Status: 1/26/11: Someone reported this story so....

Last Regret

Chapter 5

"What did I do?" Brendon calls, from outside of my door. I sigh and turn up the volume on the television, hoping to drown out his voice.

Brendon had been here for about a half hour and with each minute he only grew louder. I liked Brendon, he was funny and endearing and nice, but I couldn't let him in. I was too afraid of how things might ago. He was Brendon Urie and I was just Alexis Layton. There was no way I would ever be good enough for him and yesterday's events at the bowling alley had been a much needed reminder. I had started to believe that maybe we could be friends or something more but that couldn't happen. Brendon could do so much better and I was going to let him.

"Alexis!" he shouts again and I groan. The volume couldn't go any higher. I stand up and pull open the door. Brendon's smiling brightly and holding a dandelion.

I raise an eyebrow, "you brought me a weed?"

He coughs and drops the flower, "no."

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Well you haven't been answering your phone and after yesterday...well I wanted to see you," he says hopefully.

"I told you-"

"Yeah and I don't get it. Those girls...they don't even matter!"

"Maybe not but that doesn't change anything. There are so many beautiful girls out there that you could be with, but instead you're here, with me," I mumble, looking down at the ground. I had never been one to point out my flaws, because Cole had always beat me to it, but here I was, telling Brendon how stupid he was being.

"You are beautiful!" he exclaims, lifting my face up.

"Stop," I hiss, shoving him backwards.

"Why are you so afraid? I'm not going to do what he did to you," Brendon says, taking a few steps forward again.

I shake my head, "Forget it."

"Can you give me one chance? And if I screw up you can hate me forever," he suggests and I sigh. Brendon seemed almost perfect and as much as I wanted to turn him down--due to my fears-- I couldn't. As much as I hated to admit it, I liked him and it was obvious that he wasn't going anywhere.

"Fine. Only one chance though!" I shout over Brendon's shout of happiness.
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