You're in My Heart, the Only Light That Shines There in the Dark

Its strange to think about all the time we spent

Free Falling now
I Never even remember
Having to look back
It seems so far away
Now that I'm here with you
"So it looks as if theres heavy clouds bringing a storm over the coast ."

"Nah duh " Laila sarcasticly said as she turned off the T.V
and looked back out to the rain pouring like buckets of water down on the sand .

"So beautiful yet so destructive " Laila threw herself on the sofa as she watched the ocean move rapidly every which way .
She could get lost in the beauty of the ocean , she could get lost in lost in alot of things but the last time she did it ended up with her being


"Loves for ass faces ." Laila giggled at how silly the remark sounded out loud .

"Well .. then I guess I'm a ass face ." Rob laughed as he came down from the stairs heading toward the kitchen .

"Very funny , ...Do you ever go home ?" Laila entered the kitchen and sat on the countertop . .."Ah NO ! " She said as she rushed to Rob to take

her red bull away from him ." Its the last one and its mine ! "

"Okay fine !... and to answer your question ... No I dont ! " He laughed as he pinched Lailas cheeks

" Stop that !" Laila slapped his hands away from her face .
"Well then just move in why dont you ? "

Can I ? .. I'll pay rent ..." Rob smiled widely

It was silent as laila wathced him smile like a idiot , then thought it through . " Fine ! " Laila rolled her eyes as she tried to make her way

to the refridgerator .

" Really ? Thanks !" Rob Hugged Laila .

" Your... crushing ... my ... ribs " Laila gasped for air still reaching for the refridgerator door handle .

" Great your the best !.. and now since I'm living here with you Jess
its going to be one big party !"

" Ahahah sure ... I guess theres really no use to have a six bedroom condo and only one person occupying it " Laila laughed as she opened

her lunchable ."holy craperoni I won a ferret!" Laila gasped as she looked at the wrapper .

"Really ! " Rob joined in the excitement .

"No . .. "Laila quickly changed emotions and smirked at how gullible Rob just was .

"Oh hah so funny ." Robs face was emotionless.

"What the heck are you guys doing down here ...your being so loud ." Jess held her head as she walked over to Rob and gave him a kiss .

"Good morning babe ." He smiled as she pulled away .

"Morning ."

The two stared at eachother silently .

" ...Awkward ." Laila mumbled under her breath ."Well it looks like I'm done here , I'm off to go stab somebody ." Laila looked back to see if

the couple had noticed her comment . "Okay guess not well im off to go get pregnant and have so many babies ... then leave them here... for

you two to take care of them ."

"hahaha Laila you wouldnt even have sex with anybody ." Jess laughed as she turned to Laila .

" pfft how do you know ?"

"Cause I just do ." Jess laughed "Your waiting till you married "

" No ... I'm just waiting for the right person , we dont have to be married ."

"I'm just kidding with you love ." Jess smiled as she pulled Laila into a hug.

"I know ." Laila Hugged Jess back . "But really now , How did you know that ... umm...." Laila asked looking confused .

" Well I didnt ...but you made it clear my lovely virgin ." Jess smirked as she ruffled Lailas hair .

"Oh your good !" Laila squinted her eyes pointing at Jess .

"OOOOHH K ! ... thats a little more than I needed to know ."
Rob walked around them .

" Oh whatever nobody told you to eaves drop ." Jess said pushing him into the wall .

"Laila ! ...Laila ... Laila ! " Rob whipered loudly trying to wake Laila from her sleep.

" Hmm what .... whats going on ?.... whos ... " Laila turned around only to see rob standing next to her bed .
"Oh my god ! " Laila jumped up ." You fucking scared me ! .. you loon !"

" Sorry but I need to ask you something ... "Rob sat down next to Laila .

"And This couldnt wait till the morning ." Laila yawned rubbing her eyes .

"No I need to tell you now !"

Laila sat there staring forward blinking."Okay well ... shoot ."

" ... well you know me and Jess have been together for like a while now ... and well I wanted to take her to meet my parents ! ... do you think

she'd take to that well ?"

"... You dont know how pissed I am at you right now ..." Laila held her head and reached for her cell phone . " you wake me up just to ask me

that ?... how am I suppose to know how she would take to it ?... I think you should just ask her ."

"Yeh I know but I dont want to scare her away .. so I wanted to know how would you react to that type of situation ."

"Well let me tell you something , If I was really in love with the guy like how Jess is with you I would love to meet his parents , it would show

me that hes as serious about me as Iam about him ."'

"Your so right ." Rob scratched his cheek smiling at how much clearer everything seemed now .

" Good , great , grand . can I get back to sleep now ...." Laila laid back down and threw the covers over her face.

"Sure ... thanks for the advice !" Rob said as he walked out of the room .

Okay so which do you think is best?... this shirt or this shirt ! "Jess smiled nervously as she held both shirts up to her sides and looked at Rob

, Laila and Ryan.

"Both ." Laila and Ryan said in unison , looking at Jess sleepily.

While rob sat on the chair next to the fitting room rubbing his face in boredom . " I think either one would look great on you Jess , your

absolutley beautiful in anything , now stop stressing about this , I dont think my parent will care what color of shirt your wearing ." He

laughed as he held Jess rubbing her back .

" I know but I just ...its just because this shirt says " Hello nice to meet you im a respectable girl thats not too uptight and can handle a

good joke ." Jess said as she stared at the red top in her hands.

"oh god shes going nuts ." Ryan stood up with his hand on his hips looking around.

"... and this one -" Jess started up again.

"Oh I think you should go with the red one" Laila jumped up .

"Okay ... good , but why? "

"Well because come on its talking fabric ." Laila smiled as she turned to Ryan .

"Laila ... you know that fabric doesnt actually talk ." Ryan put his hands on Lailas shoulders .

" yeh I know , but Jess thinks it does ... ." Laila whispered to him.

Ryan stood behind laila for a bit squinting his eyes... " See its times like this when I see why you and brendon are made for eachother."

"Okay enough ... I'm going with the red one ." Jess said sounding agrivated .

"I cant wait this is going to be great!" Rob smiled as he rubbed Jess's shoulders .

" Yeh I know ... I cant wait to meet your parents ." Jess smiled nervously as she rubbed her hands together . "You know while were waiting I'm

going to go get some coffee , do want a cup ?"

" Sure babe ." Rob smiled as he kissed Jess.

"Okay I'll be back ."

Rob stood there in line feeling the small velvet box in his pocket . His heart was beating so fast he couldnt even stand it . He watched Jess

walked away and got lost in the thought of it all . He had never loved anybody like this , sure he had many relationships which failed

miserably, but this was actually the first time he ever told a girl he loved her and meant it with every bit of his heart. He stopped and

pulled the box out when Jess was out of sight , opened it revealing a diamond ring . He was going to ask Jess to marry him , he found the

girl of his dreams and wasnt about to let her get away.

" I'll have two coffees please." Jess smiled as she handed the money to the cashier.

" I'l have a coffee please ... I need to wake up ." The guy in the line next to her siad.

Jess stopped and looked down at her coffees as she listened to the familiar voice . " Wait a minute ." Jess thought to herself ."That voice

sounds like ." Jess turned around and bumped into the him.

"Mikey ." Jess stared at him with a worried look on her face .

"Damn ..." Mikey said as he looked down at his jacket and tried to get as much coffee off it as he could . " You know I'm really sorry for

running into you like that miss ." Mikey said while still looking down at his jacket . " I hope I didnt -" Mikey stopped looking up and

realizing the girl he bumped into was Jess.

It was quite for a while as they took in the situation .

"So how are things ?" Mikey didnt change emotions .

" Theyre good . and with you ?" Jess smiled trying to lighten up the moment .

" Theyre fine , the band was just going to spend time in boston while we record our next album so , that explains this ."
Mikey took off his jacket and set it down on his suit case .

" Oh I - "

" Jess baby , come on we need to get on our flight ." Rob said as he hugged Jess from her waist.

Mikey looked at Jess with a cold look in his eyes , a look Jess had never seen .

" Mikey ! come on dude our rides here ! " Gerard shouted out to Mikey not even noticing he was talking to Jess.

" I gotta go , I'll see you around ." Mikey looked at Rob and Jess before he turned and walked away .

and it starts again
begining with everything
we never said