Shadows of Vengeance

Chapter 9

We ended up wasting almost 2hours. It was about 3:30 and nothing new was really going on.
“Hey, the beer guys need some help.” Brian said getting up. “And if we want beer for later we better go help them.” He grabbed my hand and helped me up.
“Well, looks like I am helping then huh?” I slipped off my heels and walked after Brian. We arrived to a small concession stand and started to load beer on to these cart. I was in charge of making sure that none of them fell off the cart, and if they did I had to grab them. We were passing by one of the entrances and you could see all of the fans, well the ones waiting at that particular gate, and I spotted Lyssa.
“Bri, I got to go Lyssa is here. But please don’t tell Matt where she is.” I said running out of the door. I ran up to her and scooped her into a hug
“LYSSA!” I screamed
“MEGY!” she said squeezing me as hard as she could.
“What the hell are you wearing?” I said looking at her.
“Oh but I wanted to show off this.” I said turning around and hearing her gasp “isn’t it amazing?”
“Yes, I can’t believe you did it though. It is beautiful, I love the colors.” She said running her finger over it.
“Oh, Megan this is Jaxcoby. He is the one who did this tattoo. And of course you remember Kayla!” she said pointing to the two people standing beside her.
“Oh my God Kayla I didn’t even recognize you. Give me a hug girl.” I exclaimed pulling her into a hug.
“I missed you.” Kayla whispered into my ear.
“I know. Well, I was helping someone and I really need to go back. I will see you at the show right?” I asked Lyssa
“I guess hey, is Avenged here?” she asked, I was assuming that she did not tell Kayla or Jaxcoby who she was dating.
“Um yeah, don’t you have passes?”
“Well yeah. Hey can you go get me some more clothes. I don’t want to meet them in this.” She winked at me. I knew that she was planning on surprising Matt.
“Yeah, I will go get you something, maybe a shirt.” I walked back inside. “Bri, I need a shirt, a big one.”
“Can I ask why?” he laughed placing another beer on the cart.
“Lyssa is here and she wants to see you guys, and she doesn’t want Matt to see what she is wearing to the show.”
“Ok, that is weird but ok, I will get her one.” He walked off to the room that we had come from and came back with a shirt. “Is this ok?” he asked holding it up.
“Perfect.” I took the shirt and ran back outside. “Here you go.” I handed Lyssa the shirt and she quickly pulled it on and took her heels off. She ran through the stadium leaving Kayla and Jaxcoby with me.
“Well then, that was weird.” Jaxcoby laughed.


Megan handed me one of Brian’s shirts and I was so excited to see Matt that I took off without Jax and Kayla. I ran all the way to the dressing room, where I found Jimmy.
“JIMMY!” I screamed as I ran up to him, I jumped into his arms and he hugged me
“lyssa, I missed you. How have you been?” he pushed me away to look at me, “and why are you wearing Brian’s clothes? Is there something I should know about?” he joked.
“No, I just didn’t want Matt to see this.” I pulled off the shirt and showed him the tattoo.
“Wow that is amazing. When did you do that?” He said lightly touching it.
“Um the day that you guys left. Do you think he will like it?” I was worried that he wouldn’t
“He will love it. Has he seen you yet?” he asked twirling his drum sticks.
“Nope, do you know where he is at?”
“I believe he is in the bathroom. It is about 20 feet that way.” He pointed to the right.
“Ok thanks.” I said running out of the room. I opened the men’s bathroom door, and I heard him singing. He was on the other side of the wall; the way the bathroom was set up was like this. When you first walked in there was a wall with a counter and mirrors, on the other side of that wall was the sinks and the toilets. I sat on the counter listening to him sing. I felt my phone start to vibrate.
“Hello?” I whispered
“Hey baby. Are you here?” he asked.
“Um I don’t know.” I said not being able to come up with anything. I stepped from behind the wall and he was turned around. I walked back behind the wall. “if I were there what would you do?” I whispered into the receiver.
“Well, I would hug you and kiss you. Then I would have mad crazy sex with you, and then I would hug and kiss you some more.” After that I hung up. “What the fuck? She hung up on me. I’m going to find her.” He said shoving his phone in his pocket. He went to walk out of the door when I grabbed him by the arm.
“Gotcha!” I laughed.
“What are you doing in the men’s bathroom? And how long have you been in here?” his smile kept growing wider and his dimples growing deeper.
“Oh, since you called.” I said setting on the counter so that I was eye taller. “Did you miss me?” I asked
“Of course I did. Where’s your friend?” he asked pulling me into a hug.
“Oh she is outside. With Megan I think. Well that is where I left her.” I said pulling his face closer and into a kiss. I let the kiss get deeper as he laid me down on the counter. He too got onto the counter and on top of me. He started to feel around my body as my hands searched around his back.
“I missed you so much Matt. Don’t tease me please.” I said looking into his eyes.
“I missed you too.” He said, while I was fumbling around with his belt.
“Why the hell did you have to wear this damned belt? Help me out here.” I said trying to pull the belt off. He took it off in one swift move and threw it on the floor. I unzipped and pushed his pants down. I felt his finger hook into my thong and pull it off and throw it onto the floor. I pushed his boxers down to where his pants were around his ankles.
“Matt. I want to be on top.” I whispered into his ear. I saw a devious smile sweep across his face, as he helped me on top of him. I smiled down at him and he smiled back. I slowly slid him inside me and moaned as his full length was in me. I started to slowly rock back and forth.
“God, damn babe, you are so fucking tight.” He groaned grabbing my hips forcing me to ride him harder. He ended up flipping us over so that he was on top, he forced himself in deeper and his thrust got harder.
“Oh fuck Matt.” I screamed out, the moans echoing off of the wall. I felt him hitting the spot as he moaned and thrust into me harder. I felt myself tighten around him when he let out the loudest groan I have ever heard and I felt him spill inside of me. We rode out our orgasm and he collapsed on top of me.
“Thank God you came.” He panted kissing me.
“You really did miss me huh?” I laughed trying to push him off of me. “Come on get up. I want you to meet some people.” I said getting up and pulling my thong back on, I watched as he pulled his pants up and buckled his belt. He grabbed me and spun me around bringing my lips into a passionate kiss. I took his hand and led him out of the bathroom, we walked through the venue to the large entrance that I had been waiting at, and there was Kayla, Jax and Megan. I walked outside and grabbed Kayla and Jax hand, I had left Matt at the door. I saw all the fans start to freak out when he walked out and towards me.
“Why did you come out?” I asked
“Look you have been gone long enough. I don’t want to be away from you anymore.” He said pulling me to him and holding my hips. I saw people all around us snapping pictures; I would just have to wait to see what magazine this would make it to.
“Your boyfriend is M Shadows?” Jax asked with big eyes as I shook my head. “I was in his house?” he looked at me and smiled.
“Yep, and you slept in Johnny’s bed!” I laughed when his mouth fell.
“Holly shit. This is UN fucking believable, you are going to let me meet Brian right?” Kayla asked.
“Well of course.” I laughed. I pressed myself closer to Matt’s body. I saw everyone looking at us. “So, tonight starts my tour with you guys. Are you excited?” I asked him.
“Well, yeah. Oh and I have something that I want to ask you.” He smiled.
“What?” I laughed as he turned me around and grabbed my hand and pulled them to his chest.
“We are going on a world tour, and I want to know if you will come with me?” when he said this everything went black. And I don’t remember anything but waking up on a red couch in a cool room. Matt was sitting on the floor beside me with his head on the couch.
“What the fuck happened?” I asked looking at him.
“Oh you passed out. I guess you were happy or something.” He laughed kissing my forehead.
“Well, duh. You just asked me on a world tour with you.” I laughed, he was so dumb sometimes.
“Well, will you come? We will be going home right after we finish with this little one and get your stuff, get things situated there, and then we will be leaving. It is all up to you. We will be gone for like a year though. You make the call. I would love for you to come but I am not going to make you.” He said looking in my eyes.
“Are you stupid? Of course I want to come. I love you and I don’t want to be away from you for that long, not to mention I have always wanted to see the world.” I said setting up and kissing him.
“Good because I would have been depressed if you would have said no. well we only have about an hour until the show starts. And I know that you want to watch from the crowd so I will get you out there.” He picked me up bridal style and carried be to the floor. Any other time I would have thrown a fit to be put down but right now I really didn’t want to fight it, or him. I had missed him and at that moment I was falling even deeper in love with him. No one else was let in at the moment, so I stood by the gate talking to the security guards, telling them how I was with Matt and all. They were big softies, they asked how we met and it seemed like we were only talking for about 10 minutes when crazy fans came running through the door. I took my place where Matt told me. I had also told the security guards that I had two friends that needed to be by me. They made sure to get them escorted in first, so by the time the fans were crowding in and all they were by me.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” They were both saying.
“Goodness guys, shut up. So what? Don’t let anyone else hear you. Goodness.” I said looking towards the stage.
“How the fuck are you guys doing tonight?” I heard Jared Weeks come out and ask. Everyone went screaming. I watched Saving Abel’s set and then Shinedown’s. Brent Smith was so hot and when he came up to the gate and was right in my face it was amazing. I fucking touched the man. I could not wait to get to know him more. Hinder played right after. The first song being “up all night” from their newest album. That song always gets me into party mode. As much as I like Hinder I could not wait for them to get off of the stage and let my man have the stage. We waited for about 30 minutes for the stupid Barry brothers to set up. The curtain was pulled and blue lights came on with smoke rolling out over the audience. I heard the clarinet start playing and I knew that they were opening with “little piece of heaven” I pulled off Brian’s shirt revealing my dress that I was wearing. When Matt saw me his eyes got huge. I couldn’t stop laughing. I saw Zack and smiled and waved at him. When he got a break he waved back and smiled. Brian walked over to play side by side with Zack that was when I threw him back his shirt!
“THANKS BRI!!!” I screamed over the music. They played Critical Acclaim, Bat Country, Beast and the Harlot, Seize the Day, Dear God, Gunslinger, Afterlife, and Unholy Confessions. But when they played Chapter Four I took off my thong and threw it to Matt. He grabbed it and smiled at me. The song ended and he looked at to the crowd.
“Well, well. Look what I have. Some Zebra print thongs. Now, who threw these?” he asked waving them in the air. “Man and I smell sex on them.” I looked at him and my mouth flew open and I turned red. I couldn’t believe what he was doing. “I think I might hang on to these. If that girl wants them back she better meet me at my bus as soon as I get there.” I laughed showing his dimples.
“Girl I can not believe you are getting invited back to Matt’s bus.” This girl that had been standing next to me said.
“Yeah, me either.” I laughed. As soon as the crowd had been dispersed enough for me to get through I walked towards the exit. I told Jax and Kayla to meet me back at the bus. I pushed through the crowed that had grown around the security guards, and showed them my pass. I walked back to the dressing room to find Johnny putting his bass in its case.
“Hello their Johnny.” I said pulling him into a hug. I was looking for Matt but I found Johnny and I knew that he would make me happy.
“Hey Lyssa, I missed you.” He said hugging me back. I knew that Johnny liked me but wasn’t going to let it get between him and Matt, which was good.
“How have you been?” I asked setting on the couch and taking my heels off.
“Good. I mean doing the typical thing that we do on tour.” He laughed. I loved Johnny, one he was my size and closer to my age, two he always knew how to cheer me up. “Here have a beer lighten up.” He said throwing a can of beer at me. See what I mean, I don’t even like beer.
“No thanks, I don’t like beer.” I said setting it down on the table in the corner. “Do you know where Matt is?” I asked putting my heels back on.
“Yeah, he went back to the bus, probably waiting to see what that hoe that threw her panties on stage looks like.” He said laughing.
“Hey, that was me. And I am not a hoe.” I said walking out. Listening to him laugh, I walked to the bus and saw a crowd gathered around it. Megan had written the code on my hand so that I could get in after the show. I pushed pass a bunch of girls in skimpy outfits. I finally got up to the bus and pushed in the code. I walked up the steps into the bus. Jimmy was setting on a couch reading a magazine.
“Hey Jimmy, where is Matt?” I asked taking my shoes off.
“He is in the back.” He said pointing to the back of the bus. I got up and walked that way.
“Matt?” I called as I walked pass the bunks
“Yeah?” he called; I opened a door that leads to a small room with a couch and a TV in it. When I opened the door his face fell “I am in trouble huh?”
“Yes.” I laughed and jumped on top of him.
“What is my punishment?” he asked acting worried.
“I am going to smother you in kisses!” I said grabbing his face and kissing his face all over.
“Oh no, God it burns.” He screamed. I laughed and put my head on his chest. “Can I have my underware back?” I asked looking up at him.
“Hmm I don’t know. It is going to cost you.” He smirked.
“Oh, and what do I have to pay?” I asked innocently.
“Well, I think maybe a round two of earlier.” He said kicking his shoes off and crawling on top of me, he captured me in a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. This was what I loved; this was the man that I was in love with.
“Matt, I love you. I really do. I want you to know that.” I whispered to him.
“Baby, I love you too. When you were not here I was going crazy, and I don’t ever want you to leave my side no matter what.” He said pushing a piece of hair out of my face. He looked down at me.
“Make love to me matt.” I said lost in his hazel eyes. He smiled showing those deep dimples.
“I would love to.” He said running his hands down my back. I turned so that he could untie the back of my dress. “Baby, what is this?” he asked running a hand over my tattoo. I had totally forgotten that I had not showed him.
“Oh, that it is my new tattoo. Do you like it?” I asked picking up my hair.
“I love it, I just I didn’t expect it.” he said kissing me down my back, softly touching the skin that was now covered in ink. He slowly untied the tie that was around my neck holding the dress up. The front fell down and I let my hair fall with it, before wiggling out of the dress I pulled his shirt off. I was in nothing while he still had his pants on. He pulled them off along with his boxers. He pulled me back into a kiss and slowly laid me onto the bed. He was gentle and I knew that this moment meant a lot to him. He slowly pushed himself into me. I let out a small room, his size still surprised me. He went slow but not too slow, we savored every moment of it, there was so much love between us and it did not matter whether we were having sex or not, this was different. I had never had this with someone. It was only a matter of time until he started thrusting into me harder, but there was still love in it. I just knew that the bus was shaking, and I was moaning loudly. I had missed this. He let out a load groan and spilled as I tightened. We were both panting, when he laid beside me and pulled me closer to him. He didn’t say anything but I knew exactly what he was thinking. Right there was where I belonged, in his arms. I looked up at him slowly.
“Baby, you have fans waiting for you.” I said tracing the tattoos on his arm.
“You are coming with me.” He said running his fingers through my hair. I got up and pulled on my dress.
“Can I have my underwear back now?” I asked. He handed them to me. “Thank you. Now get dressed.” I laughed as I pulled them on and walked out of the room. He soon followed.
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Ok readers i want and need some feedback to be able to keep writing this story. If you read my story all i'm asking for is a lil comment. It can be about anything. Things you like about the story and even things you don't. OH and i'm still looking for girlfriends for Jimmy and Johnny. So if your interested in being in my story contact me and will see what happends.

COMMENTS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! and thanks