‹ Prequel: Untitled
Sequel: Bob's Daughter

Frank the Skittle King


"WHEEEEEE!" Screamed Gerard and continued pour scolding hot water all over a pile of puppies.

"Hurting puppies is just too much fun!" He squealed as the puppies all died.

Suddenly a sinister looking hotdog flew in his window and looked around with shifty eyes.

"Yo dawg," Gerard said with a smile and "Wassap homie?"

The hotdog screamed evilly and lunged at Gerard's neck, fangs out and sparkling from his brand new toothpaste. Gerard screamed like a girl or Ruby Rhod from that movie called The Fifth Element and collapsed just as Frank flew in and threw Bob at the hotdog, causing it to miss it's target and instead bite the pile of dead puppies.

"ARRGGHH!" It screamed angrily and shriveled up on the floor. "I'm melting!"

Then the hotdog melted and died. Everyone was happy so they celebrated with fresh danish! HORRAY!

The End