Lost in Thoughts of Confusion.


I had been keeping something from Maggie for a while and She was comming to my house tommorrow for Halloween. I didn't know what to do it is hard to keep things from her. It wasn't a bad thing though it was a good secret. Micheal was going to call her for her party and send her poems. I thught that was cute. My phone rang and it was Maggie. She asked me about the suprise and I told her I couldn't tell her.

I didn't want to give it away so I told her I had to go. Then I called Eddie. I told me that I can't tell her like I didn't know that. He made me feel better and I told him I was afraid to tell her because I wanted it to be a suprise but I was afriad that he wouldn't call because you saw what happened last time. I told him that is original why I didn't tell her. I called him that night telling him to call her and talked to him about the party.

He asked me if Maggie was still mad at him and I told him I would be. I mean he didn't even tell her happy birthday or apologize for not calling. He said he knew he was wrong but yet he didn't say anything about it. I told him he had to write the poems. He said he was typing them. I thought it would be more cute if he wrote them but hand but he said he had sloppy hand writting. I didn't think so but yeah.

I told him as long as he signed them with his pretty signature. He said that he wouldn't think not to. I was on the phone with him as he was printing them. He didn't like the way they were printing so he kept doing it over. I didn't think that it mattered but he did.

I layed in my bed for a while thinking about Eric. Did he really like me and did I really like him? I thought I did, but everytime I hear Micheal's voice it was like heaven knowing he was him. Hearing is sweet voice telling me how much he misses us. I thought he was for real. I never thought this highly of a guy before. It was different when I liked Eddie I thought he was dirt and he needed to die off the face of the earth.

I was totally wrong about Eddie. Now Eddie is my bolder. He keeps my feet on the ground and my head on straight. He is the most amazing guy I have ever met and I wouldn't dream of changing that.

But now back to my problem. Did Eric like me. I mean he was nice to me sort of more perverted and kind of immature. I mean Teddy said he did but did he? Closing my eyes picturing me with Eric my phone rang. It was Maggie. She didn't say anything about the suprise. So we kept taking. We talked about everything she told me how Eddie was being mean to her. Okay well I am going to go to bed so I will talk to you tommorrow goodnight.
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Sorry this chapter is really boring. I just had to tell you about the secret surprise. It will get better do you want to know if Micheal kept his promise to me or not.