Coma White


I awoke to the sound of shifting drapes. Soft footsteps padded on the ground next to the bed. A body climbed in next to me, pulling me to it's chest, keeping me warm. It must be her.

"Good morning," she said, her voice tearing me from myself.

"Mhm," I mumbled, sinking myself into her, loving the feeling of being in her arms.

"Did you sleep well?" Her arms tightened around me. Choking me. Holding me. Killing Me. Loving me. You think it'll last...?

"Yeah," I whispered, unsure of my true answer. She raised my face from her chest, and looked into my eyes.

"You're planning on leaving today, aren't you?" Her eyes were dark and powerful.

Truthfully, I hadn't decided. My subconcious mind was screaming at me to escape, but my body wanted to stay. I fought myself.

"Why would you want that, baby? Don't you care about me?" Fury was raising behind her words.

"No-I wasn't-" She slammed me against the bed, pinning me down.

"I love you. You can't and won't do that again." Panic and anger fueled her actions.

I was breathless. Fear was all I could feel. Please don't let her hurt me again...You knew this was coming. No, It's a misunderstanding. Stop lying to me, you know it's true. No, it's not. It's happening now. Stop before she kills you.

"No!" I screamed, unable to control myself. I struggled beneath her, tears brimming my eyes. "No..." She's insane. She's different. She's not the same. "You're hurting me..."

Her eyes changed altogether, and she got off me, pulling me up on the bed. Tears fell down my cheeks. She held me firmly against her chesst, cradling me softly.

"I'm so sorry...I just don't want to lose you again...please don't hate me, I love you so much." She whispered to me, while moving us in a steady, rocking motion. "I love you. I don't want to hurt you..."

My eyes lit up. A misunderstanding.

"...but I will if I have to." Oh, really? I gasped at her words. How could she? Intentionally? My body froze. It seemed to be doing that a lot.

I have to get out of here. Now. Don't waste one second.

I stared at her for a second or two, unsure of her sincerity. Her eyes looked like a crossover of death and life. I struggled to get out of her grasp, get home and make sure my friends and famiy were safe, but she was more than determined to keep me there.

My body was slammed against the wall on the far side of the rooom. Pain ran up through my back and my head. I moaned from the pain, turning my head, only to feel her lips against my neck. I gasped, trying to poush her off me, and horribly failing.

"Don't worry, I'll make you as comfortable as possible," she whispered, sending chills through my bones.
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