Love Plus Hate Equals a Pool of Your Blood

I Don't Want To Be A Savage

I watched the newbies file in with men pretty much dragging them. They fought and screamed, but the men never let up. They took seats all around me and I found Leon standing behind the vampire sitting next to me. I looked back at him,but shyed away when he caught me staring. The vampire next to me lunged at his cup of blood,but Leon took it as quick as the person grabbed it. Leon held it away from his face and kicked the vampires chair as Paul started talking.

"Good evening folks."He said"Tonight, we have eleven new people joining us. Please bow your heads as we have a small prayer."

I bowed my head reluctantly and listened to the old vamp, then raised my head when he finished.

"I see mostly everyone has filled their plates, so we'll begin with the names.Please rise when your name is called"He pulled a list out onto his podium then took a breath.

"Kerry,Linda,Henry,Blake...Shade..."I sucked in some air and stood up shakely. I could feel Leon's eyes boring into my back, and it made me all the more nervous. Everyone else was forced to stand up after their names were called, and the crowd applauded. I took a seat as soon as he told us and put my hands in between my legs. I couldn't keep them from shaking.

"Now, youngsters, if you please, your hunters will escort you to the buffet and you may get what you please. Leon, please take Shade if she wants anything. Better yet, be a gentleman and get it for her."Paul said, walking over to the table, I looked back at Leon and shook my head.

"I'm...I'm not hungry."I whispered, Leon grunted and took my plate anyways.

I watched him go to the bar and grab a few things then bring them back to the table. Eric, which was the man sitting next to me, grabbed his cup and guzzled it all in one drink. Then the obvious happened. He lunged over the table and growled at everyone in the room, then reached for more blood. I cowered into my seat, hoping that someone would get him, but it happened so quick, no one had time to think. Everyone sitting in the crowd was content though;even the children. It didn't make sense to me. Then I realized it. Eric was on the ground in seconds, and Leon and another man were on top of him. They took Eric away and I stared at the plate of food on the ground. I hadn't lied about not being hungry, and even if I had, it was gone now. Leon returned in a matter of moments and filled a plate. He sat the plate in front of me and grunted again. Either he didn't know how to speak, or he just hated me. Probably a bit of both. I looked up at him and I knew that my eyes had the child look in them. His face softened immediatly and he sat in Eric's seat.

"Listen, that...uh...that happens all the time. You have nothing to worry about."He mumbled, fiddling with a fork. He wasn't making eye contact.

"I'm not...I'm not scared.I'm nervous. I don't know what's in store for me. I don't want to drink blood anymore.I don't want to be a savage but..what else is going to happen?"I asked him
"Come with me for a moment. I'll explain things to you."He said, standing up and holding out his hand.

I looked at him, frozen with fear, but took his hand. He lead me out of the dining hall, and into a long chamber.
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Sorry its short.
Ideas are running low.
Comments please