Shadows of Vengeance

Chapter 4


We arrived at T.G.I. Fridays, that was one of my favorite places. He helped me out of the large vehicle, seeing as how I could hardly climb in it I might hurt myself trying to get out. Before he set me on the ground he gave me a passionate kiss, it was almost like I could feel the electricity between us. We walked into the restaurant hand in hand, I was hoping that he wouldn’t mind people seeing us, he was still wearing his shades but I decided that it was up to him if he wanted people to know or not. The waitress sat us at our booth, but not before staring at Matt.
“what would you like to drink?” she asked looking at me,
“oh I will have a coke.” I said smiling awkwardly; it was hard to see other girls gawk at him the way I knew she was.
“and I will have the same, don’t really feel like drinking right now.” He said smiling at me.
“wow, that must be a first, you not drinking?” I looked at him quizzically.
“well, I want to remember my last two days here with you.” The way he spoke was sweet and I knew that it was good to believe him. It made tears swell up in my eyes to realize that I still only had today and tomorrow with him. He had became my oxygen, how would I breath without him? I couldn’t, I just knew that I would not be able to bare one day without him.
“so how long is this tour?” I asked really fearing the answer.
“oh, this is only a Cali. Tour so its only about a month, but its not like they are all too far away. So maybe you could come to one when your not busy.” He said sipping from his glass. “god, im really not use to drinking non alcoholic drinks anymore.” He said making a scrunched up face. I laughed at the way he said it, and he smiled, his dimples melting my heart once more. When the waitress came back to take our order she slipped him something, it was a piece of paper. ‘oh my god, she has the audacity to give him her number while he is here with a girl, as if he would ever go for that. Her ass is not big enough. Maybe Zacky, but not Matt.’ He unfolded it and laughed, looking over at me. I smiled and laughed!
“what? I thought that you would be mad.”
“nope, you would never be into her.” I said smiling.
“and what makes you think that?” he said smirking and checking her out.
“because if you were looking at the things that you like most, you would see that she has no ass. So I have nothing to worry about.” I smiled at him and giggled.
“wow, your right! I guess you are safe.” He grinned at me and laughed.
he threw the paper in a bus boy’s pan so that he wouldn’t have to deal with it later.
“I hate when girls do that. Especially when you have a girl with you.” He just laughed it off, and I wasn’t worried about it anymore. We enjoyed our food. He couldn’t believe that I could eat a double bacon cheeseburger and fries. So I had to show him.
“and how are you so tiny?” he asked in amazement.
“I don’t know.” I laughed because it was the truth I didn’t know. I was just naturally skinny.
“well, im ready when you are.” He said placing the money in the black case.
“yeah, im good. Are we going home?” I asked, really I had wanted to go to best buy and buy some cds.
“we can go wherever you like.” He smiled as we walked out of the door.
“ok I want to go to the mall, there are some cds I want to pick up and maybe some clothes.”
“oh, what cd do you want? I might have it.” He pulled out a huge cd case.
“oh I wanted to buy one of you guy’s, I mean so that I know your songs before I go to a concert.” He just looked at me, he pulled out their most recent cd and handed me the booklet.
“pick a song. Anyone they are all great!” I looked through the booklet,
“um seize the day. I think I know that one.” He flipped to the song and it started. “yes, I love this song. And the video. I cant believe you had to get naked for it. That was great!”
“god, please don’t even bring that up.” He sighed and I just sat in my seat thinking. “Matt, will you promise me something?” I was about to take a big risk and I really hoped that he wouldn’t lose it on me, Johnny had warned us against his anger.
“I don’t know what is it?” he looked at me through the shades.
“if you do sleep with someone will you promise to tell me, I don’t want to hear it from someone else. I mean I would rather you didn’t but, if you do, if you told me it would help me deal with it better.” I just looked at him hoping that he wouldn’t take it too wrongly.
“I promise, I will always tell you anything.” He took my hand and kissed it. How am I supposed to believe all of Johnny’s stories about Matt being mean when he acted like this? “yay,” I exclaimed as we pulled up to the mall. “do you know how long it has been since I went shopping?”
“no, but im sure it has felt like forever to you huh?” he laughed, knowing that I would over exaggerate.
“oh my god! yes. Back home we lived in the middle of no where so I had to make a long drive just to go grocery shopping.” I flung open the door and jumped down before he even had time to get out. “wow, its huge.”
“you can tell you are not a city girl!” he grabbed my waist as we walked. I leaned my head into his chest. This was one time that I wished I was way taller. Perhaps a foot would be nice, seeing as how he was like 6 ‘1.
“nope. Pure country.” I giggled. We walked through the huge double doors into the mall, the smell of the great food and the sound of random voices excited me. the first thing that I saw was a bath and body works. “oh my lets go in there. I can get some stuff that smells good. All Megan buys is that icky bar soap.” I picked up my favorite velvet tuberose and Japanese cherry blossom, body wash and spray. “this is my favorite! Smell.” I opened the bottle and pushed it towards his nose.
“I like that.” His lips curled into a smile and he took it from me. “im going to buy it.”
“oh no your not. I don’t want you to buy me anything! I have my own money. You already bought lunch.” I jumped to try and get the bottle out of his hand, which was over his head. “ugh fine I give up, your impossible.”
“I’m impossible? You’re the one who wont let me buy you stuff. Plus I need to get you some stuff to keep at my house that way you don’t have to smell like me.” I handed him the other bottles as he went to check out. I held his hand as we walked out of the store. Across the strip was a hot topic.
“ok now we definitely have to go in there. I want some new clothes.” I pulled him into the store. This one was way bigger than the ones in Louisiana, those were just tiny little dark corners in the mall. “hey what do you think of this one?” I said holding up a skimpy plaid skirt that just barely covered my ass.
“I would love it so much more on you. You are getting that.” He snatched it from my hands. “what about this?” he asked holding up some skimpy little underware. “you could wear these for me tomorrow night.” He grinned and his dimples made me smile too. Soon he had his arms full of clothes for both of us.
“aww look.” I said picking up a cute little Avenged Sevenfold baby suit “its adorable. These are the things that make me want to have a baby.” I laughed while putting it back.
“yeah, that is pretty cute! Maybe in a few years.” He laughed kind of uneasy.
“I am so not saying that I want a baby now, I am not ready to settle down yet, much less share you.” I cuddled up to his arm, he was so warm, not that it was cold but it made me comfortable.
“alright where to next?” he asked carrying all of our bags.
“I will let you pick, where do you want to go?” he pulled my hand toward the music shop.
“I want to get the Nightmare before Christmas, mine got stole on the last tour.”
“I love that movie. Tim Burton is a genius. Have you seen the corpse bride?” I looked up at him.
“no, is it any good?”
“it is epic. Any Tim Burton film is great!” I walked towards one of the corners and they had a whole shelf devoted to Tim Burton movies. “I want to buy you these, so that you have something to do when im not around and your on tour.” I had Sleep Hollow, Corpse Bride, Beetle Juice, Edward Scissor hands, and the Nightmare before Christmas. I ran to the front of the store before he could stop me and paid for them.
“ok you got me.” he held his hand out for the bag, I gladly handed it over.
“well, I have nothing more to get.” I said walking out of the music shop.
“wait, there is a store with nothing but sun glasses I must go.” He pulled me with him. We tried on random glasses, some huge others small and round. He chose a big pair of aviators, of course.
“I love those on you.” I said as he put them on when we walked outside.
“thank you. I think that these would look great on you.” He handed me his old ones and I put them on. “absolutely beautiful. Now you officially belong to me, I can claim you.” He smiled, I leaned into him and gave him a passionate kiss.
“now we belong together?” I asked giving him a seductive look.
“well, we should celebrate!” I exclaimed tracing his body with my hands, he grinned at me as I traced his inner thigh. I gave him a sly smile, as I saw that he was enjoying every touch. He sped up and slung in the drive way. He scooped me up and ran through the house. He tossed me on a random bed, I knew that it wasn’t his bed the room was different. He got on top of me and started kissing me down my body. He started to message my breast, but not before he ripped my shirt off of me.
“oh Matt, why must you ruin everything?” I panted as he was taking my pants off.
“mm because I cant wait that long.” He explained as I was undoing his blue jeans. It felt almost like a heartbeat and we were almost naked. I felt him slowly take off my panties and throw them across the room, in that quick second he forced himself into me. I gasped in pure pleasure. He started to thrust into me harder.
“oh my god. Harder!” I screamed, he pushed in deeper, I threw my head back while grasping his shoulders, I clawed him knowing that I would leave marks. I was getting closer and closer to releasing that building fire inside of my body.
“I need ** grunts** tell you something.” he said panting.
“is this really the time?” I asked through moans.
“I think I, ugh.” He let out a moan just as I was , he thrust deeper and harder before I felt him come in me. he rolled off of me, and pulled me closer to his body.
“what did you want to tell me?” I asked out of breath.
“oh, its nothing. Don’t worry about it.” He said snuggling me into his chest.
“I have work tonight, are you going to come by?” I asked looking into his eyes
“of course.” He kissed me on the head and rubbed my back. I slowly drifted into sleep. My dream was more of a nightmare, Matt had to leave me but he never came home. It was the one thing that really worried me, that he was just playing with my emotions, I woke up in a panic, I looked around and he was still there.
“what is wrong?” he asked when he noticed that I was awake.
“just a, bad dream.” I dropped the subject knowing that I needed to get dressed for work. “what am I going to wear?” I asked myself not expecting and answer.
“wear this.” He had a plaid skirt and a white button up shirt, then he threw some black round toe pumps on the bed.
“um, I have work. Do you really want people looking at me wearing this?” I asked
“I can handle them. I will let you get ready. I need a shower.” He walked out of the room, I plopped down on the bed. He was so sweet, in his own way. Sure he was a little rough around the edges, but that’s why I liked him, he wasn’t like anyone else I had been with. I threw on the clothes. The skirt just barely covered my ass, I buttoned the shirt up about halfway and slipped the pumps on. I walked into whoever’s bathroom it was and found some hair products, thank goodness. I put some hairspray in my hair to give it just a little volume, for the first time in a while my hair was straight. I walked back into the bedroom and turned the light on, I picked up me and Matt’s clothes off of the floor, I noticed that this was Brian’s room. Great, hope he does not mind. I decided that I really did not feel like making the bed, nor did I really care what he thought about it. I walked out of the room to find Matt,
“honey I need to get to work.” I screamed through the house.
“im on it.” He said running through the house grabbing his keys. “lets go.” He said grabbing my hand and rushing me out of the door. “you look, um really really hot.” He looked at me, as I got into the giant vehicle.
“why thank you. You picked it out.”
“and I am kind of sad that I did. Its ok I will enjoy it sooner or later.” He joked looking at the road. I sat silently in my seat, just awaiting to tell Megan all about today. She would want every detail, not to mention that after 9 I would be with Matt again.

We walked into the restaurant as we ordered I noticed people all around staring
“don’t pay them any attention, they just don’t know what to think.” He whispered leaning close to me. I tried to advert my eyes as quickly as possible. We ordered our food, I walked over to the drink machine, I made myself a pepsi and sat down at a table. I looked around and saw more people looking at me, Zacky was still waiting on our food. I flipped open my phone to distract me, nothing, no calls no text messages.
“Lyssa must be having fun, since she hasn’t called you.” I heard Zack say as he sat down.
“oh, yeah really. She is calling non stop, I think I like her having a boyfriend again!” I grabbed my burrito and unwrapped it. We were both eating, but I was starting to not like the stares more and more. I got up and walked outside, leaving Zack and the food. I leaned up against the wall and heard his sweet voice.
“im sorry, I should have known that it was too soon.”
“no, its alright. I just don’t like when people stare at me.” I explained as he rubbed my arm.
“lets go. I don’t want to stay here.” He pulled my hand toward the car. I got in and he closed my door. He got into the driver’s seat and looked at me. “Anything you want to go do? Its only 11 so we have plenty of time.”
We walked into Taco Bell. People started to wave to Zack and girls just shot me death glares, I just looked back grabbing his arm and walking close to him, what the hell was their problem?
“they all know me and have tried to get with me. Don’t worry about them.” He whispered to me. I stood right beside him as we waited in line.
“Hay Zack!” I turned to see a guy walking up to us. “DO IT!” Zack laughed and went up to him and gave him one of those “man” hugs.
“oh, this is Brian. Brian this is Megan.” I shook his hand. He had long scraggly black hair and a goatee thing going on. He wasn’t too bad to look at but I definitely would take Zack over him.
“mind if I set with you guys?” he asked standing by Zack. “damn you got all these girls jealous. Little Zacky is wanted.” He messed with Zack’s hair, Zack just shot him a death glare and shook his hair back into place.
“what do you want to eat?” he asked as we walked up to the counter.
“umm give me a number 7 with a mountain dew!” I turned and sat down at a table. I looked up to see so many girls still glaring at me. ‘oh great now im going to have all of the girls in Huntington against me.’ I knew then that my only girl friend would be Lyssa.
“hey don’t worry about them they are stupid.” Jason said handing me my drink. “plus you get used to being the center of attention.” He sat down across from me. Zacky soon joined us with the food. He sat next to me as I grabbed my stuff.
“thanks.” I said unwrapping a taco.
“no problem. So we going to hang out again tonight?” he looked at me, being absolutely serious. I had totally forgotten that we had only lived here for two days now. And already were going off with guys, it was so not like me.
“um yeah, I mean I have work but you could come hang out there.”
“we will. You know it saddens me that we are going to be leaving tomorrow.” He was talking to Jason. And in that moment I remembered that they were leaving, and my heart broke once more. I felt tears almost swell into my eyes, but I knew better. I was not the type to show how I really felt, I just kept it in. sometimes me and Lyssa would talk about it, but most of the time I just held it in. not to mention that I had to prepare myself for Lyssa’s emotions, I just knew that she would be bawling until Matt came home. Its just how she was. I was silent the whole time that we were eating, between thinking and feeling self conscious due to all the stares. I slowly got up and threw my stuff away, then stepped outside to smoke. It was only a matter of time before Zack came out to look for me. But really I didn’t care, I needed some time to think, absorb everything.
“hey, I was wondering where you went.” I heard Zacky’s voice say as he walked towards me.
“oh yeah, I needed a cigarette, and some fresh air.”
“well, that makes a whole lot of sense.” He sat down on the concrete curb and looked straight ahead, no eye contact with anything, almost like he was in a daze.
“so I need to be getting home. I have work in a hour.” I looked down at him.
“sure. Lets go.” He got up and took my hand in his. He pressed his lips against mine, before grabbing my waist. He walked me to the car. the ride back to my house was silent. Only his humming could be heard. We pulled into the driveway.
“ok so I will see you tonight?!” I asked before closing the door.
“yep. See you later Megan” he looked at me through his glasses. I could feel him watch me as I pranced into the house.
I looked around my room which only had boxes in it.
“well, guess I have to dig for some clothes. Yay!” I plopped down on the ground and started digging through one of the boxes. I decided on some blue sweats and a pink shirt. “well, this will work.” I pulled on my black hoodie. I sat down on the dusty couch, turned on my laptop. ‘I should burn a cd to play tonight.’ So I did. A bunch of random songs that me and Lyssa loved. Right when the cd was finished burning my cell phone rang.
“MEGAN!!!!!!” Lyssa screamed into the phone.
“yes?” I was now getting a head ache from her high pitched voice.
“matt is going to bring me to work so I wont be coming home. Okie?”
“sure! Hey I burned us a cd. I took what Jimmy told us into concede ration. So be prepared to dance and stuff tonight!”
“oh yeah im gonna do my my party dance!!!” she was yelling again and I heard Matt laugh before she hung up. She was so random.
Time flew by as I sat on my laptop talking to old friends who really meant nothing to me. I jumped in the car and was on my way down the long strip of buildings, I never took the time to take in my surroundings yesterday. But today I did, everything seemed so surreal still. I pulled into the parking lot and saw Matt’s hummer, so I knew that Lyssa was here.
“MEGAN!!!” she screamed crashing into me. She had tackled me to the floor and was kissing my face. “I missed you” she looked me in the eyes and smiled. I pushed her off of me and stood up. Brushing myself off.
“Lyssa, what are you wearing?” I was looking her up and down
“oh I let matt pick out my clothes!” she was tossing her hair around and I could see her shaking, there was only two things that made her act like this and they were a mix.
“Lyssa, did Matt give you Skittles and a Monster?” I asked quietly
“no.” she looked around and burped.
“wait was I not supposed to?” Matt asked worried.
“oh god. You are really going to see the crazy Lyssa tonight.” I laughed at him because he made a worried face as Lyssa just smiled at him. We walked behind the bar to take people’s orders. Matt had left and said that he was going to be back later. So me and Lyssa were hanging out, and she was taking random shots and making bets with people about how many she could do. It was only a matter of time before she was tipsy and hyper. A bad mixture for anyone. I saw Zack walk into the door, I ran up to him and hugged him, he swung me around and pressed me against the wall and kissed me. It was so spontaneous. Lyssa on the other hand yelled at Matt, but ran up to Jimmy and hugged him. I could tell that those two were going to be close, both random. I had taken a friendship up with Matt. I could tell that we were all going to be friends no matter where the relationships go. Next thing I knew Jimmy and Lyssa were on the floor having a tickle fight and rolling around.
“ahh Jimmy stop that!!!” Lyssa screamed flopping around the floor while Jimmy laughed and tickled her. The whole bar got quiet.
“Jimmy, what the hell is your problem?” Matt asked forcing Jimmy off of Lyssa and holding here.
“sorry man, it was just funny.” Jimmy walked off into the crowd.
“Mah Hero!!” Lyssa squeled in her country voice, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him. I saw Matt smile and grab her ass. Soon there was a loud smack and Matt’s face fell in shock.
“don’t do that.” She glared at him, her hands on her hips.
“wow, you have some balls, no one has ever hit him and walked away.” Brian gushed.
“you didn’t mind it earlier?” Matt questioned rubbing his face.
“we were at home. Ugh.” She giggled at him and kissed where she had smacked him.
They walked off together, I watched them until I felt Zack wrap his arms around my waist and press kisses into my neck.
“they are so random. He is really into her.” He laughed into my neck. I stroked his hair and spun around. I wrapped my arms around his neck and fell into his passionate kiss.
“excuse me, could you stop swapping spit and come make me a drink?!” one of our regular guys yelled slamming his glass on the table. I walked back behind the bar and poured the man his drink. Zacky sat at one of the bar stools so he would still be able to talk to me.
“omg I only have like 3 more hours until my shift is over. This job sucks man.” I threw my rag that I was using to wipe the table down and slumped over.
“its ok. Once you get off you can hang out with me …somewhere besides here.” Zack looked at me and smiled.
“do you ever not think about sex?”
“well, its its its…im leaving tomorrow. I wont be able to have you for a whole month.” He exaggerated the month part.
“I need a drink!” I turned and got a shot of tequila.
“you cant drink on the job.”
“Lyssa has been doing it all night!” I threw the shot down my throat and swallowed before coughing. “that was *cough* good.”
“your such a light weight.” He laughed.
“oh, would you like to have a competition, Mr. Baker.” I smiled at him inching closer to his face.
“well, um.” He stumbled over his words. “What is the reward if I win?” he sat back and smiled.
“well, I will be drunk, so.. you can think of the possibilities.” I smiled at him seductively
“ok im down.”
“oh but wait. What if I win?” I asked pointing to myself
“anything you want babe.” I knew what he was thinking just by looking at the hopeful grin on his face.
“you shouldn’t have said that” I mumbled under my breath so that he couldn’t hear me. “alright I will think of that later.” I poured about 10 shots and sat them in front of us. “alright now, we need someone to count, that way it is fair.” I looked around the room and saw Matt and Lyssa, she needed to get over here and fill in for me. “Lyssa!! Come here!” I yelled across the bar and she turned and skipped over to me with Matt in tow.
“yes?!?!” she looked at me then looked down and the shot glasses and laughed. I knew that she knows whats going on.
“Matt could you count. Me and Zack are having a competition to see who can take the most shots, and we need a counter.” He smiled at me, this huge Cheshire cat smile.
“sure. Lyssa throw me a pen.” He put his hands out to catch the pen that Lyssa hurled through the air, but it just hit Zack in the head. “ok, now who wants to go first?”
“Ladies first!” Zack offered.
“ugh fine.” I grabbed the first glass and shot it down. The burning liquid slipping slowly down my throat. I reached for the next, the taste was starting to not bother me anymore. The only thing that I remembered next was giving up at 18. I put my head down on the bar. I felt Lyssa pat me on the back. She bent down to ear level with me.
“I think you will win, don’t worry. And I know what we can make him do.” This made me smile when she laughed. After a while of taking a break my stomach didn’t feel as bad, sure I was drunk but I felt better.
“ok Mr. Baker, its your turn.” I pushed him the first shot glass.
“ok. Here it goes.” He shot it down quick with no problem.
“yeah, come on Zack just like I taught you.” Matt said smiling. His dimples were very predominant it was adorable.
Lyssa was giggling and making me some water to drink. Zack was throwing them back like they were water, I started to regret ever making this deal with him. I soon realized that I would loose. Zacky looked at me and smiled. He was at 17.
“ok I cant go anymore.” He smiled at me “you win!”
“what I so know that you could beat me. your lying.” I jumped up and tried to dance.
“Megan, do you have that CD?” Lyssa suddenly reminded me of the mixed CD that I had brought with me.
“its in my bag, go get it.” She ran to the bar and reached under it and pulled out my purse. She rummaged through it until she found the CD case. She quickly opened it and pulled the CD out. She stretched to reach the player but failed.
“Matthew!!! I need your help.” She said still stretching. He ran over to her and grabbed her waist, lifting her to reach. He sat her on the counter and placed a kiss on her forehead. I saw her blush, then one of the song started. It was Britney Spear’s Womanizer.
“ahhh Megan I love this song.” She exclaimed jumping off of the counter and started dancing. We all just watched her, she was putting her hands in the air and shaking her hips. I looked at Zack and bit my bottom lip. I just wanted to let go and dance. He smiled back at me, so I knew it was ok. I started to grind him, and throw my hands up in the air. Soon me and Lyssa some how got to dancing together. We were singing and smack each other on the ass. I looked over to see Matt and Zacky staring at us and smiling.
“man if we were to do that it would be gay. But they are just hott.” Matt laughed looking at Zacky.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry that this update took so long, i have been really busy with homecoming and finding a job and school, and i am also sorry that day 2 still has not ended. and that they are so long, but its ok because it just makes it that much better.
Thank you to our people who have been keeping up with us!
we would like some feed back from you guys! talk to us!

So whos excited for Twilight!!! i know i am! and im attending the Biloxi show with Shine down, Saving Abel, and Buckcherry! anyone else going??