Shadows of Vengeance

chapter 6


I awoke in Zack’s bunk to a very angry Matt. I sat up to look at him, the veins in his neck were popping out, this scared me. He turned and walked out, I heard the bus squeal to a hault and the door slam.
“WHAT THE FUCK MAN? YOU KNOW THE RULES AND YEAT YOU ARE GOING TO FUCKING BRING HER. WHAT THE FUCK? I DIDN’T BRING LYSSA FOR THAT VERY REASON. IT IS NOT FAIR!” matt was obviously yelling a Zack. How had I caused so much trouble? I didn’t want to get in the way of their friendship, so I got out of the tiny bunk and walked outside. We had gotten luck and we had been able to pull into a small gas station. I walked up to Zack and pushed him aside, coming between him and Matt.
“Look I don’t want to cause conflict between you two. I am sorry for coming, Matt I know how you feel for Lyssa. I know that you didn’t want to leave her, but she will be back with you soon. Don’t worry. I love you Matt, but please control yourself, Lyssa doesn’t need another angry, nevermind.” I hugged him and he hugged me back. I looked over his large shoulder to see all of the guys glaring at me in surprise.
“what?” I asked pulling my hair up. Matt had walked off and was back on the bus, I imagine talking to Lyssa. Zack, Johnny and Brian had followed him to make sure everything was cool.
“no one can ever calm him down like that. And what is it that Lyssa doesn’t need another of?” Jimmy asked, while I lit up a cigarette.
“well, you see back in High school and for a year after, Lyssa dated this guy named Branton.” I stopped to take a drag, I blew the smoke out. “well, he was controlling and for all the like 4 years she was with him, he beat her. He had bad anger problems. Well, one day he actually put her in the hospital for over a week, bashed her head against the counter and punched her a few times, she looked really bad, her brain swelled up from the head trauma and she had gashes in her face. She has never trusted another guy with her heart, and I don’t want to see her get hurt again, physically or emotionally.” I looked up at him and took another drag.
“wow, I didn’t know any of that. Well, I know for a fact that he would never hurt her, he might beat the shit out of us but never her. He might get really pissed off and he might have anger problems but he would never hit her or anything. And I thought you said she was a hoe?” He smiled at me.
“I know but what I just saw scared the shit out of me. I mean I don’t think that I can stand to see her like that again. You don’t have to love someone to sleep with them. DUH!” I laughed to myself, thinking back to Lyssa telling me about her latest guy.
“well, I think we should be getting on the bus, they might leave us here.” He laughed as we walked back onto the bus. Matt was on the phone, he was as calm as could be. Zack and Brian were playing Halo while Jimmy was setting on the couch with a bottle of water. I took a spot by Matt. I decided that maybe I should tell him.
“Matt we need to talk.” I said looking at him.
“yeah, Jason I will call you back later.” He pushed his phone back into his pocket “what is it?” he said scanning my face, seeing the worry.
“I don’t want to talk about it here lets go to the back of the bus.” I lead him to the back where there was a small couch with some pillows.
“what is it?” he asked worried. “look if it was about me freaking out, im sorry. I just ----“ I put my finger over his mouth before he could finish.
“no, Matt it is about Lyssa.” He looked at me when I said this.
“what happened?” he grabbed me by the shoulders, not hard just enough to get through that he needed to know.
“no, it nothing that happened recently it is about one of her ex boyfriends, and I think that you should know.” He relaxed a little. “ok here it goes, Lyssa ……………” I trailed off into telling him what I told Jimmy, but not the part about her being a hoe.
“wow, Megan why wouldn’t she tell me that?” he looked broken, I guess it meant something to him that she would have told him.
“its something that she doesn’t talk about. But seeing you freak out like that, made me hope that you are nothing like him.”
“Megan, I would never hurt her.” He hugged me “wait she has only been with one guy before me?” he asked holding me away so he could see me.
“well, here we go. Her and Branton would always break up and when they would she would go out, end up with some guy and having a good time. I mean if I was having bad sex with some guy that controlled me I would do that too.” I laughed and he smiled.
“ok, my next question what caused him to beat her so bad, the last time?” I should have seen this coming I had avoided it with Jimmy.
“this is a really dark spot, but I will tell you. Lyssa thought that she might have been pregnant, it obviously was not his. And I guess he thought that if she was he would get rid of it. So that what he was trying to do, turns out she wasn’t just late.” He looked at me. His face dropped. He slumped down into the couch. I sat by him, I placed my hand on his back and rubbed it “aww Matt it is ok, she has you now. Don’t worry about the past, she has moved on.” I forced a smile. He looked at me.
“but why? How could someone do that to such a wonderful human? Megan I love her, how?” he ran his hands through his hair.
“I know you do. But when you freaked it reminded me of him. I know you would never hurt her.” I kissed his forehead, all of a sudden the door fell and revealed all of the guys lying on top of each other.
“I wanna give Lyssa a big hug now.” Brian said standing up. All of the guys were looking at me and Matt. Everyone grew quiet when Matt’s phone started ringing.

As I watched the bus pull away, my heart broke. There he went as quick as he came into my life he was leaving. I mean I didn’t know what or who he would be doing. And for some reason I couldn’t resist giving him my heart, and I had only met him a few days ago. I waited about 5 hours to call and I only called when I had to.
I waited for him to answer while I listened to the ringing, finally I heard his sweet melodic voice.
“hey babe.” He greeted.
“we love you Lyssa!!!” I heard all of the guys yell into the phone.
“love you too!” I yelled back and I laughed.
“anyways, what are you doing?” he asked letting out a slight laugh.
“I need some help. Where do you keep your toilet paper?” I asked, looking around me again and not being able to find it.
“the toilet paper is under the cabinet.” He laughed knowing that I was setting there looking everywhere.
“hey look I found it. Right behind this box of condoms. Damn who needs a 50 pack?” I laughed and put them back in the cabinet.
“you must be in Brian’s bathroom.” All of the guys were laughing and I could hear Bri telling them to shut up.
“aww let me talk to Brian.” I giggled.
“hey Lyssa!” he exclaimed sounding oddly cheerful.
“hey! I wanted to tell you that your dad is fucking Sexy! I was watching him on youtube!”
“wow, thanks Lyssa! How are you? What are you going to do while we are gone.” I heard a door close, he must have walked out of the room.
“ah nothing, I might go to the movies or something tonight! I cleaned the whole house.”
“ok look, now that I am away from the guys. I heard about what happened with your last boyfriend.” He was whispering,
“how do you know?” I started to feel the pains again, every time I thought about him my head would hurt.
“I heard Megan talking, she told Matt.” He was hesitant to tell me this.
“what? Why?”
“He got upset and flipped on Zack and she just thought that maybe he would do the same to you, I just wanted to tell you so that you know. He is not upset or anything.” I heard a smile in his voice.
“ok. Bri I don’t want to really talk about it, I am over Branton.” I giggled trying to get myself in a better mood.
“yeah! Anyways..” he trailed off.
“I guess you are not having any sex on this tour you left all your condoms! Haha! Look extra large, these must be Matt’s! haha!” I pulled one out of the box “holy crap cotton candy flavored! Can I have it?” I asked even though I didn’t care what he said I was keeping it.
“yeah, you know you are a weird individual! Well Matt looks like he wants to kill me for taking his phone so I will talk to you later! Bye girl!” he laughed realizing how gay he sounded.
“bye Bri!” I giggled back into the phone.
“anyways, what are you going to do tonight?” Matt had gotten his phone back.
“I think I might go to the movies! I don’t know. What are you going to do?” I sat down on the couch and looked out of the huge windows at the ocean.
“absolutely nothing, we are going to be arriving where we are playing tomorrow. so I mean we could get a jump start on set up. Would make more sense. I don’t really know. Babe I want to tell you something.” Oh here we go, that’s what I was thinking because I knew where it was going. “I love you and I would never hurt you. I want you to know that.” He was sincere when he said it.
“I know and I am sorry that I didn’t tell you but, I thought that it was too soon. I guess Megan thinks otherwise.” It pissed me off that she would tell him without even asking me.
“well, anyways I know that you don’t want to talk about it. So when will you join me out here?” he asked like I actually knew.
“I don’t know. Whenever it is ok for me to. Silly.” I giggled. Grabbing a diet coke and walking out on to the sandy shore.
“I want you to come as soon as you can. How about in 3 days? We will be right up in Los Angeles, so you can join us there.” He sounded anxious.
“yeah, I think I can do that.” I smiled taking a sip of the drink. “I miss you already! Its funny we have only really known each other for like what 4 days? And already I am falling in love with you.” I giggled again.
“I know.” He laughed, I wished that I could be there to see his beautiful dimples. I walked back inside and put a cd ,that I had picked up earlier, in the stereo. It started playing Lips of Deceit.
“I love this song!” I started to sing along with Matt’s voice.
“you know, you sound really good. I think that you should defiantly start singing. I will get you lessons.”
“I don’t think that I sound good. But I can give it a try! You know I still need to go to my house and finish up some stuff. I think I am going to walk over there since it is still nice outside.” I slid on my pink flip flops and put on my sunglasses.
‘ok well you have fun. Im about to go talk to the guys.” I walked out of the door holding my purse in one hand and the keys in the other with the phone pressed against my face with my shoulder.
“oh wait I wanted to tell, I stole Bri’s cotton candy flavored condom! Cant wait to use it!” I exclaimed.
“I will take you upon that one.” He laughed. “alright you go have fun call me if you need anything!”
“alright bye!” I giggled
“bye!” I slid my phone shut. Outside it was warm and the wind was blowing. I walked along the long stretch of concrete for what felt like forever, finally arriving at our small home. The step was still broke. I laughed as I walked passed it. I quickly unlocked the door then locked it back. The living room still smelled like dust. I needed to get some cleaning stuff and start on this house. Maybe tomorrow, right now I just want to go see what this place has to offer me. Walking into my room, I remembered that Matt had helped me unpack, good because I didn’t want to be digging through all of these boxes.

About and hour went by and I was finally ready to leave the house. It was about 6:30 and the sun was setting. I wore my denim mini skirt with a tight button up and over that a brown plaid vest. I had on my white pumps and a plaid fedora. My makeup was just average, some brown on the outside that went up to the brow bone, green on the inside which stopped at the crease and a light purple at the top, with brown liner and black-brown mascara. Simple clear lip gloss, and some pink liner to make my lips look really full. My hair was straight and hung down. I grabbed my keys and purse, walking out of the door I grabbed my i-pod, I sat in the tiny volts wagon. I blared Unholy Confessions all the way into town. Stopping at a tattoo and piercing shop. I parked the car and got out, my eyes lit up.
“hello, can I help you?” the guy behind the counter asked.
“um yeah you can. Im Alyssa by the way.” I stretched my hand out and shook him.
“Jaxoby.”(yeah like from Papa Roach) he looked me over. “you don’t look like the typical client that we get.”
“yeah, well I really want to get a tattoo. Of what I really don’t know yet. I might start off by just getting a deathbat on my neck.” I smiled at him.
“oh you’re an Avenged fan huh?” he laughed as I shook my head. “um let me guess you are in love with……Vengeance?” he laughed when my face dropped.
“no silly Shadows!” I smiled.
“ah yeah, I am actually going to one of there shows in a few days.” He smiled at me. He had a cute smile, but not cuter than Matt’s.
“really me too.”
“wanna go together? Save gas, not as a date or anything but we could get to know each other and all.”
“I think that would be cool.” I smiled, “oh look I think I want this.” I pointed to a picture where the person had a word going down their back. “but I want it to say shadows!”
“of course. Ok well let me go sketch something for you and we will see what you think. Is that cool?” he took the picture from the book and turned to his drawing table. I looked over to see a girl setting in the chair playing with her fingers, she looked familiar.
“kayla?” I asked looking at her, she looked up.
“Lyssa! Oh my god last time I saw you was, yeah.” Her mood went dull, the last time I remembered seeing her was when I was in the hospital. She had moved out to Arizona.
“what have you been doing?” I asked setting in the chair next to her.
“oh you know, nothing.” She laughed “im getting a razor blade tattooed on my left wrist.” She giggled. “look at my other work.” She showed me her right wrist that said ‘Carpe Diem’, her back which had an angel wing on one side and a devil wing on the other.
“wow, back in high school you were a good girl. What happened to that?” I laughed, as if. Megan was the good girl of the group me and Kayla were always getting ourselves into trouble, going to the crazy parties and getting wasted, coming home at 5 in the morning and getting grounded. Good times.
“yeah, so what are you doing out here?” she asked.
“I live here now. Me and Megan moved in together, we have this small ass house in the ghetto, we work as bartenders at her cousin’s bar. We both have totally crazy ass boyfriends. Life is just what I wanted. Nothing but I big party.” I laughed “what are you doing here?”
“well, I just wanted an adventure. So I packed up left and well here I am, I am living in a small apartment on the other side of town, no boyfriend and I work at a book store.” She laughed
“well, how about when we are finished here we go out and have some fun? You can come with me to my boyfriends house, he isn’t home, but he doesn’t want me to stay at my house.” I laughed because Matt was so protective, if he only knew that me and this crazy girl that belonged in a ward would be alone in his home, ha he would die.
“ok, sounds like a plan.” She picked up a magazine and started reading it.
“alright, what do you think?” Jaxcoby held up a sketch.
“I love it. Lets do this.” I jumped up. I walked to the back and took my shirt off. I laid flat on the table thing.
“alright, you ready, I am going to just do the outline today, don’t want you to go through too much in one setting. You can come back in the morning for the rest.” I shook my head, I would officially be making myself his. But I was not about to tell him I would show him. I felt the needle stabbing at my spine. It didn’t hurt, but it was just a weird sensation. About and hour passed and he was finally finished. I got up and looked in the mirror, it was beautiful. Just what I had envisioned just with no color. I smiled and pulled my shirt back on.
“so come back in at around noon tomorrow, I will finish it up for you.” Jaxoby smiled at me, he looked satisfied with his work.
‘ok, and we will talk about that concert. I really cant wait.” I flashed him a smile. Kayla stood up, she held up her wrist, showing me her new razor blade. “oh la la I love it!” i squealed and hugged her.
“now lets get the hell out of here and partay!!” she said throwing her hands up. I looked back at Jaxoby, he was a nice guy.
“you wanna come?” I asked before walking out.
“yeah, where are you going?” he asked grabbing a hoodie.
“I don’t know. I am not too familiar with the area and all. Here let me call my boyfriend he will know somewhere fun. I opened my phone. And listened to the ring in my ear.
“hello?” Matt’s voice rang out.
“hey babe. I need somewhere fun to go partying at! Any suggestions?” I giggled into the receiver
“yeah, there is this club over on beach boulevard, really fun, you will enjoy it. Is anyone with you? I don’t really want you out by yourself.” He was acting like my father.
“yeah, actually I met one of my old friends today.. Also there is this totally awesome guy named Jaxoby I met, he is coming too. Well look we are going. I love you! I will call you later.” I felt bad but I knew that he was busy when I heard a lot of voices yelling for him to get off of the phone.
“ok love you too bye.” The phone hung up. I slid the phone back into my pocket.
“alright now where is beach boulevard?” I asked looking at Jaxoby.
“it’s the next street over. Why don’t we walk, it will be easier than trying to park.” And with that we were off, he locked up the shop and walked by me. I looked at all the bright lights and listened to the sounds as we walked. Back home it was nothing like this. I had been to Burbon Street once but it was nothing like this. A couple of blocks further and I saw a neon sign that said ‘Johnny’s’
“I think this is where he was talking about!” we all laughed as we heard these preppy girls walking out
“ugh the music here sucks.” They said pushing their way through us. We all giggled to ourselves because they just so happened to be playing Avenged Sevenfold’s Little Piece of Heaven. Hearing his voice out me into a trance and I started singing.
“I still think you should take up signing. Your voice is amazing.” Kayla exclaimed
“it is.” Jaxoby looked at me.
“yeah, I might try it. I don’t know. I really want to go into cosmetology.” I lingered on the last part, while walking into the door of the club, it was more like a bar. Of course sluts dressed in hardly anything and loads of emo kids, haha I could just see Matt in here, wait this is pretty much a strip club, how dare him. oh well. I sat down at a table while Kayla and Jax went to get drinks. I see Kayla grabbing a whole bottle of JD, just my type of drink. She came running over.
“ha I got it. Hurry lets down it.” She whispered handing me a glass, and pouring as much as she could into it. I quickly tilted my head and downed almost the whole thing. “Holy shit, where did you learn that?” she asked with wide eyes.
“oh, well you know. Parties, not to mention I am a bartender.” I smiled drinking the rest. “Now let’s find some tequila and have some fun.” I screamed throwing my hands in the air. Jax walked over and sat down with a fruity drink in his hand. “what are you doing? Drinking a mimosa? Really? Oh my gawd!” I said walking toward the bar. “I need two bottles of tequila.” I told the bartender holding up two finger.
“now miss I don’t think you can handle two bottles or even one.” He said smirking at me.
“well you just don’t know me.” I crawled over the bar, if he wasn’t going to give them up then I would get them on my own. I grabbed the bottles and dashed for the table. “now, we can have some fun.” I said waving the bottles.
“wow, that guy looks shocked.” Jax said pointing over to the bartender.
“well I did just steal two whole bottles of tequila. I would be pissed.” I laughed taking Kayla’s hand as we walked off with our bottles in our hands. Next thing I knew I was dancing on a pole, and my bottle was almost empty. I had money everywhere and Kayla was cheering me on. “yeah!” I screamed as Cherry Pie started blaring from the speakers. I was flinging my hair around and I somehow managed to throw my fedora onto Jax’s lap. After the song was over, we all decided that it was time to go home, being that the club, or bar whatever the hell you want to consider it, was closing, and it was 3 In the morning. We all caught cabs from the shop, so we wouldn’t be in trouble but I didn’t know Matt’s address. So I did the only thing that a drunk person would think to do, I sent Jimmy a text “jim, wgat is adres?” was what I managed to type. “2436 beach ave.” I guess he understood it. I showed the taxi driver and he brought us to Matt’s. me and Kayla both stumbled upon the sandy shore to the steps giggling. I quickly unlocked the door, I needed to sober up before I really did much of anything. So stumbling to the kitchen I drank some water, and sat at the table. After about 30 minutes I felt the buzz from the alcohol subside, I could function better, of course not fully but somewhat. I walked into the living room to find Kayla looking around amazed.
“what?” I asked while looking up at the ceiling which she was gawking at.
“this place is huge. This is your boyfriends? What is he a jillion naire?” she flung her hands up and giggled.
“pretty much. Here drink this, I will show you where you can crash.” I handed her a glass of ice water and helped her up the steps, I wasn’t too much of a help since I was still stumbling myself.
“this is his friend Brian’s room, I am sure you will enjoy it, there is the bathroom, please don’t throw up anywhere. If you need me I will be in the room at the end of the hall. She shook her head and fell into the bed. By the time I shut the door she was asleep. I walked to Matt’s room and flipped the light on. I carefully took my shirt off, so that I didn’t hurt my back anymore than I already had by being careless. I slid on his Harley Davidson shirt that he had left, it still had his scent on it, I took everything but his shirt and my panties off, I crawled into the bed. Oh the soft feather mattress felt like heaven and the cool material of the sheets, and the smell of his cologne, put me to sleep quickly. It was a dreamless sleep, but it was comfortable. I awoke at noon the next day to my phone ringing.
“Hello?” I asked in a horse voice. Still having not woken up.
“hey, you still up to finish that tattoo today? Maybe some lunch first?” it was Jax.
“um yeah, just let me get dressed. Ugh, wait do you want to come pick me up? I don’t have my car.” I stood up out of the bed, I had bags under my eyes and my makeup was all over my face.
“yeah I will be there in like 30 minutes. Be ready, wait what is the address?” obviously he had no clue where I was.
“umm 2436 Beach Ave.” I said looking through my text messages.
“ok. See you in a little while.” He laughed right before hanging up. I quickly made my way to Matt’s bathroom, my shower gel was in the shower waiting on me. I took off what little I had on and stepped in, careful to let little water hit my back, I would have to get Kayla to put some lotion on it for me later. The smell of cherry blossoms filled the air as I let the water rinse away the suds from my body. I quickly washed my hair and stepped out, grabbing a towel I wrapped it around me and walked into Matt’s room. I dropped the towel when I found my bra, lying right by the bed.
“whoa, sexy mama!” I heard Kayla call.
“whoa, what are you doing in here?” I yelled covering myself, like it really mattered anyways.
“oh well, I just wanted to tell you good morning. Who the hell is your boyfriend? And why do his friends live with him? that is just weird.” She asked sitting on the bed, while I pulled on a shirt and some pants.
“his name is Matt, and they are just really close. Plus they all split the rent.” I made up off the top of my head. I was always a really bad liar, that’s what got me into trouble.
“oh well, when will he be home?” she looked up at me, and smiled. “I want to meet him.”
I laughed. “well, you can come with me to see him in like 2 days, his band is doing this show, nothing big.”
“oh he is in a band? That is really cool. Well, I have to go.” She said dashing to the door, in no time I heard the front door close. I walked over to a bag that I had threw some clothes in. I put on my zebra stripped tee and pink skinny jeans, and my white pumps from the night before. I decided against makeup. I was pretty enough. I had just walked downstairs when I heard a knock on the door. I made my way towards it and saw Jax, I smiled when I opened the door. I laughed when I saw his face, he was looking everything around him over with big eyes.
“hey! Wow, this is a nice place.” He smiled as he followed me into the house. “oh my god, this place is amazing. Huge.” He was looking up just as Kayla had done.
“hey, you want to take me by my house? I need to get something.” I asked walking through the kitchen.
“yeah, sure. damn I just cant get over this place.” He was following behind me.
“here let me give you a tour, we have no where to be anytime soon.” I walked up the stairs with him behind me. “ok, this is his room.” I said opening Matt’s door.
“oh, wow. It is huge. And the color is great.” He gasped. I don’t think we ever explained the guy’s rooms to you. Well, Matt’s is a deep red or maroon color, he has a huge fluffy bed with white sheets and a black comforter, the dressers are a deep mahogany color, he has a huge plasma tv hanging on the wall in front of the bed, and right on the side of the bed is a window that overlooks the beach, this is covered by thick black curtains. His bathroom has a pretty big tub with a shower hooked into it, nothing too fancy. He has a large mirror in front of the sink and linoleum on the floor, nothing too special about it, oh and yes there is a potty.
“sorry, I didn’t make the bed or anything. It is kind of messy in here.” I said scooping up my clothes and throwing them in a basket. We walked out of Matt’s room and into Zack’s room.
“alright this is one of his friend’s room.”

We walked down the hall into Brian’s room, I should have known that it would be messy, Kayla had stayed in there last night. His room was a purple color, just as most of the things in it. Bri really likes the color purple. I wonder if he has ever seen that movie? The bathroom was the same as Matt’s, in fact all of the bathrooms are basically the same.
Jimmy’s room was just a messy, random clothes and such all over the floor. It was just a simple room, white, with a bed and some dressers. I mean is there really any certain type of room that just says ‘JIMMY LIVES HERE’? no I didn’t think so.

Johnny’s room was just as I would have expected, posters plastered to the walls and a bed with a white comforter.
“ok, you have seen the kitchen and the living room and all of their rooms, I think that is about it.” I laughed walking down the stairs. “you want something to drink?” I asked walking towards the kitchen.
“what do you have?” he asked setting in one of the leather couches.
“name something.” I opened the refrigerator, and looked inside before grabbing myself a Fiji water.
“what about a Mountain Dew?” he asked
“sure thing.” I pulled out a Mountain Dew and closed the door. Walking back into the living room, I heard Waking the Fallen, start to play.
“I love this album, one of the best.” He exclaimed as I handed him his drink. “thanks.”
“your welcome, and yeah this is an amazing cd. Who is your favorite member?” I asked, I mean no matter who you are, if you like the band you have a favorite member.
“well, most people would disagree but, I am like in love with Johnny Christ.” As soon as he said that I had taken a sip of my water, and I laughed so hard it spewed out of my nose. “what? Its not funny. He is really cute.” I thought that he was just joking so I blew it off.
“well, we should get going.” I said picking up my purse and slinging it over my shoulder. When Jax had walked out of the front door I locked it. I crawled inside his small Honda Civic.
“ok where to?” he asked stopping at a stop sign.
“umm turn left, then up here make a right, go about 5 blocks, I will tell you where my house is.” I sat back in the seat and played with my fingers, thinking of what all I would need to grab. I needed some clothes, and some money, which reminds me, Matt needs food in the house. Whe\n I looked up we were nearing my house.
“the next house on the left.” I said pointing to my house. The poor little thing, it was so horrifyingly ugly. We were definitely going to remodel it soon.
“wow, when you said you lived in the ghetto I didn’t think that you meant this.” He said getting out of the car.
“hey, this is my home don’t pick on it, she isn’t that bad. Although I have not even stayed the night in here yet.” I laughed realizing that it was the truth. I walked to the door and unlocked it, everything was still in boxes, I guess I thought that It was going to un pack itself. Wrong. I dashed to my room and grabbed some clothes, my debit card and some other things.
“ok, im ready.” I said smiling.
“you know I have a friend who does some carpentry work and stuff, if you want I can talk to him, get you a good deal on some remodeling.” He smiled back looking around the house.
“yeah that would be cool, as you can tell I am still in the process of moving in. so yeah.” We walked out of the door. “where do you want to go eat?” I asked setting the passenger’s seat.
“I know this nice little café’ I think you will love it.” I wasn’t going to argue, I needed coffee and food. Then I was going to finish my tattoo, that one thing that I was looking forward to. We pulled up to a small café on the corner, it was a cozy little place, but it was comfortable. The people were all smiling and the sun shown brightly through the windows. The coffee and pancakes that I had were amazing.
“wow, I love this place.” I smiled shoving another piece of pancake in my mouth.
‘I thought you would like it. You ready to finish up your ink?” he asked paying for the food.
“yeah, I would have gotten that. I have money you know.” I insisted.
“yeah, but I wanted to pay. It is no big deal.” He stood up as I did and we walked out, I was nothing but smiles.
“hey you said you like Johnny. How bout I get you a back stage pass and you can meet him?” I asked when I sat down in the car.
“and how do you plan on getting those? Don’t they only issue so many? And it being only 2 days away I doubt you could get them. Plus they are so expensive.” he smiled.
“oh no, I can get them don’t worry, but would you like that?” I laughed, of course I wasn’t telling him that I am dating M Shadows.
“yeah I would love that. Oh speaking of the concert, I have our tickets. I ordered one for your friend too.” He said while parking the car in front of the tattoo shop.
“aw you didn’t have to I was going to. We can take my car, and everything else is on me. you can not pay for anything.” I smiled when he laughed.
“ok. Now lets go finish this baby up.” We walked into the shop. There was another guy working, he was tall and skinny, black hair, tattoos covering almost every inch of him, huge gauges in his ears, a septum ring and snake bites.
“hey, Greg.” Jax said and waved at the guy, he just waved back and went back to his drawing. “alright, so we are going to fill it with blue, white, and purple right? Like with a fading effect?” he asked getting the needles and ink ready, as I pulled my shirt off and laid on the table.
“that’s right.” He walked over pulling gloves on.
“ok, you ready?” he asked resting his arms on my back. I shook my head and shortly felt the needle jabbing me, of course it hurt worse now, it was tender. I closed my eyes, I could almost swear that I fell asleep. “all done.” I heard him say as he wiped away the excess ink.
“really?” I jumped up and walked over to the mirror, I looked in it. “just what I wanted. Thank you so much!” I said hugging him, I completely forgot that my shirt was still off and that my bra was hardly still on. Thus causing any guy that was in the shop to look. Jax covered it with gauze and I pulled my shirt back on. Walking out of the shop I spotted my car. I slid into the driver’s seat. I stopped for a moment. And thought about things, how did my life get so much better? I mean just think about this for a second, about a week ago I was packing my shit up, and leaving what I once knew as home, came to what I thought was hell and now I am having the time of my life. And I just got a tattoo for the guy that I am in love with and have only known for about 4 days. Right in the middle of my thinking my phone starts ringing.
“hello?” I asked sliding it open and placing it to my ear.
“hey!” I heard Matt’s cheerful voice say.
“whats up?” I asked smiling and pulling out of my parking spot.
“nothing, getting ready for tonight’s show, being bored as hell. Missing you. What are you doing?” he sounded bored, but I could also hear the smile in his voice.
“I am about to go get some food for the house. You guys have nothing, but drinks. And I don’t want to eat out, so yeah. Can I ask you a favor?”
“yeah, anything.” I heard laughing in the background.
“so my friend wants to meet Johnny and so I want to know that I can get him through.” I laughed thinking about Jax wanting to meet Johnny.
“yeah, you will be able to get through and do what ever you want. Are you going to set back stage during the show?”
“haha hell no. im going to watch you guys! Watching from back stage is no fun! I want to be in the crowd maybe mosh or something.” I heard him humph into the phone. “ok no moshing but still.”
He laughed “ok if that’s what you want to do. But I will be watching you the whole time.” I laughed when he said this.
“ok daddy.” I said in a childish tone.
“alright well, JB is giving me evil looks so I need to go. I am sorry that we cant talk much. But I will see you when you get here.”
“ok by Matt.”
“bye Lyssa!” he exclaimed before hanging up. I pulled into a Target, I absolutely love that place. It took me about an hour of shopping and looking to decide what I wanted for dinner. I also decided that I would have Kayla and Jax over, then we could leave in the morning and stay the night in LA, which is where the concert is by the way. I stopped off at the mall and decided to get something sexy to wear to the concert, I couldn’t look average if I was going to have Matt watching me all night, and it showed my tattoo which was a plus. I picked out this dress, it was extremely short, it had no back and the front dropped almost to my belly button, it showed everything. It was black and I got some black round toe heels to go with it. I was going to look amazing. I also got a zebra print lingerie set, just for Matt. When I got back to the house, I picked up a little and decided to finally call Jax and Kayla, no sooner had I told them my plan they were over with their suitcases packed. I was in the kitchen cooking, I was making some grilled chicken fettuccini stuff, it sounded like it might taste good. I sat the table and placed the drinks out. Everything looked decent, I made everyone’s plate.
“dinner is finished!” I yelled through the house. Jax was playing playstation and Kayla was on the computer. I walked into the living room to see them both getting up. We all sat at the table and talked about how excited we were.
“your man isn’t going to get jealous or anything is he?” Jax asked.
“no. he is cool. I really hope that they play Little Piece of Heaven. They have not been playing it. Kind of sad that is one of my favorite songs.” I said scooping a noodle onto my fork. Knowing that I would ask Matt to play the song.
“I know. I just cant wait to see Synyster Gates. He is totally orgasmic” Kayla said laughing.
“maybe we will get to meet them. That would be cool.” I gasped. We all giggled. I just knew that this trip was going to be fun.
“I think that we should turn in a little early tonight, we have an hour drive tomorrow and I think that we can find something to get into tomorrow night. Then we will get to see Avenged!” we all screamed. It wasn’t too hard to pretend to be excited, because I was going to get to see Matt. As soon as we were finished eating, I loaded the dishwasher and ran upstairs. I washed all of my dirty clothes that were over here and threw them into my bag with the others that I had brought. I put all of my makeup and such into the same bag. Growing more and more excited as the night went by, I walked out onto the beach. Smelling the salty water swirling in the air with the wind, and feeling the sand between my toes. I stepped about knee deep into the water. I looked back at the house and decided that I needed to be getting off to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
once again, i apologize for taking SOO Damn long to update. but good news is we have lots to write about :]
you also have noticed that there is a new character, Kayla. Thanks The Deadliest Syn.

the next chapter added,tonight, will be basically pictures and some detailed descriptions!