It's a Love Story


Alright, I’m deleting It’s a Love Story in a month’s time.


Because it’s crap and if I change so much and delete some chapters, I’d feel like it’s not really It’s a Love Story anymore. Don’t ask me why. I’m odd like that.

I swear, I’d love to keep writing it for my 42 subscribers, but, my heart isn’t really into it anymore. I’m sure all you writers have felt the same way some time. I thank and love dearly all those who have stuck with me since chapter one and kept going on until now.

Thank you all so much. I so wish that I could say more to thank you, but that about sums it up. Thank you, I love you.

I want to give you the reason why I’m so put out with It’s a Love Story. You probably don’t really care, but I’d feel a lot better if I got all this off my chest. It’s been bothering me since the ninth chapter. I’m an idiot and didn’t realize it beforehand.

So, try to steer away from putting any of the below into your writing, although I’m sure you’re all wonderful writers already. :)

Chapter 1
Really not much I mind about this chapter. It’s by far the best chapter I wrote in this story, in my opinion.

I really don’t like how I used the strikethrough for daughters. I’m trying to make it as real as possible, as to let you inside her head, and most people would probably think, nah, stepdaughter, no, stepdaughter, or scratch that, stepdaughter. At least, that’s how I’d think. So, all in all, strikethroughs should be kept for blogs and journal entries.

Also, don’t make your characters seem out of the ordinary. Extraordinary…get the point? I’m not sure if there’s anyone whose skin stays the same all the time, pale and untanned…can’t blush…and if there are, I’m sure there’s very few. I don’t know what I was doing, pointing that out. I guess I wanted to make her seem special. It didn’t work. I hate how it sounds as I reread it.

Chapter 2
I detest the way I made that popular cheerleader-slut group all blondes but for one girl. I mean no offense to blondes. Really, I love that hair color, it’s beautiful. I dreamed of having curly blonde hair when I was a little girl. I’ve grown to love my black hair, but I still really love that pretty golden color. And met some of my cousin’s friends this weekend, three of them were blond and extremely kind and friendly. I just stumbled and did the usual stereotypical portrayal of blondes. Sorry!

“Yeah, come Victoria!” What the hell was I thinking? Maybe it’s just me, but really, really hate that line. Seems like it’s read from a script, not natural, and that’s what gets to me.

I go *facepalm* every single time I read the ending of that chapter. Was that supposed to be funny? Ugh. What a terrible way to try to be funny.

Chapter 3
Once again, hate how I made the blondes all bossy and snotty. But honestly, ‘influence’ and ‘make life hard’…what the…?? What was I thinking? facepalm

Alright, I don’t believe that anyone really has a natural singsongy voice without trying to make it sound like that. But if you do, believe me, I envy you. Well, not really, but it would be neat having it for a day or two. And I hate how I made Victoria get all shocked over innocent, sweet little darling Alicia say ‘slut.’

Alicia is a typical but-yet-ten-times-more-disgusting Mary Sue. That’s all I’ve got to say. Can’t even put my disgust to words.

Triumphant that I had finished three fourths of my lunch and I was catching up to everyone else, I began to eat slower. “So what are you considered as? Popular?”

“More of rebels. Not the kind that spray-paints buildings. We just don’t fit in the popular or the…not-as-popular group. The people like us, sure, but we’re just kind of stuck in the middle. We agree with who we want and we’re not loyal to any side but ourselves. Are you keeping up with me?”

What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?? That’s all I can say. You can figure out what I hate it so much. It’s really not that hard. Why do you hate it? Probably same reason I do.

Chapter 4
Oh please. Unless you’re really professional or you’re those one-per-century babies that are wicked talented, you can’t do what Victoria does in this chapter. I’m sorry to all you Jonas fanfic writers that like to make the girl play guitar or sing with them. That is really getting old. Oh, never use it the way I do though. Oh, ugh. The best part about this chapter were the lyrics. Rebecca wrote them, because she’s awesome like that. She says they’re not good, but we all know better.

Once again, no more strikethrough when a person’s thinking or talking. I use it terribly. Note to self: no strikethrough!!!! See, I had to add extra exclamation marks on that.

Chapter 5
Unless Alex managed to get a wicked good recorder, there’s no way she could’ve gotten Victoria singing while walking far enough behind her not to be noticed. And no cars go by? How handy. I must have forgotten that as I was so eager to advance the plot.

Don’t ever do that. Remember everything.

Oh, and once again, it’s just a stereotypical story with a girl sobbing as rain pours around her. Yes, that’s original, huh? Because we’ve never seen it before.

Chapter 6
Actually, this chapter may be my best…I can’t find anything I don’t like but the fact that her stepfather gets all pissy about Nick.

Chapter 7
No one would ever be stupid enough to sound a desperate as Kyle did. That’s it...right there. Speaks for itself. Period.

I can’t believe I made Jared like that. Ugh. She is in high school. She isn’t likely at all to marry who she’s going out with right now. Big deal. Wah wah, get over it. I hate how I did that…grrr!

And awww! Look! She writes a note to Alicia and Nick! How sweet! How gooey! How it makes me so want to gag! And that’s never been done before, of course.

Chapter 8
A filler. Don’t use these, please.

Well, not completely a filler, shows how she gets away, but still….a filler nevertheless.

Another bad, bad, ending. I was trying to be funny. Hahahaha. Let’s all laugh, because that was hilarious, yes, yes? Come now, laugh with me.

Chapter 9
I really, really love Alicia in this chapter. She’s just a nosy me. (:

I have no complaints about this chapter, but nevertheless, I’d never ever call it my favorite, or put it anywhere near my top favorites.

(P.S. ice cream is delicious any time of the year.)

Chapter 10
How stupid of me.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!

Once again, she’s in high school, I don’t think they’ll be going out after give or take two years…maybe not even one. Forgive me if I’m mistaken, but a majority of high schoolers don’t have these long-term relationships? They just come and go?

Feel free to contradict me if I’m wrong and most relationships last to three years in high school. I may be wrong. I’m just an ignorant thirteen year old.

And really, ‘ruin you’ and ‘wreck you?’ Please, I don’ think everything is about reputation. Ugh. I hate myself.

Chapter 11
Even though it’s the latest chapter and I’ve tried steering away from doing anything too bad, I hate it anyway.

Does that make sense? Joe and Alicia can see right through it, but Nick seems to be unable to? Yes, that makes perfect sense…perfect sense to the person who only wants to advance the plot.

Nick isn’t that thick. Didn’t mean to make him sound stupid.

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There. And those are the reasons why. I got it all off my chest, feels so much better.

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I just wanted to give you a link to an amazing story. You’ll love it more than you ever liked this story. No, it isn’t because she asked me to or anything, nor is it because she’s my best friend, it’s just that it’s simply…amazing. None of the stupid stuff I mentioned above, not just some cliché teenager’s dream type of love story. It has a wonderful plot and all. It’s more than just a love story, much more.

Turning Like Dancers

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I’ll leave this notice and the story up for a month, tops. That should give everyone a fair chance to view this notice, no?

Once again, thanks all that have stuck by me from the beginning. I owe you so much. I love you…I mean it.

This is the story that's brought me on further than ever, I can't believe I got nine stars with only eleven chapters, I'm still shocked. I love you all who helped me.

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I hope no one was offended by the above. They’re really just my opinions. We can all have our own opinions, right? (;
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