You're in My Heart, the Only Light That Shines There in the Dark

Read the blue between the lines

You can keep this
I'm starting to see
why were both here tonight

The music blared from the speakers .
Jess walked around the condo looking at all the time and effort Laila
put into the party . The empty dancefloor was set out on the beach with tiki torches
lighting every corner.

"Wow ! " Jess set her hand on Laila's shoulder ."so how much is this going
to cost us ?"

"oh Jess baby " Laila said in a laid back voice ," I have my connections
and even if I didnt we would worry about the bill after the party ."
Laila winked at Jess as she walked away toward the the condo leaving Jess alone
on the dancefloor .

" This dancefloor is freakin huge , how many people is she bothering to invite ."
Jess thought out loud .

" Maybe a thousand ." a voice answered Jess's question .

Jess stopped and turned to see who was on the dancefloor with her .

" Laila has this thing where her parties end up turning into a night where someone looses
their common sense ...... or clothes ." Robert smirked as he made his way to Jess
timing every step with his words .

" Oh yeh you dont have to tell me twice , I've known this girl longer
than I can remember, I guess things like that happen when
your best friends with somone."

"Cute ." Robert replied as he rubbed his jaw and looked out into the ocean.

"Whats cute ? " Jess leaned against the drink table and stared him down .

"Sarcasm ... its the easiest way to flirt ." Robert said as he leaned against
the table , next to Jess .

"Oh ahaha so you've got this all figured out ? ... well dont flatter yourself baby
because sarcasm can also be the easiest way to give someone a hint."

"It all depends ." Robert slowly whispered in Jess's ear .

Jess gave a sinister smile and bit her bottomlip as she turned to Robert . They were
face to face so close she could feel his breath on her lips . She slightly opened her mouth
as if welcoming roberts lips for a kiss , he leaned in ...

"Sorry baby your going to have to impress me way more if your even planing to
get me to think about kissing you ." Jess smirked as
she pulled a wine glass full of punch to her
mouth putting space between their lips .

Robert gave out a laugh and nodded his head slightly ."Well played ." he said as he
turned to get a drink himself .

"Sure ." Jess commented as she walked toward the condo .

Jess walked away making sure not to look back . She couldnt help but smile ,
this night was going to be fun .

"So when do all the rest of the guest get here ? " Jess asked as she helped Laila
fix the living room .

"In about a couple more minutes ." Laila smiled .

"Whos all coming ?.

"Well Ryan said he would try to make it , and Jon said he'd be here so would Spencer ."
Laila said as she grabbed more cups from the cabinet . " And I told them they could bring
whoever they wanted so yeh ..."

"What about Brendon ? "... Jess stopped and looked at Laila.

" What about him ? " Laila kept on with her bussiness kind of ignoring the question.

" Well... is he coming ? "

"...I also invited some old friends from highschool it ought to be fun
to catch with them and stuff ... and well ofcourse my band ." Laila said completley ignoring
Jess's question this time.

"Why dont you two just get over it already and grow up , it was a long time ago ."
Jess commented completely cutting every corner off the subject .

" I am over it ... he can come if he wants nobodys stopping him , and I bet you he will come,
just to ruin my night ."

" Well if your over it why would it ruin your night ?." Jess said knowing
she won.

" Because well ..." Laila stopped and looked down at her watch.

" ...Because your not over it ." Jess finished Lailas sentence as she walked towards her .
"Now stop lying and admit it ."

Laila rolled her eyes and took in a deep breathe .

"I...Am ... " Laila started off slowly , then the door bell rang . "off the hook ."
Laila giggled as she made her way to the door .

Jess watched her and swore she would get it out of her sometime tonight .

"Hello Laila "... Jess heard somone say in a monotone voice .

" Ryan ! Glad you could make it ..." Laila welcomed him in .

"Hey Jess !" Ryan grinned as he hugged her !

"oh my god wow ! ... Jess looked him up and down " you've sure changed , wheres all
the... umm " Jess made gestures toward her face as she tried to find the word she
was looking for .

"Make-up ?" ryan smirked

"yeh that ." Jess let out a nervous laugh as she patted his shoulder .

"Its gone , It's just not my thing anymore ." ... "Hey Laila theres somone out on
the dancefloor just standing there ." Ryan Said as he looked passed Jess .

"oh yeh thats umm Jess's lover ."Laila teased as she turned ryan around for a hug.

" OH yeh definetly ." Jess said sarcasticly . " speaking of lovers , Wheres Brendon ?"
Jess asked ryan as she put her arm around Laila .

" oh good one ." Laila glared at Jess .

"Well hes ... well I'm not really sure ." ryan said scratching the side of his face .

Just then the door bell rang again .

" Oh I'll get it ." Laila said as she skipped to the door.

"So Jess what does Laila mean your lover ? that doesnt look anything like Mikey ..."
Ryan asked looking confused.

" First of all hes not my lover." Jess giggled as she put her hand to her head
"and well me and Mikey are ... " Jess looked past ryan and cleared her throat.
"were over ."

"oh I'm sorry , I didnt know ."

"No dont worry about it , its cool." Jess smiled politley as she turned and caught sight of
Jon and Spencer looking through the records that were going to be played at the party.

Ryan smiled as he Put his arm around Jess and walked with her toward The guys .

"Rob!!! " Laila called out from the sliding windows leading out to the dancefloor.
"come on in love ! I promise none of us will bite ... well I cant say too much for Jess
she might but i guarantee you'll like it !" Laila laughed .

" Shut up !" Jess giggled as she threw a pillow at laila's head .

Robert walked in and stared straight at Jess , Her mind went blank and she felt unreal.
Its like he made her feel naked she couldnt run or hide . He flashed the same smile he had
at the coffee shop at her and stopped as Laila started to introduce him to Ryan.
Jess smirked at him turned and walked to the kitchen .

The party seemed like a blast from the past , Jess hadnt seen her friends in so long .
It felt good to be amung them , Its like all of them picked up where they left off
the summer after graduation . It was also good to be amung new faces to especially him.
Jess watched Robert look at her the whole night sending
signals but not getting close enough for words .

"Oh god talk about being fashionably late ." Laila commented as she stood at the door
staring at Brendon .

" Well maybe if you didnt live on a beach in the middle of no where I would be able to find
the house ." Brendon fired back as he stepped in .

"It's not in the middle of no where your just dumb , and you dont take direction well."
Laila reached in Brendons pocket and pulled out his smokes .

" Hey dont you think its a little to early in the night for that ." Brendon smirked as
he grabbed Lailas hand.

" Get over yourself ." Laila said as she threw the pack of smokes in the trash can .
"None of that tonight ok ?" Laila looked at Brendon for a bit before she
pointed him to the dancefloor."

"I'd quit if I had a reason too ." Brendon said as he walked to the dancefloor.

Laila wathced him walk away and clenched her fist unsure if she was feeling anger or sadness.
She shook it off and walked out toward the Dj booth and set some records next to the turn tables .

"Whats up Bren ." Jess made her way to him and greeted him with a hug .

"Hey Jess ! you look great ." He said turning her around in a circle .

He stopped for a while looking into the dancefloor ... "Isnt that Edward Cullen ?"
Brendon laughed .

"Hahah actually his real name is Robert Pattinson and yeh thats him ."
Jess giggled .

"Thats odd I would have never expected to see him here ."

"Yeh well Laila had this genious plan ." Jess started to dance

"Oh ...Laila and her plans ." Brendon said as he started to dance along with Jess.

"Yeh ." Jess agreed.

"Well she always had this thing for being able to tell when people were meant to be . " Brendon looked
over to the Dj booth and stared at Laila for a split second.

"Yeh ..." Jess smiled at the thought of Robert .

" You like him dont you ?" Brendon asked as he turned Jess in Roberts direction.

"What ? ....pfft no ." Jess laughed the question off.

" Sure you do , so why dont you go dance with him ."

" NO I dont ." Jess said turning back to Brendon only to find Rob there .

"You dont what ?" he asked as he watched Jess fidget .

"uh ..." Jess went blank again.

"May I have this dance ?"
He politley asked as the upbeat tempo song cut off and faded into a slow song .

"I dont see any other choice ." Jess said as she took his hand.

"You know ,I'm not the type to play games ." he said as he pulled Jess closer to him .
" so I'm just going to come right out and say it ... I like you ." Robert tightened his
grip on Jess's waist.

Jess watched him look at her with the most innocent intentions in his eyes. This was
enough to get her to start thinking about kissing him . She gulped then layed her head
against his sholder,at this point he was more hugging her than just dancing with her .
His embrace felt right and it was somewhere she wanted to be . Before they knew it they
were the only two on the dancefloor.

"Your beautiful ." He said as he moved a strand of hair away from Jess's face .

Jess smiled and put her hand on the side his face ." Your not too bad yourself ."
Jess said playfully .

"So does that mean that I will get your number by the end of tonight ?" He stopped
dancing and looked at Jess.

"I'm pretty sure , since were not playing games anyore I think I want you to call me ."
Jess smirked as she wrote her number on his hand .

"Okay ... good ." He kissed her forehead , holding back temptation to kiss her .

Take it easy from here
I can make
Everything feel so damn good