Never thought it would ever happen to me

Chapter 9

“Youngsters these days.” the nurse mumbled to herself. She looked at Anna and I sympathetically and said “I’ll go and get doctor Jenkins then.” she smiled at me before heading out of the room.

The room became quiet again as Anna continued to comfort me. It’s strange. Even though I didn’t know her every well, I was able to feel a bit better. But I was still shaking from the encounter with Alex. A few moments passed before the door opened again, I didn’t bother to look up this time, I was too drained, from the shouting and the crying and all. The person waited till they were close to my bed before they spoke.

“Addie Jonesone.” they said. It was a man so I presumed it was Doctor Jenkins. He was using an annoyingly sweet voice, which just made me want to shoot him “So how are you feeling.”

Like crap. Was what I wanted to say but it just came out as sniffles.

“Okay. So from what the nurse told me you started shouting at a young man. Is that correct?”

No shit Sherlock. I thought but I merely nodded my head.

“Would you be able to tell us why?”

I remand quiet for while unable to get my explanation out so I looked to Anna for some help. She nodded and explained for me.

“She said before that he was the one that did this to her, and that he was planning to kill her.”

“Is that so?” He pondered. Anna merely nodded to confirm. It was like he didn’t believe. He took out a pen touch from his pocket “May I?” he asked pointing towards me.

I turned away from Anna and looked at the doctor. He shone the touch into both eyes and recorded the results. He twisted my head slightly and touched the back of my head. I winced at the pain of the touch. There’s another injury to add to others. He notes it down on his clipboard and places it aside.

“Is she going to be ok?” Anna meekly asks

“From the observations I’ve taken and the results from the x-ray, apart from the injuries to her wrists, shoulders and leg, they will heal over time. However, the wound she received to the head appears to be more serious then I thought. It appears as though some of her skull has cracked and some of the some of the fragments of the skull have damaged her brain, which is where the memory part of the brain is. So I am afraid she will suffer from memory lose, but if my I am correct she will not be able to remember things that happened the year or two.”

“So that explains it.” Anna said, it was most likely to herself but the doctor heard it.

“Explains what?” he inquired

“She seems to have forgotten who I am but not who Alex is. The boy from before.”

“So it looks as if she only has memory of the accident but very few memories before that.”

So I’ve lost my memory eh? Just great. And the only thing I seem to remember is the ‘accident’. But I still remember Aunt Rose and that dweeb of a cousin Matthew and..and…that’s all. Omg. I have lost my memory. But wait I still remember…

“Jake…?” I whisper.

“Do you mean the boy that brought you here?” I nodded slightly. “He said he had to leave urgently but will be able to visit you later.”

“But how is she able to remember him, but not me?” Anna asked the Doctor.

“It appears she was able to see him before she blanked out, thus keeping memories of him, it‘s a bit complex so we will have to keep an eye on her and see how she gets on. But I think it would be best to give her some rest she has being through a lot today.”

“Okay.” Anna said to the Doctor. “And I’ll visit again tomorrow.” I nod to show I understand she started heading for the door before calling back “Aunt Rose said she will come and visit tomorrow since she couldn’t make it today.” I nod again and watch her leave.

“You should rest now, the nurse will come back later to change your bandage around your head.” I nod again and close my eyes. I hear their shuffled feet leaving the room and just manage to catch their whispered conversation as they leave the room.

“Where you able to contact her parents?” The doctor inquired.

“No. They died in a house fire along with the girls younger brother. She was the only survivor who came out of it without an injury on her. The police believed that she was the one that started it.”

“How come you know so much about it?”

“I was one of the paramedics at the scene. It was before I transferred to a ward nurse.”

“So who were you able to contact?”

“Her Aunt. It seems she remembers her though.”

“Well if the body has experienced something extremely traumatic it will try to forget it hence the memory loss. But the brain will probably remember old things, and since she‘s a member of a family she will remember.”

“So do you think it’s true?” the nurse asked after a moment of silence.

“I think the injuries she has are proof. How else would she have gotten them?”

“It could have being the boy.” she offered

“No. They are also too severe to have being caused by simply jumping off a climbing frame as the boy before said he thinks she may have done.”

“You mean the one who brought her in?”


There was another moment of silence before the nurse gasped. The Doctor seemed to understand it’s meaning. And continued.

“It saddens me to say this too, but it looks as though it was attempted suicide.”

♠ ♠ ♠
AH!!! At last! I finally updated it! Being meaning to, but i've being to lazy and I'm house arrest because of my stupid GCSEs in ike May but i'm still being told to revise!! How lucky am I!
Enough about me! So did you like it? eh?
So not much happened in it, but I hope its bringing questions into your head. Like did really do it, or did she really attempt suicide [i'm not even sure thats how you spell it].
Anywho, hope you liked it and i will try my upmost hardest to update as soon as i can!
So please bare with me!!!
Thanks for reading!