‹ Prequel: Something Like Love

Something Like Wintertime

Letters 2

Chelsia, I have a proposition for you.

I know that, since I left after your birthday, we haven't spoken much. I want to change that. Sure, the Jason Mraz tickets I sent you were for a show in Nevada, but until then I was wondering if you'd take me up on my original offer.

Want to spend Christmas vacation with me in Carlsbad?

I'd love to have you here with my family, since I consider you my family anyway, Chelz.

Shaun <3

I sighed, showing Jamie my letter before having her read and re-read it over again. What did she not get that I did? "I just.....do you think it's a good idea to be with him after not talking to him all this time?" she asked.

"Of course, Jamie. I still love the boy!" I said. She rolled her eyes. What did she know about this? Tia lived all of thirty minutes away with rush hour. She couldn't know what it's like living so far from your busy boyfriend at all!

She shrugged and gave me my note back before heading downstairs. I sighed again and sat on the window sill, looking down into the neighborhood street. I heard Mayday Parade playing from below me, meaning that Jamie was taking her daily nap with the stereo downstairs blasting.

I wondered what she suddenly felt about Shaun. They seemed like friends at camp, almost six months ago. They seemed like friends when he came to visit us. What happened?

I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen that were on the end of my desk and laid the paper on the wall of the sill. I started writing back to Shaun, but not answering his question just yet. I had to ask my mom, grandparents, and my siblings how much they'd miss me if I did go.

Although, I was eighteen, and I could have just flown out there now by myself. I don't even know if Shaun's home, and that's the biggest problem right now. I left the letter on my bed for the moment before getting my iPod and heading downstairs.

Jamie was already asleep before I got out the door. The car was in the drive way, the same as every day. I got in and turned the engine on, taking off down the street to my favorite diner. Marcy, the owner, had been working there every Saturday since she opened the place, and I was glad to see her red mustang in the parking lot.

I walked in and instantly found her behind the counter, like usual. "Chelsia!" she called when she saw me. I smiled and took a seat in front of her. "I haven't seen you in a while! Must mean you've got someone to occupy your time, girlie!" she said, using the same name she'd been calling me for years. I sighed.

"Actually, I have."

She raised an eye brow and waited for me to go on. "Ever heard of Shaun White?" I asked. Not that I expected her to, but her husband was really into snow boarding. He actually used to coach olympic teams of snowboarders. She nodded, her smile growing as she poured me some mountain dew.

"Yeah. We went to camp together over the summer, and kind of brought our fling back home, where it turned into much more than a fling," I said. I didn't want to tell details about not seeing him for months on end. She placed the cup in front of me and nodded, writing down what I usually get and walking over to place the order.

"Tell me about him!" she said. I told her everything. She listened intently as my hushed voice spilled everything I'd felt, done, and wanted since meeting Shaun Roger White. She told me I was head over heels in love with the boy.

As if I didn't already know that one.