‹ Prequel: Something Like Love

Something Like Wintertime

December 15th-Ten Days Before Christmas

The flight into Sacramento wasn't too bad. I found my way to the luggage department and found my bag. I couldn't miss it-Big neon green bags with surfing and boarding stickers all over it.

I stepped out into the blistering heat of California, even if it was ten days until Christmas. My phone buzzed, meaning that I had a text. It was from Shaun, asking where I was. I replied, telling him that I was outside the air port, with my neon suit case, under the Jet Blue air sign.

The next thing I knew, Mrs. White's car pulled up. She smiled and got out of her car. Mrs. White looked exactly the same since camp all those months ago. She ran out to engulf me in a huge motherly hug. "Oh, Chelsia, it's so nice to see you again!" she cooed. I smiled and returned the hug.

"You too, Mrs. White," I said. She pulled back and asked if she could help with my suitcase. "No thanks, " I said, "I've got it handled!" But I didn't. Before I could even touch it, Shaun had it in his arms with the biggest smile on his face I'd ever seen. Ever.

"Looks like you have him wrapped around your finger, Chelsia," his mother said. I giggled as he attempted to pick the case up and put it in the trunk. I smiled at his mother before going to help him pick up the neon suit case and pushed it into the trunk.

Instead of words, Shaun closed the trunk and turned to me, placing his hands around my waist and kissing me passionately. I smiled and held his face close to mine, hoping he'd never let go. Sadly, I remembered his mother, and the fact that she was probably waiting for us to get in the car.

I pulled away from the kiss and took Shaun's hand and got in the car. We sat really close together in the back seat. "How have you been, dear?" Mrs. White asked from the front seat. I smiled a little wider.

"I've been good. My family and Jamie have been keeping me occupied, but I can't blame 'em," I said. Mrs. White smiled and bragged about how much Shaun never shut up about me. She told us that, even in his dreams, he talks about me. I couldn't help but notice the blush that rose in Shaun's face.

When we finally got back to the huge house the White's lived in, Mrs. White told Shaun and I that she had some errands to run, and that Mr. White would be home in time for dinner. Shaun pulled my stuff up the stairs while I tried to help. "No! I'm trying to be the gentleman here!" he argued.

"Shaun, you were a gentleman from the moment I met you. Now let me help you before you pull a muscle!" I said. He sighed and finally gave up trying to pull the case by himself. I picked up the end near me and helped him lug the huge neon case into his room.

I looked around his room and gasped. It was different from the last time I saw it. There were pictures of me and Shaun hanged all around the room. Pictures from the days I spent here before going home nearly four months ago, pictures from my birthday, pictures that I'd sent to him.

"Is this all you do with your time, Shaun? Hang up pictures of you and me?" I asked. He smiled and shrugged, walking over closer to me. I smiled. "Well, I like it. I like seeing how much you love me," I said. It sounded more conceded than I meant it, but I think Shaun understood that.

"Where's your Christmas tree?" I asked. He smiled and took my hand, pulling me downstairs to the living room. The tree was huge and white. Every single snow boarding and surfing ornament you could find on the continental U.S. was hanging from the branches that were white, also. "White?" I asked.

He shrugged. "We always get a White Christmas tree. The Whites' White Christmas tree. Kind of a joke with my parent's friends around here, but it's the only way for us to have a real white christmas in California," he said. I nodded and stood right against him.

His long, pale arms wrapped around my waist as I looked at the tree. It was unreal. A symbol of my time here-spending the most holy day of the year with my Boyfriend (even if it was really weird to call someone like Shaun that) and his family. I had a whole almost three weeks here in Carlsbad with Shaun.

"I love you," I heard him say. I turned in his arms and smiled. My lips were pounced on the moment I closed my eyes to blink, but I wasn't complaining.

"I love you, too, Shaun." He smiled and kissed me again, holding me close to him. I felt amazing being with him again, and I loved knowing that I got to stay for almost 21 days.
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Notice how Hanged is used instead of Hung.
I would explain why, but I'll just let you look Hung up in the dictionary.