Status: 1/26/11: Someone reported this story so....

Last Regret

Chapter 9

It’s raining hard and I can’t help but hope that this means Brendon’s movie plans will fall through. Not that I didn’t want to go see my “first” movie but my neighborhood was particularly small. It’d be too easy to find Lindsay or even Cole sitting in that same movie theater. I couldn’t take that chance. Staying home would be fine and Brendon would eventually -being in a band and such- have to leave. It was a great plan but if you factored in Brendon’s consistency I was royally fucked.

Regardless of what happens at three, I still had a couple of hours to myself. I use that time to ignore calls and catch up on old course work before spring break ended. I was terribly far behind in school but I couldn’t blame anyone but myself. I had been so focused on pleasing Cole and making sure his friends liked me -which I’d apparently failed at- that I’d stopped caring about school entirely. Now as I leafed through piles of classwork I realize how stupid I’d been.

A quick glance at the clock tells me that it’s already 2:55 and that’s when I hear the footsteps outside of my door. I had forgotten all about Brendon. I drop the books sitting on my lap and race to my closet, where I pick out a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I pull the clothes on, brush my hair and sigh in relief. It used to take me hours to get dressed but now I didn’t care nearly enough.

“What are you doing?” a voice asks from outside.

“Bathroom,” Brendon answers weakly.

"You should have went before," the voice says, as I pull open the door.

“Bathroom’s in there,” I say pointing to a small room. Brendon smiles in relief and runs into the bathroom, leaving me with his brown-haired friend.

“Uh, do you want to come in?” I ask and the guy nods. He follows me inside and I gesture towards the couch where we both sit. This guy looked almost anorexic and his clothing made me cringe. Was that really a vest with roses on it?

“I’m Ryan,” he says after a few seconds of silence.


“Yeah I know. Brendon talks about you a lot. I had to come to make sure you were real,” Ryan says and I laugh but he doesn’t even crack a smile. Brendon pokes his head out of the bathroom and narrows his eyes. “Are you talking about me?”

I answer the question with one of my own, “What movie are we seeing?”

“I don’t know. Definitely something scary,” he says, stepping out of the bathroom.

Oh.” I hated scary movies. I always freaked out and made myself seem even more pathetic than I already was.

“Well, let’s go,” Ryan says. Brendon and I follow Ryan out of my apartment and pile into Brendon’s car.

“Hey Alexis,” Brendon begins, causing me to glance at him from the backseat.

“You look really nice today,” he finishes, giving me a bright smile. I blush and Ryan snorts which only makes me blush harder. Before I can remember to thank him, he’s already started talking with Ryan.
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