The Sisterhood Of The Traveling ***



Taylor Paulus
Age: 22
Gena's sister
Her bestfriend is Johnny not to mention that Zacky is like her brother.
Her personality fits Jimmy and her attitude matches Matt's, also her humor connects to Brian. Shes also very close with the girlfriends.
The whole friendship started from middle school


Gena Paulus
Taylor's older sister and Zacky's girlfriend.
Her bestfriends is the A7x Girlfriends, she isn't too close with any of the band mates besides Zacky.

Zacky Baker
Gena's boyfriend
He is completely blind to Gena's actions.
Bestfriends are his bandmates and all of their girlfriends including Taylor.


Avenged Sevenfold

Johnny: age 22
Matt: age 23
Brian: age 23
Jimmy: age 23

All believe Zacky is being used and could do much better. And are all bestfriends along with Taylor.

The Girlfriends
Valary: age 23
Lacey: age 22
Michelle: age 23
Leana: age 22

All are nice to Gena but dislike her greatly. All bestfriends with the band and Taylor.
♠ ♠ ♠
Crappy but it is all starting, youll all understand soon.

chapter is coming up tonight