You're in My Heart, the Only Light That Shines There in the Dark

Please just say you will

Good impressions arent
especially when
no one cares

" Oh man I think I might just pass out ." Jess ran her hands down her face exhaling loudly.

"Calm down baby ... its going to be fine ." Rob comforted Jess.

"Okay ... yeh your right ... sure ." Jess smiled weakly as

she looked to the mansion they were parked out side of . It looked like a museum this was insane , her mind started to race as soon as she saw a lady step out of the house and wave , she was dressed like she was going to some sort of fancy bussiness meeting .

" Mother ! " Rob opened the car door and ran to give her a hug .

Jess gulped at the idea looking down at her black jeans , converse and Panic at the disco band t-shirt . "Stupid Ryan for convincing me to wear this instead of the red shirt I picked out ... " Jess thought to herself. " Just be yourself , if Rob loves you I'm sure they'll except you for who you are Jess blah blah blah !." Jess mocked Ryans whole be yourself lecture.

"Well... Here goes nothing ." Jess stepped out smiling nervously.Her hands were shakey and she felt like she had no balance .

Rob stopped and turned to Jess strecthing his hand out to her Smiling warmly ."Come on Jess , I'd like you to meet my mom.Jess walked toward keeping eye contact with Rob .

" Jess this is my wonderful mom ...and mom ..." He turned and smiled " this is the love of my life , Jess ."

" Its a pleasure Mrs.Pattinson." Jess leaned forward to shake her hand .

She watched Jess with a look as if she had just been insulted on her face . She finally forced a fake smile and slightly reached her hand out to shake Jess's.

" Of course ." She fakley smiled as she looked down at Jess's chipped black nail polish . " How charming ." She muttered quickly letting go of her hand and turning her back to Jess ." Come My little Robby ." She said making it obvious she didnt want to acknowledge Jess's presence .

Rob turned to Jess and sheepishly smiled knowing this wasnt going like how he planned . Jess watched him and his mom walk into the house . His smile said it all ... he was wrong it wasnt going to be fine his mom was a rich , snotty not very polite bi-...

" Oh Jess darling please do join us in the den I would love to show you some family albums ." Her voice Sounded pleasent but the look she was giving Jess was a whole different story .

" I'll be right in ." Jess smiled trying to mask how awkward she felt .


"No ."





"Oh come on ... please ?..."

" No , why should I do this for you ?. Its not my fault you cant hold a damn relationship or keep it in your pants. I refuse. Why dont you just ask Ryan or Spence or Jon or somebody else thats not me ?." Laila layed out on the sand looking up at the stars argueing on her cell phone .

" Because LAILA ! Ryan , spencer and Jon all live with their girlfriends , how weird would that be ? I mean come on atleast your apartment is big I can sleep in one of your spare bedrooms ." Brendon argued back sitting in his car .

" You fucking cheating ass hole ! . " A girl yelled standing in the drive way throwing all brendons stuff at his car . " Did you honestly think you could lie to me , do

I look that stupid ? " She walked up and started banging on his window .

" Oh wait hold up a second Laila ." He said as he rolled down the window ."Yes , satan ?" He smiled at her .

" Ugh you bastard!" she reached for the collar of his shirt and started pulling on it .

" Okay ... well this was nice and all but I have to go ." He began to back out of the driveway.

When he was out of the driveway and on the road he picked up his cell " Oh my god she has issues ." He laughed to himself ." Laila I'm coming over , yes?"

" Whatever ." Laila rolled her eyes at how stupid the whole situation was .

"See you in a bit ... baby ." He smirked.

" Your a tool ." Laila simply said then hung up .

"God damn ... answer the phone ." Jess sat at the edge of the bed in the guest room moving her feet nervously .

" Jess hurry it baby were going out to dinner ." Rob shouted from downstairs.

" Oh how delightful does this
"were "include your demon mother ." Jess muttered under her breath." I'll be right down ." She called out to Rob, then went back to her cell phone .

" Hello ." Laila said on the other end .

" Laila?... oh my god im so glad you answered ! what took you so long ?." Jess said quitley as she peeked her head out of the room looking down to the den .

"Well I was dealing with a " Brendon sitaution" I'd tell you but you sound like your in a hurry ."

" ..god , Laila! Robs mom is a bitch , her nose is stuck up so high in the air its unbelievable she doesnt drown when it rains ." Jess bit at her nails trying to take away the last of the chipped black nail polish .

"ahahaha .." Laila let out a laugh.

" What ? why are you laughing ?...I just want to go home " Jess let out a quite sob as she stuck her head down between her knees.

" Jess ?..." . " Jess are you crying love ?" Lailas tone changed . " Its gonna be ok ... this is just a minor bump in the road . You have to stay rob needs you to ."

" But were going out to dinner and I just know shes going to find some way to humiliate the hell out of me ." Jess managed to say through tears." I just want to make Rob happy ."

"And you do Jess , you do ... Okay listen just go out to dinner , give it one more shot and if not call me and I'll get on a plane and come get you ... okay ?"

"Okay ..." Jess sniffled.

" I'll leave you to it ok love me again if you need anything ."

"Okay , bye Laila ."

" Bye Jess."

Then the line went dead and Jess looked around the room wiping away her tears .

" Jess ?...." Rob walked into the room .

" Yeh ." Jess quickly turned away and grabbed her mirror and started to fix herself .

" Whats wrong ?... are you crying ?." Rob sat on the bed next to her .

" No ..its just I umm ...I have allergies." Jess smiled at him.

Rob stared at her knowing something was wrong ."But baby -"

" Come on Rob ... lets not keep your mom waiting."

Rob got a hold of her and pressed her against him leaning his cheek on her hair." I love you ... more than you'll ever know Jess and nothing ... or no one will ever change that ."

" God I love you ." Jess said as she pulled up to give him a kiss .


"You know I just dont see why you cant ever keep a realtionship ." Laila crossed her arms .

" You know I cant see it either ." Brendon smirked as he walked past Her. " But seriously , thanks for letting me stay with you a while ."

" Even though I hate you , your still my friend and I cant let you down like that ... so I guess your welcome ." Laila smiled ." Now if you'll excuse me im off to go sit next to the shore."

" Why are you always out there ?" Brendon stood up next to the couch and ruffled the back of his hair.

" Because ... its where I do my best thinking ." Laila said as she walked out .

Brendon watched her walk away and moved closer to the window to see her . He wondered what she was thinking about sitting out there alone .

" Hey ... do you mind if I join you ?" Brendon asked now standing next to where laila was sitting .

" No of course not ." Laila smiled as she patted the sand next to her .

The two stared out into the ocean watching the waves get lighted by the moon .

Laila watched brendon stare out , he had this look on his face , he seemed worried or sad she couldnt tell .

He turned to her " Dont you ever get tired of being lonely ?"

" Dont you ?" Laila asked back staring at him .

" Yeh I do ." Brendon got closer , pushing his lips against hers.

" So I was just sitting there and she says to me shouldnt

you stop them ." she burst out into laughter after another lame story .

She had been talking about herself all night and on top of that staring at Jess like she wanted to kill her . It was quite as they waited for their food .

" Mom ... Jess ... " Rob started off looking at both of them .I have something to say ." He moved his chair away and stood up . " Jess as you know I love you so much you have made me the happiest I have ever been . Your absolutley everything to me , And mom " He turned to her ." I wanted you to be here to tonight cause I want you with me every step of this experience."

She glared at Jess crossing her arms and leaning back but Jess didnt care Rob had her by the hand and was staring at her wth so much love in his eyes . Her heart was fluttering and tears started to build up behind her eyes.

" Jess ." He got down on one knee and looked up her " Will you....marry me ?" he smiled .

Jess smiled crying now and threw her arms around him " Ofcourse I will Rob !!"

"Absolutley unexceptable !" His mom stood up practically

shouting . " I will not have you marry her ! Shes ...Shes common , you deserve so much better ."

"Mother be quite !" Rob stood up looking at his mom.

" Do not yell at me for her , shes nothing I'm your mother!"

" No shes my fiance and I love her and your not being very mother like . How dare you act like this towards her."

The two were yelling and by now everyone was staring
.Jess got up and walked out she couldnt take this she was going home.

" Mom why dont you like her is it because she doesnt
dress all up her ass like you ? or she doesnt have
millions ? or is it the fact that you cant take that I love her ? " His words were cold and tears filled his eyes .

" My son ... come here ." She reached out her hands to him .

" No ! I cant believe you would act this way towards the
woman I love , the one person that makes me happy and
isnt a liar . like you ." He began to walk out toward the direction Jess went .

" If you leave you can forget you have a mother ." She stared at him .

" No problem ." He turned and kept walking .

all I ever needed
