‹ Prequel: Something Like Love

Something Like Wintertime

Late Christmas Day

Mr. and Mrs. White had left us home again. They headed down the road (within walking distance) to Mr. White's sister's house, and that left time for Shaun and I to exchange gifts. Although, I had no clue what Shaun had gotten me, since he'd already given me everything I'd ever wanted and more. Hell, he's given my himself!

I sat on his bed as he looked for something, and I just held my present to him in my hands, hoping he'd like it as much as Mrs. White said he would. Although, even if he didn't, he could probably fool me and pretend that he did.

When he came back, his red hair was pushed behind his ears, and he had put on a shirt. He held the picture, apparently, that he loved so much, and smiled at me. "You told me to have this on hand before I opened my present?" His statement was certainly a question, even if it was structured not to be.

I smiled and handed him the package, scooting closer to him so I could lay my head on his shoulder. He slowly pulled the paper off the box, then he ripped the side of the box open and pulled out the frame. He gasped when he saw the inscription.

I thought he was going to cry, so I turned my head to see his face. His jaw was wide open as he placed the picture in the center of the frame to see if it would fit. When he saw that it would, he turned to me. "How did you know?" he whispered in curiosity. I smiled and kissed him.

"Mothers are always helpers," I said. He looked back at the frame and turned it over to slip the picture in, then clasped the back on and turned the frame back over. He smiled when he saw me and him in the gold frame, with, "You Had My Hear From The Start," written around the center.

He pulled me close to him and held me there. I was starting to see the rest of my life with Shaun, even with his rising career and my...sudden fame in the surf industry. I was starting to see myself really loving this man, even more so than I did now. I didn't want anyone else then; just Shaun.

He put the frame down and kissed me again. Something along the lines of humming birds took over my stomach, and I ran my hand up to his hair. Shaun held me so close to him, I was starting to believe we were one person.

His hand went up the shirt I'd been wearing and lifted me even closer to him by my thigh. My other arm hung around his neck as he supported my back with one hand. He pulled away, but kept me close to him. "I love it, Chelsia. And I love you," he said. I smiled and kissed him again.

"I love you, so much Shaun," I told him. I rested my head on his, and smiled. I couldn't have been more happy, and I don't think I ever had been. Shaun pushed me off him gently, just so he could get up and find something else. He came back with a small box, green velvet, but kept it in his hands.

"Chelsia, I can't describe how much I love you. I'm pretty sure I've loved you since the first day of Camp, and I'll never thank my parents enough for sending me after meeting you. I love everything about you, and I hate that I can't be with you every morning. But I know, somewhere not so deep inside me, that one day, and for every day after that one day, we'll be with each other forever. So, I want to know if you promise to always be mine, if I promise to always be yours," he said.

I started crying before he finished. I was glad that this wasn't an engagement (after all, I'd only turned 18 a few months ago), but I was glad he was promising me forever. I giggled through my tears and nodded, my curls (for once!) falling around my face in a twisted mess as i did so. Shaun smiled so wide, his mouth reached from where we were all the way around the world and back!

"Of course I promise, Shaun!" I said, putting my face back where it was, against his. "I love you, and I always will," I told him. He kissed me again and opened the box. Inside was a small ring, with a green stone in the middle. It was beautiful.

I gasped as Shaun put it on my finger and it fit perfectly. "I love it, Shaun!" I said. He smiled and kissed me again, pulling me onto his lap so I could lay my head on his chest. I loved being this man's girlfriend, because he treated me the way I needed to be treated. He loved me the way I needed to be loved.

"I love you so much," I said.
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