Status: 1/26/11: Someone reported this story so....

Last Regret

Chapter 14

Three hours later, Brendon and I are heading back home, after dropping every one off. It’s about eleven o’clock and Brendon’s blasting music and we’re both singing along blissfully until it starts to rain. We stop at a red light and Brendon glances over at me. He opens his mouth to say something, but the sound of thunder-followed by my shriek- interrupts him.

Brendon raises an eyebrow, “you’re afraid of thunder?”

“It’s not as wimpy as it sounds,” I mumble, turning away from the window.

“Okay, I’ll drive a little faster then,” he says, as the light turns green. Another crackle of thunder sounds and I jump in my seat, clutching onto Brendon’s arm.

“But my place is closer,” he says, making a sharp turn.

“No you don’t have to do-” I begin, already releasing my grip on his arm.

“Just relax okay?” he suggests, grasping my hand in his. I blush and Brendon smiles that blinding smile of his; I can’t say no.

Brendon draws the curtains closed and gives me his IPod to distract myself with. It works like a charm and in less than five minutes, I forget about the thunder. I’m listening to All You Need Is Love by The Beatles, when Brendon kneels down in front of me and pulls one of the earphones out of my ear and puts it in his.

“Good choice,” he says. I nod and we listen to the music in comfortable silence for a while before I feel compelled to speak.

“Thanks for everything,” I mutter, trying not to speak over the song.

“You shouldn’t thank me. I’m just doing what any guy should-”

“Brendon, don’t-”

“No Alexis it’s true. You deserve so much better than Cole,” he finishes, leaning forward. I know it’s coming, but I make no attempt to stop it. I like Brendon and it was obvious that the feeling wouldn’t go away, so why couldn’t I indulge. Brendon presses his lips against mine in a light kiss. He pulls away slightly to smile, as the Beatles chant that all we need is love.

I want to believe them so badly and I blindly kiss Brendon back. I kiss Brendon back for those twenty seconds until the song fades out and then reality kicks in. I’m kissing a fucking rock star and stupidly believing that I won’t get hurt again. No, it was bound to happen. Love may be all I needed, but I was not about to get it from Brendon.

I jump away from him, turning red and rushing towards the door. How had I let one sensation of complete lust overtake my common sense so easily? I had to leave and I had to isolate myself from the fairytale that was Brendon Urie. Happily ever after would never exist.

“Where are you going?” he asks, jumping up from the floor.

“I’ve got work to finish,” I say, clutching the doorknob.

“Can I at least have my IPod back?” he asks and that’s when I realize that I’m still holding it. I drop it on the floor, pull the door open and start to run, but I hear Brendon’s footsteps behind me. Before I can reach the stairs, he grabs my arm, causing me to stop. I don’t turn around; I won’t turn around.

“Alexis,” he begins forcefully, in a failed attempt to get me to spin around. He lets out a frustrated sigh, but still keeps a strong grip on my hand, “at least let me drive you home.”