Status: 1/26/11: Someone reported this story so....

Last Regret

Chapter 7

"You could have told me we were coming here," I mumble, looking around the five-star restaurant. Brendon and I were considerably dressed down, although he had made reservations. I felt horribly embarrassed by the stares we were receiving and I could feel my cheeks heating up as disapproving eyes snapped to our attire.

"Don't worry, you look great," he says, before standing up from his seat.

"Where are you going?" I ask nervously. He couldn't leave me alone with all of these people glaring at me.


"You can't leave me alone out here," I say and Brendon laughs.

"Well, you can join me," he suggests and I roll my eyes.

"No thanks."

"Suit yourself," he retorts, before waving and heading towards the bathroom. The waiter had already delivered our food and so I take a bite of an unappealing salad, as my phone starts to vibrate against my leg. I head into the bathroom to answer it.

"Hey Lindsay," I answer cautiously. Lindsay was one of Cole's friends and I had become friends with her afterwards. She was never quite the friend I needed and she always took Cole's side.

"I heard about Cole and I wanted you to know that it's not your fault. I mean Amber was much cooler than you not to mention prettier and you didn't stand a chance. So don't feel bad okay? Cole did a great job of hiding it for a month. But you're okay right? I mean you're not staying at home and eating ten gallons of ice cream right?" she asks, although her tone seems almost hopeful.

"Um, no. I'm out with a...friend," I mumble and Lindsay makes me repeat it twice before answering.

"Really? I mean woah. What's his name?" I hesitate before saying Brendon's name and the only response I get is silence.

"Hello?" I ask cautiously.

"Do you really expect me to believe that Brendon Urie picked up a little piece of shit like you and took you on a date?" she hisses.

"It's not-"

"I get that you're sad and shit but this is pathetic. When you decide to grow up and get over yourself, you can call me back," she says, before hanging up. I push the phone back into my pocket and slowly walk back to my seat. Brendon's already sitting at the table eating some kind of seafood.

"I thought you ditched me," he says, smiling up at me. I smile uncomfortably and sit down across from Brendon, with no intention of finishing my salad. I spend the next five minutes listening to Brendon talk and trying not to cry.

"Is everything okay Alexis?" Brendon asks suddenly, looking up from his plate. I nod but avoid his probing eyes.

"Are you sure? 'Cause you haven't even touched your salad..." he trails off.

"Um, I'm not hungry," I mumble. Brendon gives me a skeptical look and somehow I manage to smile.

“Really Brendon, I’m fine.” Brendon gives me one more concerned look before returning to his food.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh...I don't like it.