Love Plus Hate Equals a Pool of Your Blood

Not Myself

We walked in the dark chamber for a while, and there were many twists and turns. He finally opened a door, and led me into a dark room. He pulled a chair out for me to sit on, and I reluctantly sat down. He stood and started pacing slowly, and I just sat, watching him. His black fringe was in front of one of his right eye, and the face he had was very...attractive. No, Shade shut up. He's not in the least bit attractive. You hate him!

Though I did hate him, I couldn't help but think he was good looking. His eyes were that topaz, though he hadn't drank any blood in some years, and his black hair was short, but he had a bit of a fringe. He was very muscular, and extremely tall. His pale white skin looked so smooth. I just wanted to touch him.

He stopped pacing and looked at me, as I was staring at him. I wasn't meaning to, I was just trying to take in all of his features.

"What are you looking at?"He scoffed, I shook my head and looked down at my lap
"I'm..I'm sorry sir."I mumbled. I should have just called him by his name; it wasn't like he'd beat me if I didn't call him sir. He wasn't my owner, he was just the person that captured me. He didn't deserve to be called sir.
"Shade?"He asked, I looked up some
"My name's Leon. Not 'sir'."He said, it was as if he'd read my thoughts. I nodded and looked back down and fiddled with my fingers. Vampires weren't supposed to be fidgety, but I couldn't help it. I was wondering what he was going to explain to me.

"Listen, I know this is very overwhelming for you."He started, standing right in front of me
"I know the...the Yorms changed you. That's why Mitch was so adament on catching you. That and the fact that he loves to find new women. On the ride here though, I had a little chat with him. See, he was going to use you to his advantage. He know what you're capable of. You're one of the strongest ones here, since you were changed by them. You have heard of the Yorms, haven't you?"Leon asked
"Yes, Leah told me. She only referred to them as 'the clan', though."He chuckled a bit
"Most people here do. They're terrified of them. Most of them don't really know their names in the first place."He stated"They really aren't that scary. You just have to watch your back around them. I could take them out."

So he was egotistical. He stood in front of me and flexed his muscles and smiled. I giggled a bit, then looked down. I didn't understand myself anymore. Around these people, I wasn't myself. I never, ever giggled at men. Not in the way I had just done. And I was never embarrased either. Alas, I was. If I could blush, I would be right now. I guess Leon noticed how embarrased I was, because he chuckled again and pulled me up.

"You're nothing like you were the first night we found you."He stated
"I...uhm..I noticed. I'm not as much of a...brat to put it kindly..anymore."I replied, still looking down.
"I like you like this. I'm sorry for being so harsh that night. I was just upset with Mitch because he wanted to take advantage of you. And the fact that you bit me didn't help much either."I couldn't help but laugh that time.
"Sorry about that. Leah told me since that one girl changed me, I should've been lashing out. Guess that was it for me."I told him, he nodded and lifted my head up by my chin.
"We probably need to get back to dinner. Paul will be wondering where we're at."He said softly, I nodded, then hesitated when he started walking.
"Wait."I started"You never explained it to me. What's going to happen to me here?"

"Honestly. You'll more than likely make friends with everyone, and about once a month, or every other week depending on the Yorm's activity, we'll get new members. You won't have to sit up at that big table in front again, you can sit with your new family. But, they'll ween you off the blood, and that's about it. You have no reason to be scared. And if anyone messes with you, you come get me. That guy I brought in today, he's just one of the few that can't get ahold of himself. I know he scared you. But, trust me, they'll keep him separated from the others for a while. You won't have to see him until he's trustworthy."He explained, extending his hand"Now come on, let's go eat. I'm starving."

I took his hand and we headed back to the dinner, where everyone was waiting.
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Sorry it took so long.
Writers block and crap.

This one is for my bestie Rhea(vamira)