Who's That Man

Who's That Man?

Turn left at the old hotel
I know this boulevard much too well it hasn't changed since I been gone
Oh this used to be my way home

It's still hard to believe that it's been 2 years since I've been here. Every single building I've passed by looks the same as the day I left. I guess my lifestyle had finally caught up with me, and it wanted to finish what I had started. She had tried so many times to make me stop, but the addiction was just too much.

They paved the road thru the neighborhood
I guess the county finally fixed good it was gettin' rough
Someone finally complained enough

I remember how she said she was going to make sure that road was paved. That road cause more problems than anything else. Accidents, and scraped knees after bike races were the worst. And now more than anything I wish I could go back just for all of that, even if it was only for a few minutes.

Fight the tears back with a smile
Stop and look for a little while oh it's plain to see
The only thing missing is me

I still remember the day we had bought our house. She was five months pregnant with our first child, and ecstatic about finally having a home to call her own.


"Come on Zacky hurry up!" hollered an impatient Tara as she pulled me up to the front door.

I walked at her pace, and fished the keys out of my pocket just as we got to the door. She snatched them out of my hand, hurriedly opened the door.

"Welcome home babe," I whispered when I noticed her shocked face.

The guys and I had decided to decorate the house, with help from the girls of course.

"Zacky, this is the best thing ever!" she said as she pulled me into a huge hug, "I love you so much."

"I love you too babe, "I said kissing her sweetly, "I have one more surprise though."

I gently grabbed her hand and lead her up the stairs. We got up into the hallway and I stopped in front of the second door.

"Go ahead, open it," I said stepping back and allowing her to have full access to the door. She slowly grasped the doorknob and twisted it just as slow. When she had finally pushed the door open her lips formed a smile.

"Zacky," was all she could say before tears fell down her cheeks, "This is so amazing thank you."

"You deserve it all babe," I said as I wiped her tears away with my thumb.

I pulled her into a hug and surveyed the room around me. This room had been my special project, since it was for my baby girl. The walls were a pale pink, and the furniture was a white wood. In the exact middle stood a white sleigh-style crib placed on a plush pink rug. I smiled knowing that in 4 months my baby girl would call this place home

--End flashback--

That's my house and that's my car
That's my dog in my back yard
There's the window to the room
Where she lays her pretty head
I planted that tree out by the fence
Not long after we moved in
That's my kids and that's my wife
Who's that man, runnin' my life

When I finally pulled in front of my house I noticed it was exactly the same. My 64 Cadillac still sat in the driveway looking like it hadnt been driven since I left. In the backyard I could see Ichabod chasing a squirrel around, but stopping when he found a toy.

Then right at the front of the house I saw the window to the master bedroom. I smiled remembering everything Tara and I had ever done together, but it quickly faded when I realized I most likely wouldnt be able to do that again. Seeing the kids walk out the front door, made things harder to witness. What made me almost loose it, however, was the fact that Tara walked out of the house hand in hand with another man. I guess it didnt take long for her to get over me.

If I pulled in would it cause a scene
There not really expectin me those kid's have been thru hell
I hear they've adjusted well

As I sat parked across the seat I was debating whether or not to go up to the house and see the kids. I decided against it, since it had been so long. If I were them I wouldnt want to see me. Seeing your dad being carted away by the cops when you were just 10 or 12 has to be traumatizing.

Turn around in the neigbors drive
I'd be hard to recognise in this pick-up truck
It's just an old fixer up

I turned into the neighbors driveway, and then backed out right away. No one would ever think that it was me in this truck. I always had the fancy cars, and now I have an old truck that barely runs. I guess my kids were curious as to who was in my truck so they looked my way. I know that they knew it was me, because they both got a look of shock on their face. I quickly put my head down and drove quickly away.

Drive away one more time
Lot of things runnin' thru my mind I guess the less things change
The more they never seem the same

At the end of the road I looked back one final time to see all of them getting into the SUV that had been parked behind my Cadillac. If I hadn't been so stupid with all the drugs, I could be with them instead of that other man. I guess things happen for a reason, even though some of them seem wrong.

That's my house and that's my car
That's my dog in my back yard
There's the window to the room
Where she lays her pretty head
I planted that tree out by the fence
Not long after we moved in
That's my kids and that's my wife
Who's that man, runnin' my life
That's my house and that's my car
That's my dog in my back yard
There's the window to the room
Where she lays her pretty head
I planted that tree out by the fence
Not long after we moved in
That's my kids and that's my wife
Who's that man, runnin' my life
♠ ♠ ♠
Super old.
I just felt like it moving it over here from Quizilla.
