There's More To Life Than Just To Live

Maddy Parke, a girl living out her dream, finally gets to see her album every where. Not only does she get her new CD out, she is going on tour with the Jonas Brothers, who happen to be her best friends.

Spending time with her best friends, somethings change with her feelings.
Are they good or bad?

I'll let you be the judge of that one.
  1. Summer Time!
    Maddy's summertime adventure begins!
  2. Ellen DeGeneres Show.
    Maddy visits Ellen!
    Maddy gets a wonderful surprise from the boys!
  4. A Day Out
    Maddy takes a little R&R with the guys and the girls. Should prove interesting right?
  5. Party!
    Maddy throws a party! Should be exciting! Drama? Well I'll let you see for yourself!
  6. The Little White Lie
    Maddy has to lie to Joe...about what exactly?
  7. First Concert...AMAZING!
    Maddy's first concert!
  8. 20 Questions
    Bored on a bus!
  9. Ryan Seacrest, mazes, and dog piles
    Maddy's day is, well, interesting!
  10. Mississippi, here we are!
    Joe and Aj hit a, well, rough patch.
  11. WYOMING. Here we come!
    Destination, Wyoming. YAY.
  12. One week and Joe's Birthday!
    It's Joe's B-day. Fun right?
  13. Dance-off!
    Who wins the dance-off? Better yet, who's it between?
  14. Maddy, Maddy, Maddy, Maddy
    Dancing in the kitchen...hmmmm
  15. Should we?
    Joe's POV
  16. Day in Maryland = Busy!
    Maryland is great!