Never thought it would ever happen to me

All Addie ever wanted was to live a quiet and simple life
But things never work out that way

One minute she's hanging out with her friends
The next thing she knows.
She's running for her life
From what?
That's the worst part.
She just doesn't know.

The person that attacked
And the new kid in school
Are somehow connected.

But then what do you do
When your worst nightmare
Becomes reality.
And the person you thought you could trust
Turns out, wants you dead.
  1. Chapter 1
    Get off me you bastard
  2. Chapter 2
    Like i haven't heard that one before,
  3. Chapter 3
    The Meeting
  4. Chapter 4
    Oh great just what I need now
  5. Chapter 5
    I'm going to get you...Just you try
  6. Chapter 6
    I'm going to get you... Just you try: Part deux. Is that a hero I see?
  7. Chapter 7
    This is not happening!!
  8. Chapter 8
    Stay Away.
  9. Chapter 9
    Did someone really do this to her???