

This little girl was all alone. Her family had been slaughtered and she had no where to go. Though she cried and cried for someone to come rescue her no one came. Finally she got enough courage to leave her home and walk out onto the street. Covered in her family’s blood she walked the streets not knowing where she was going. She came across a park and sat down on of their benches. As she sat watching the bright moon a dark shadow came up to her speaking of the tragedy that befell the girl. Stunned she got to her feet and changed her stance to defencive. The shadow stood black waving its arms to show it was not a threat. She was not convinced. How could anyone know of her family’s slaughter if no one else came to help? This girl of only thirteen years of age no longer had the loving older sister, the mother and father anyone can ever have and the little brother that never got annoying. Her life was perfect but in one moment it was gone, lying in a pool of blood. She let down her defense and walked to the shadow’s home where she felt a different kind of safety.
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