Love Plus Hate Equals a Pool of Your Blood

Please Drink Responsibly

"Are you sure I'm not dressed too...casual?"I asked Leah on the way down the steps, she giggled
"Oh heavens no. Some are dressed in shorts and that's all. It's funny that these kinds of things aren't very formal...but I guess it's because they're so often anymore."I cocked my head to the side
"Why are 'these things' so often anymore'?"I asked her

"Oh. I guess you haven't heard. There's a clan that..change people like crazy. We've been trying for ages to catch them and kill them, but it's no use. They probably changed you. Billie is the leader. He seduces the women, then bites them. Terry is the woman..she does pretty much the same thing to men. Sometimes women. It's...there's just no word for it."
"I was bitten by a woman...she was beautiful."I whispered
"Did you hear voices?"She stopped walking and grabbed my shoulder
"Tear...Tear..."I mumbled
"That's her nickname. It was her...Oh my goodness Shade. You're so lucky we found you. You could be so much worse. I'm surprised you're not like...lashing right now."I shrugged
"I'm comfortable around you guys."She smiled and began walking again.

Those were the last words said the whole way to the dining hall. We entered through the large doors and I noticed Paul standing up front. There was a huge buffet line, with nothing but human food. There was no blood in sight, which angered me a bit. I hoped to God that what Leah had told me wasn't true. I didn't want to be a beast like Terry. At least when I got blood I killed the person instead of giving them this miserable lifestyle. At least I had a little bit of common courteousy.

Paul smiled when we entered and motioned us over. I began walking forward, then staggered when I noticed Tommy, Leah and their girls weren't beside me. I turned around and they stood there smiling, telling me to go on. I reluctantly went to Paul and stood in front of him. Fear washed over me.

"Tonight, you will be sitting over at this table, with the others that are arriving very soon. We have special things set out for you. There will be about ten coming. It doesn't seem like many, but it truly is. One will be your room-mate. Just go take a seat somewhere and make yourself comfortable. Begin eating if you wish."He smiled widely, and I nodded, then walked over to take a seat. I took the one in the middle and looked down at the note on the plate.

Then I smelled it
There was blood in that cup

I pushed my plate aside and took the warm cup in my hands and smelled the sweet scent. But something kicked in in my brain. I took a look at the note that had been left on my plate.

'Please drink wisely. You will only get a small portion once a week. Be prepared to soon be weened from it for good.

I slumped back in my seat and pushed the cup back. I needed to save it for when the real stress kicked in;when the others arrived. I spotted my roomies over at the third table, nibbling on some bread. I wanted to go sit with them, just for comfort, but I couldn't. I was stuck here with the other newbies coming, and I'd be introduced as one.A giant bell tolled and the big doors swung open. In came ten hunters with a person in each hand.

Ten New Vampires
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Sorry it's a bit short.
I'm coming up short on ideas because more are pouring in and taking other idea's places.
Comments please!