My Sweet Mistake

Chapter One

“Okay then Jasey, that’s all for today. You’ve done well this week, a great improvement.” I smiled slightly at Mrs. Austern’s comment and rose to my feet. I picked up my folders beside me, and headed out the door.

“Same time next week, darling.” Mrs. Austern called out to me as I headed down the hall.
I still hadn’t done my humanities assignment which was due tomorrow, and I’d already made plans with Ele and Jesse. I mentally kicked myself as I rounded the hallway corner, and BAM!

I was knocked backwards from the impact, and landed on my butt with my folders and books spilling onto the floor. I quickly began gathering my belongings from my place on the floor, as the person who I’d run into helped me, handing me stray papers.

I stood upright, looking at the boy in front of me. He had short brown hair with a side fringe, and deep brown eyes. He was extremely skinny, and showed only the slightest hints of a tan. He smiled at me and held out his hand for me to shake.

“I’m Ryan, I just moved here from Nevada.” I took his hand and shook it, blushing slightly at his intent stare.

“I’m Jasey, and I’m late for English.” I let go of his hand, and nodded once. I started to walk out the door, but turned.

“Good luck.” I said and he gave me a puzzled look, and I sighed, “for your first day and all.” He straightened up and smiled.

“Oh. Well then, thank you... I guess.” As I opened the door the cool spring air rushed through my lungs. I headed over to the Laney building to where my English class was.

Lunchtime was always the same for me. I got my lunch of whatever was being served and I sat with my group of friends. I could tell that today was going to be different though; it would be different because of Ryan. He would be a novelty for a few days until the hype dyed down.
As I walked through the many tables of the school cafeteria I couldn’t help but notice the boy who I’d run into this morning.

Ryan was sitting with Brendon and James, the popular kids in my year. He looked over at me for a second, and a smile played at his lips.

I wasn’t hungry at that time, and although I knew I should eat something, I just joined my friends at our table. As I sat down at the table, Ele looked up from a conversation she was having with Jesse.

“Oh, hey. Where were you?” she looked at me with curiosity as I shrugged my shoulders.
“Around, I guess,” was my response. She nodded, and answered a question Jesse had asked. They were talking about their plans for the summer, so I joined in. Just as I’d started to tell them about the holiday my parents had planned, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around in my seat, and was surprised to see Ryan standing there.

“Hey!” he said with a smile and bright eyes. I stood up and smiled.

“Hey, Ryan. What’s up?”

“Oh, nothing much. I came over because Brendon said that he thought you were in my Math class?” He fiddled absent mindedly with his hands, and look up at me from under his fringe.

“Well, do you have Mr. Larson next?” He nodded and grinned.

“Well then, yeah. I am.” The bell rang signalling the end of lunch. People started to pack up their things and head off to their lockers.

“Do you want me to show you the way?” I wasn’t flirting with him on purpose, but it kind of just slipped out. Ryan nodded sheepishly and blushed a little. I heard some muffled coughing and muttering behind me, so I turned to see Ele and Jesse looking at me with high eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes and stalked off to get my books from my locker, only remembering Ryan when I heard fast footsteps behind me.