Status: 1/26/11: Someone reported this story so....

Last Regret

Chapter 3

I open my eyes, smiling for first time in days, thinking about Brendon. I roll out of bed and step into the shower, peeling off clothes as I go. Yeah, you could say it was a pretty blissful morning.

I hop out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body, humming a song to myself. I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple, before stopping dead in my tracks.

I hear a voice. Most notably Brendon’s voice.

“Hey Alexis, do you always forgot to lock your door?” he asks and I can hear his voice coming closer.

I curse under my breath and try to think of some sort of escape. The only way to get out of the kitchen was through the living room, which Brendon was already in. I take a step forward, hoping to make a run for it, when the kitchen door is pushed open.

Colliding with my face.

“Shit, Alexis are you okay?!” Brendon exclaims, running to my side.

“You suck,” I groan, sitting up.

“I’m so sorry! Do you need ice or-”

“I need you to go sit in the living room and wait until I’m dressed,” I hiss.

Brendon does a double take as if realizing I’m in a towel for the first time.

“Oh, I should probably get off of you then,” he says slowly, his cheeks turning pink.

I roll my eyes, “show a little skin and the boy turns to mush.”

Ten minutes later, I walked out of my room, a little less annoyed than before.

“Now Brendon, why are you here?” I asked, rubbing my forehead, which still hurt.

Brendon smiles weakly, “I told you I was coming over yesterday but I didn’t mean to...hit you with a door...”

“Don’t worry about it,” I say airily.

I cross the room and sit next to Brendon on the couch. Brendon throws his arm around my shoulder, causing me to blush.

“So, what do you wanna do today? I don’t have band practice today.”

I shrug and Brendon raises an eyebrow, “no idea?”

“Well, I kind of have a headache, so I wanted to stay in,” I mutter.

Brendon kisses the small bump on forehead and sighs, “I can’t believe I did that to you.”

“Brendon I’m fine,” I mutter.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Brendon, I’m uh...sure,” I say, looking away from Brendon’s intense gaze.

Brendon cups my chin in his palm and turns my face back to his, bringing his lips down on mine.

I pull away abruptly, still in Brendon’s embrace, “I’m sorry, I can’t...I don’t think we should um.. I mean-"

Brendon moves his hands from around my shoulder and stands up.

“I’ll go get you some ice for that bump.”

What is wrong with me? Brendon is exactly what I need right now and I pushed him away.

“Hey Brendon!” I call from my seat on the couch.

Oh no, Alexis Layton was not about screw up, again. Brendon pokes his head into the living room and raises a cautious eyebrow, “what?”

A slow smile creeps across my face as an idea crosses my mind.

“Let’s go ice-skating!” I exclaim, jumping up from the couch.

“Uh, okay,” he says slowly, watching me warily.
♠ ♠ ♠
At the risk of sounding like a should really check out The Academy Is...' new song, Winter Passing. It is absolutely amazing.

Other than I'm back from the hospital.