and slid in.

“I know Grant, you and everyone else have been telling me that.” It’s true, ever since we all climbed into the giant car to drive us home last night. Zak made sure to sit next to me, he knew I would fall asleep, and sure enough I did.

“Well it’s true, we’re all tired of Zak’s arse of a father ruining our night.”

“He ruined your night? I’m pretty sure he has been messing things up for me, not you.”I added as I made my self comfortable.

“Well yeah, I mean at the last party, when you left, Zak was all mopey.”

I sighed and tried not to think about Thanksgiving. It was one sucky night. “Yeah well, he’s convinced that we’re dancing tonight.”

“Oh he is. That’s all he would talk about last night.” I groaned and looked out the window. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not over Zak, not in the least bit. But I didn’t want to make his life worse when he went back home.

We pulled up to Grant’s house and walked in. Everyone else had dates, except me. Whoopee. I was going to have a wonderful time, NOT. Everyone was dancing, and I was sitting at a table. Yay for wonderful family parties, God, kill me now.

*Zak’s point of view*

I saw her sitting down; my heart broke over and over. This stupid date my father set up for me, wouldn’t disappear. I spotted Grant and smiled, he leaned down and Keirsten nodded and ran off to find Ava. Grant walked over and smiled at the stupid girl next to me.

“May I have this dance?” He asked holding out his hand, she blushed and giggled. God gag me, she’s so annoying. I patted his back and pushed my way through the crowd. I soon found her; Keirsten spotted me, pulled her up and pushed her outside.

I snuck out and walked up behind them, slipped my hand into hers, and continued to walk. We kept walking till we were a safe distance from the house; we could still hear the music, just like I wanted.

“Zak, what are you doing?”

“Dancing with you my lady,” She smiled and I took her hand. She brought her body close to mine, he head rested on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her more and she sighed.
“I missed you,” she breathed. I looked down and smiled.

“I missed you too Ava. We will be together soon.” She nodded and snuggled closer to my body.

All too soon the song ended, I told her to go in first and I slowly made my way in. Grant was bringing back, whatever her name was, to me. Just another forty-five minutes.

*Ava’s point of view*

I hated sneaking around. I made me anxious and nervous, my nerves were already shot. I took a sip of water and sat down and tried to relax. I knew we could be together at the party later on. I just needed to try and wait that long.

Just another twenty minutes.

Finally! I grabbed Mel’s outstretched hand and we made our way to the back house. The second we entered the music blared, lights were turned off, and party lights turned on. Drinks were served and everyone started dancing.

I felt a new hand in mine and smiled when I felt tingles shoot up my arm. He pulled me out of the center of the dancing and into the back room. I smiled up at him and decided to do what I’ve been longing to do. I leaned up and pushed my lips onto his.

He smiled and pulled me closer, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted me up a little, now we were level in height. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. “I love you Zak.”

I felt his heart speed up and he grinned. “I’m so happy to hear you say that. I love you too
Ava.” He leaned down and gave me another kiss.

“I don’t care what it takes; I don’t like not being with you.” I said after he put me back down. He was holding my waist as I leaned against the wall.

“I don’t like it either. I’m going to talk to my father tomorrow.”

I sighed and hugged him. “What if he is still angry?”

“I don’t care, when we’re at school there’s nothing he can do.” I looked up and kissed him again.

Eventually we went back out and I danced with the girls and he hung back with the boys. We didn’t want word getting back to his father.

The party ended around 2; I was exhausted at this point. I was about to get in the car with Cory when I was pulled backwards, I turned and smiled when I saw Zak. He slipped something into my bag and whispered, “Don’t open it until tomorrow.” He kissed my hand before disappearing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hm, so kind of short, even though it took up three pages on word.
But there is a second part to this chapter, which you MIGHT get tomorrow!

Thank you my loyal readers who sent me awesome comments!
If you comment me, I will return the favor. I love talking and meeting people.

Well, I hope everyone has an awesome New Years!

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