Love Plus Hate Equals a Pool of Your Blood

The Capture

The master stared into my crimson red eyes as I panted wildly. He wasn't going ot take me. Not just yet. I looked at the four lifeless bodies on the ground, and yerned to drink the few leftover drops of blood. Without thinking, I did so. I heaved myself forward and cleaned the floor and the bodies of their last few drops of blood. I had no control at all. The life of a vampire was so new to me, I had no time to even think about control. Blood was taking over every aspect of my life, and I enjoyed it very much. The only thing in my way was the master, and he was here to change me. To make me give up humans. To give up blood altogether, which I was not about to do. He was crazy if he thought for a split second I would. What else would I use these beautiful fangs on anyways? I could use them on him...

"Come here love.."He whispered softly, I cringed at the word love and spit at him. "Come on, I won't hurt you."

I pulled myself up from my crouching position and looked behind me. The light was pouring in from the opening of the cave. Just a few strides and I'd be free from this fool. I turned my back to him and stuck out my middle finger, then began running. I was fast as lightening, and I enjoyed every moment of it. I thought I was one of the fastest, until something hooked the back of my shirt and jerked me back. I hit the ground with a loud bang and my head spun.

"Ahh the poor kid."The master's voice said, I could hear the confidence just pouring out with each word. I growled at him and tried to get up. I was ready to attack him. But whoever had ahold of me didn't let up at all. "Now, now Shade, no reason to get feisty. You'll be fine. C'mon Leon, let's take her in."

I kicked and thrashed with all my might, but nothing affected Leon or the master. Apparently I wasn't near as strong or fast as I'd imagined. When they loaded me in the back of a big eighteen wheeler, I was baffled. Who or what was in this thing? I looked around when they closed the doors and saw nothing. Absolutley nothing. I was alone. That gave me the perfect opportunity to try and make my quick escape. I banged on the walls and tore at the built in shelves. Nothing moved. What was this vampire proofed? They hit a large bump at one point or another and it took all my might to keep my feet on the ground. At least I had some better sense of balance. I looked down at my blood stained clothes and began to lick at them like a desperate person. I was desperate, I was still so thirsty. I finally gave in though. I sat on the top of one of the shelves and laid my head down to try and sleep. As soon as my head hit the metal, the truck came to a quick and hard stop, and I fell off the shelf.

"CRAP!"I shouted, pulling myself up. Leon opened the door and chuckled quietly, then grabbed my arm.
"Come on beast."He said. The word beast ticked me off for a moment, then made me smile. I could get use to a name like that. When we got close to the doors of some castle-like place, I bit his arm with all my strength. He gasped and hit me on the head.

"Wretched beast."He mumbled, holding me up in the air. I kicked my legs but soon gave up, seeing as we were inside the castle. He set me down, but kept a firm hold on my arm. There had to be at least a thousand people in this place, and every one of their eyes were locked on me. I was suddenly ashamed of the blood stains on my shirt, pants and face. I tried to wipe it off my face and cleaned my teeth quickly, but I knew that wouldn't make a much better impression.

"This way you two."A balding man said, motioning to the left. I jerked my arm away from Leon's hold and floowed the man at a quick pace. I wanted to get as far away from these people...or vampires possible. They scared me a bit, and definately intimidated me. I caught up with the balding man and walked by his side with my head down.

"What's your name love?"He asked me
"Shade"I whispered
"Very nice to meet you Shade. I'm Paul."He held his hand out toward me, and I took it with caution. I felt bad too though because I had dried blood all over them."Oh it's fine dear, I've touched worse."

We shook hands, and I heard Leon growl behind us. I didn't really blame him at this point. I was a beast. A proud one at that. Paul led me down a few hallways and up some staircases, then pointed me at a door. I expected to be put in a jail cell, but this room looked a bit normal from the outside. I paused when he opened the door, and watched as he motioned me in.

"This is where you will be staying. We have been expecting you for a while now Shade. I'm sorry your capture was so unpleasent though, Leon and Mitch aren't the best people to send out for a capture. They're very...intimidating."
"Intimidating is an understatement."I said through gritted teeth. They didn't so much as intimidate me as they made me angry though. MItch(which I guessed was the master)didn't try to make me scared, he tried to seduce me. I was thankful I didn't fall for it though. He wasn't quite the man to fall in love with. Neither was Leon for that matter.

"Your room is that way, up the steps and to the right. This is more like a kitchen/living area. You share this area with a few other kids. Tommy and Leah. Now, I have to go back downstairs and explain the unexpected arrival, tomorrow at dinner I'll introduce you along with the others that are supposed to be coming. Get some rest Shade."And with that he left. I looked around the cozy room and took myself to my room. I layed on the bed and looked to my left;there was an extra change of clothes. I quickly changed into them and automatically felt better. I turned on my side on the bed and looked out at the black night. I could see a river from my bedroom window, and from that moment, I planned my great escape.
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I wrote this on a whim.
Hope you guys like it.