‹ Prequel: Something Like Love

Something Like Wintertime


I never got over the fact that Ally actually left Noah. She couldn't have run away from her parents? Gone on a 'round-country trip? Noah loved her so much. However, Noah and Ally always ended up together, in any and every version of that story. And I always cried after watching The Notebook.

Jamie, however, had a different perspective. "Shaun and you are so much cuter than these lamos." "Tia and I have a better story!" "Noah's an idiot! He should have been there to run after her!" "Ally should have checked the mail instead."

Yeah, judgemental. Just a little.

Sure, I blush when she brings up the Shaun and I thing, but the thing is, I haven't seen Shaun in two months. He called me every night for the first two weeks, then once every two nights the third out of eight weeks, then once a week for the fourth and fifth weeks, then once every two weeks after that.

Then, they just stopped. Letters came, explaining his lack of time to call, but that he had just enough time to write, and envelope, then send it out from many local post offices. His name was becoming big up in Colorado-where he was one of the star snow boarders.

I was stuck in my little Carson City suburb and my boyfriend was off becoming famous. I even heard him say something about being called the Flying Tomato. Really odd if you ask me, but whatever.

The last letter was sent with an early christmas present. Two tickets to an up coming (okay, so it's almost a month and a half away) Jason Mraz concert, front row and back stage passes, curtosey of Shaun White's family.

So he remembered our song, hey?

"That's sweet of the boy who forgot his girlfriend," Jamie said, Tia hot on her tail. Jamie wasn't happy at all with Shaun for leaving me the way he did, but I wasn't. It wasn't his fault, but his management company's. Soon, they'd be telling him he had to break it off with me because his ticket and merch sales would go down if young girls knew he had a girlfriend he was madly in love with.

But I knew he'd never do that, right?

I mean, if this was the same Shaun I went to surf and boarding camp with, he'd never do that. He loved me, and he'd never want to hurt me like that. I meant to much to him. His teddy bear he'd sent me told me that.

I smiled, ignoring what Jamie had said before, and put the tickets in a safe place. I wasn't going to touch them until it was time for the concert, on New Years Eve. I was going to celebrate with the love of my life and Jason Mraz, so what could be better?

Nothing. That's what.
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First of many more to come!