Lost in Thoughts of Confusion.

The Call.

That night me and Maggie had been hanging out. She was really afraid and didn't like to call Michael's house. So I told her that I would do it for her. At about four o'clock I called his house and his mom had picked up the phone. My heart beating I asked

"Is Michael there?'
"No he is sweetheart, he is doing something in the school."
"Oh I am Sorry."
"No problem call him about six."
"thank you"

I was so mad I really needed to talk to him. I knew Maggie did even more. Our plan was that I was to call him and talk to him and not tell Michael that Maggie was hear to see what he would say. Then Maggie would get on the phone with him. We gossiped a while. Then my dad called us down for dinner. We had burgers and fries. Then me and Maggie went for a walk we talked a little I told her about Eric. She already knew I liked him.

When we got back to the house we went back up stairs. Tired, annoyed and impatient me and Maggie sat on the bed. My dad called us back down there. I forgot for a minute about her cake that I made all by myself for her birthday. It was neon Greene in the middle. Moist and gooey with oreos crushed inside of it. We sang happy birthday to her and then we cut the cake. It was so good.

Frustrated and still annoyed me and Maggie went back upstairs I sat on the bed. It had been 5:57. I was counting down. We started telling stories. It was fun. I told her one about getting a miniature ray thing and shrinking Michael. It was now six. I waited like three minutes and called him. Same thing happened he was not home yet. I was even more upset. I couldn't deal with this any more he was being such an ass.

Me and Maggie talked some more. We went and had pop tarts; that is our favorite food. Now it was about seven thirty. I called him back.

"hey I don't mean to bother you again but is Michael there?"
"Sorry he still isn't back yet."
"Oh well can you tell him it is really important."
"I will call him from where he is and tell him to call you okay"
"Okay thank you so much."

So me and Maggie waited and waited until we got in the shower. And no not together. I got in the shower, the warm water going down my back like I was in a waterfall felt so good. I almost forgot about all my problems until Maggie asked me if he had said anything about her. I started to think. I mean not that we never talk about her it's just most of the time he is sitting there listening to me talk in circles and make no sense. The only thing that he had said to me about her was about her birthday. Other then that I was telling him about how I wanted him to send his poems to her and that I thought it was cute he was writing poetry. He told me he already planned to send them to her but he needed to get her address. I already had it and gave it to him.

"Um I don't really remember, just him asking me about your birthday."

Saying that so I didn't give the surprise away. I wanted this to be one of her best birthdays. I wish I could get her what I knew she really wanted and God knows I really did try my hardest. But there really was no way of getting Michael down here for her birthday. I was frustrated. I didn't know at this point who wanted to see him more. I wanted to see him so bad. I mean I do sort of like someone else at this point but nothing can compare to the way I felt when he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I felt like nothing could go wrong.

I couldn't believe I was thinking this. It was like wrong, wasn't it. I mean I did like him first but I considered them like going out. What could I do I felt like a horrible friend. The more I thought about it the more I felt guilty.

With that I got out of the shower. Soaking wet, and cold I reached for my towel. I quickly wrapped it around me. I said to Maggie that she didn't need him. Was I telling her this. A guy we fought over so much and we fought about. A guy we both put on the top of everything. Did she really not need him. Well technically no she didn't.

We go back in my room. We st on the bed. I felt horrible. He forgot her birthday. I was pissed at this time. I was ready to yell at him so bad. I told her what I was going to say to him when he finally calls. Well it was getting late so me and Maggie went to bed.

"Ring ring ring" my phone was ringing. Who the hell was calling me at this time of night.

"Oh my God, I didn't forget"
"I'm sorry.'
"I didn't forget"
"well you didn't call either"
"But I didn't forget"
"listen can you give me Maggie's number"
"yeah, it is 566-6785"
"thank you bye"

My phone rings again. Oh my God.

"yeah what was it again"
"okay I will give her the phone she is at my house"
"Are you serious?"

I give Maggie the phone. I was so mad now. He calls and I am like half asleep how the hell do you want me to yell at him now well I didn't. Maggie didn't either. She just said what ever alot an okay and yeah. He called. When he hung up all I wanted to do was yell. I can't believe this. It was eleven at night. Okay whatever. I went back to sleep. That was the end of that.
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Well yeah what a nice guy don't you think. See what happens. Keep reading.