‹ Prequel: Something Like Love

Something Like Wintertime


Lucky-Jason Mraz feat. Colbie Caillit

We had found a better, less known, more me-and-Shaun kind of song to describe us. Yes, it was still Jason Mraz, but it described our relationship better than I'm Yours ever did. It's called Lucky, and they lyrics pretty much give me and Shaun away.

"Why do you have to leave tomorrow?" I asked, tightening my arms around his waist. He just kissed my head again, making me forget my previous question. Shaun had a way of doing that-keeping my mind occupied with little gestures that he knew I loved.

"Because I have school soon. But Summer is closer than you'd think and then we're off on a boarding tour!" he said, holding me far enough away from him so that I could see his face. He had a light smile on, and not light as in it was small; light as in it lit up his perfect face and nearly made me blind. "We'll be on the road together, competing with each other! It's going to be the best summer ever!"

I giggled. "No. Shaun, the best summer ever was the one where I met you," I said. I smiled a smile that matched his before he pulled me closer again and placed his lips on mine. We had to savor every kiss; our last one would be the one I'd give him tomorrow. Okay, so I make it sound more dramatic than it really is; Shaun's only going to be gone from me physically for about five months.

Then, we'd have the rest of our lives together.

"Have I told you that you're one of the best things that's ever happened to me?" he asked. He sounded so cheesy and corny, but instead of saying that I smiled and asked, "What makes you think that?" The setting sun around us made Shaun seem more tan than he actually was, but that was okay with me.

"I don't think that; I feel it. Chelz, you're the single most beautiful, amazing, awesome girls I've ever met. You've ruined every other girl for me, and I know I'm not marrying anyone but you. I can't even think about loosing you in any way, because even just the thought nearly kills me. Every time I see your face, or I get the chance to look into your eyes, or I can hear your voice......my body goes into over drive.

"You make me crazy, but I love you because of it. You drive me fucking insane with the way you do things, but I don't want you any other way. You're the girl I gave my virginity to, and the woman I will always want to have it. You've taught me so much about love, and that like Jason says, I'm lucky to be in love with my best friend." His little speech on the beach (hey, that could be a drink!) was amazing. I felt like crying tears of joy, but couldn't.

I was ecstatic beyond anything I'd ever felt, and all I could do was jump closer to Shaun and nearly knock the two of us down. I giggled as Shaun chuckled, wrapping his arms tighter around me. When we pulled back, I realized that my legs had wrapped around his waist, and he sat down in order to keep his balance.

"I love you Chelsia," he nearly whispered. My long, dirty blond/light brown hair flowed behind me as the wind blew my way. Shaun's long red hair blew gently around his face, making him look even more perfect than I ever remember him looking. I smiled and placed a kiss on his nose.

"I love you too, Shaun. I've never loved anyone the way I love you, and I don't ever want to. You're it, baby. You're it for me," I told him. His pale hands ran down my arms, leaving goosebumps as they made their way back down from my limbs to my waist again.

As the sun finally set on below the horizon line, Shaun sighed. He brought me closer to him again and passionately kissed my lips. I couldn't believe he'd be leaving me tomorrow, though I knew I'd have to accept that fact and let him go until June.

I was again so grateful that Nevada didn't get cold during January-except for a select few days-because we could sit on the beach in each others arms. Sure, the breeze of night without a warm sun would eventually get to me (what with my sleeveless dress), but at least I'd have Shaun's warm body to help me stay alive.

"Ready to go home?" he asked. I shook my head, but not because I didn't feel like creeping into my room to see Tia and Jamie naked on their bed.

"I am home," I whispered. I felt deep in my heart that there was nothing more true in this world, in that moment, than that statement. I was at home in Shaun's arms, with his eyes staring into mine and my body pressed against his. He smiled and kissed me once again, before helping me up so we could get back to my house.

Shaun insisted on driving the short distance it was between the small beach and the house, but I wasn't about to argue with him. Instead, I settled for the comfortable silence we shared, as I was able to stare at him the whole ride without him asking questions. Once we pulled into my grandparent's driveway, Shaun, being the gentlemen he is, came around the car and picked me up right out of my seat and carried me up to my bed.

We both knew, this being our last time to be together, what was going to happen next. I'd been anticipating it, actually. I always anticipate making love to Shaun.

I quickly turned my head to Jamie's bed, only half surprised that neither or nor Tia were laying there. In fact, the bed was made, as if no one had ever slept on it before. A smile found my lips at the thought that Jamie had planned this; she knew Shaun was leaving the next morning, she her and Tia were probably over at Tia's house.

I turned my face back to Shaun in time for him to attack my face with light kisses. I giggled as his arms wrapped around both my waist and my neck. I kicked off my shoes, then Shaun followed before his hand around my waist traveled down and up under my dress. I let my hands cup his face as his fingers slowly undid the ties on either side of my bathing suit bottom, then push the material off the bed.

I pushed his shirt off over his head, and he did the same with my dress shortly after. As we continued to undress each other slowly, I knew that Shaun was the last man I'd ever give my body. There wasn't any other guy out there for me anymore; no one was as good for me as Shaun was.

As our bodies became one, as our souls mixed together, and as our minds raced with thoughts of pleasure and love, I felt like my heart was super gluing itself before anything could happen to it. Because tomorrow, it would need that super glue in order to not break as I would be forced to watch the man I love walk away from me until June.
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Shaun and Chelsia's clothing

The sex scene in this chapter was almost practice for a one shot I'm about to write.