Suicide Notes Of a New York Love Affair

New Loves.

The next day, Sonny was back to wearing his expensive Italian suits. The snake-bites he had done were hurting unbearably and his hair wouldn’t stay in the same place like it did the night before. To make up for his ignorance last night, he did double the work he was meant to. That evening, there was a knock at the door. Sonny opened it to find Mikey standing at the door, reeking of cigarettes.
“Hello,” Sonny said. Mikey looked him up and down, again, and looked at him disgustedly.
“I see you’re back to how you were,” He said with undisguised repulsion.
“Yeah, well, the snake-bites are hurting a lot.”
“I just came round to see if you’d like to come around for a party at mine, but you already look busy,” Mikey said, turning around to leave
“No!” Sonny exclaimed, “I need to meet new people.”
Mikey grinned widely, showing all of his teeth.
“Cool, I’ll see you around 8 o’clock; bring as much booze as you want.”
It took Sonny a few seconds to work out what booze meant.
“Oh, sure. See you there,” Sonny said and closed the door. He looked at his watch. ‘7:30’ it said. Sonny got to work on his appearance. He put on the clothes he had got the day before and put on the make up and did his hair the way Mikey showed him how to. As he cleaned his snake-bites, Sonny realised that, for the first time in his life, he was totally dependent on someone else. All his life he had been independent and never asked for help, even at school when he was young. He put on his hoodie and walked up the stairs to Mikey’s apartment. There was already hard-rock music coming from behind the door. Sonny knocked on the door and Mikey opened the door and let him in. There were about fifteen people inside the flat.
“Everyone say hello to Sonny, he lives downstairs,” Mikey shouted over the blaring music. Everyone cheered and raised their bottles and beer cans to him. There was a loud bang and jeering coming from front door. About four men, a little older than Mikey, came into the flat. One of them got Mikey into a head-lock and ruffled his hair.
“Hey there, little bro!” The man shouted. Mikey looked pissed off and mumbled a hello to him.
“Who’s this guy then?” Said another man with quite big hair, pointing at Sonny.
“I’m Sonny, I live downstairs,” Said Sonny. One of the guys with a tattoo of a scorpion on his neck walked up to Sonny and began to talk to him. The man who had got Mikey into a head-lock laughed at Sonny’s bewildered look and said:
“Don’t worry about Frank; he’s just trying to get off with you.”
“I am not!” Frank protested.
“Oh by the way, I’m Gerard, Mikey’s brother, and this is Bob and Ray,” Said Gerard, pointing at a rather chubby man and the man with the big hair. I waved at them.
“So, Mikes, where’s the booze?” Gerard asked.
“In the fridge,” Mikey said, cautiously taking a step back to avoid another head-lock. Gerard walked into the kitchen and began to make a drink. Mikey came over to talk to Sonny.
“Don’t worry about my brother,” Mikey whispered into Sonny’s ear, “He’s just a little tipsy.”
Sonny gave him a knowing smile and also made a drink. There was no wine but Vodka, Sambucca, Smirnoff and about another twenty other different alcoholic drinks. Sonny got himself a shot glass of Vodka and downed it before returning, coughing and spluttering, to the living room. More people had arrived since Sonny had left and, after Mikey had shouted Sonny’s name over the music, all the girls turned their attention to him. Personally, he thought all the girls looked the same and didn’t posses any personality whatsoever. Sonny looked across the room to try and get away from the boring conversation he was having already with a girl when he saw her. His stomach turned inside out as he saw a brown haired girl with green eyes walk in the front door. She was wearing black skinny jeans, a ‘Placebo’ top, a ‘Ghost-Busters’ hoodie and leopard skin converses. Sonny’s jaw dropped as he saw her. Sonny never believed in falling in love but now he wasn’t so sure. The girl jogs up to Mikey and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek, grinning her hello to him. When she had safely gone to the kitchen, Sonny walked up to Mikey.
“Who was that?” Sonny asks him causally.
“Oh, her. That’s Frith. I’ve known her since primary school. Absolute weirdo, she is.”
“Nah, I think she’s beautiful,” Sonny says, remembering her. Mikey wolf-whistled at him.
“Go and talk to her then, you’ve got nothing to lose, most of the girls in this room already fancy you,” Mikey says, nudging Sonny. Sonny gives him a glare and vowed to him he would never talk to her.
“Oh come on. Don’t be so boring. I’ll introduce you,” Mikey says, grabbing Sonny’s wrist and dragging him into the kitchen before he could refuse.
“Over here, Frith!” Mikey called. Frith walked over to them and gave Mikey a hug.
“Hey guys, how’s it going?” She says in a strong London accent. Sonny’s heart melted.
“Err... I’m o-okay,” Sonny stutters.
“Oh I’ve got to erm... Find Gerard. Bye!” Says Mikey.
“No wait! Come back!” Sonny shouts after Mikey’s retreating back.
“So what’s your name?” Frith asks.
“Sonny. Sonny Moore. Would you like a drink?” Sonny asks, trying to keep the conversation going as long as possible.
“Yes please. A Bacardi and Coke,” She says. Sonny makes two and begins to sip it.
“I’m guessing you’ve got a girlfriend. Shame. I’d go out with you if you were single,” Frith winks at Sonny. Sonny splutters at this.
“Err... No, actually. Half the girls in this room have tried it on with me. I’m not saying you’re one of them, of course, or that you’re hitting on me,” Sonny could feel himself going red. Frith just laughed.
“Its okay, all these girls are so plastic,” She says. Just then a blond girl runs up to her and hugs her.
“Frithy!” They chorus.
They talk very quickly to each other for a while before Frith remembers Sonny.
“This is my friend Sonny,” Frith says.
“Hey, I’m Niamh, I’ve known Frith for ages,” Niamh says. She also has a strong London accent.
“Anyway, I have to go and find Mikey. I’ll see you guys around. Bye!” She gives Frith one last hug before finding, and hugging, Mikey.
“What a weirdo,” Frith giggles.
“Not as weird as you,” Grins Sonny. Frith pretends to look shocked and hits Sonny over the head lightly. Frith and Sonny stick together throughout the whole party. Soon, all the girls and boys seemed to have found one another and were now making out in any spare place they could find (Mikey was with Niamh). Frith and Sonny looked at the couples around them feeling uncomfortable.
“I would rather have something more romantic,” Frith says.
“Yeah... Erm... Could I perhaps tell you something?” Sonny says, going red once again.
“Sure. Anything,”
“Well. I think you’re... Really pretty... and erm... I was wondering if... We could go out because erm... I’ve never felt this way about someone before,” Sonny said quietly, his cheeks going crimson and looking at his shoes. Frith giggled nervously and opened her mouth to speak. Gerard suddenly appeared, pulling Frith into a tight hug.
“Get off me, Gerard!” Frith shouts at him.
“But what’s the matter? You used to love me, remember?” Gerard slurs.
“That was in high school, get over it. And you only went out with me for my money,” Frith says, pushing Gerard away. He gets angry about this and begins to shout.
“You tight bitch!” He shouts at her. Frith turns around and begins to walk to the front door when Gerard lunges at her with a glass bottle. Sonny grabs Gerard’s wrist and pushes him at the wall. Gerard sits on the floor for a while, wondering how he got there, while Sonny takes his chance and runs to the door. He shouts his thanks to Mikey.
“No probs!” Comes the reply. He hasn’t seemed to notice his brother trying to kill his ex-girlfriend and now sitting on the floor, oblivious to what just happened. Sonny takes Frith’s hand and runs, giggling, down the stairs. They get to the end of Cemetery Drive, still giggling and gasping for breath.
“What do we do now?” Asks Frith.
“I dunno. I’ll...,” Sonny thinks, trying to think of something original, “I’ll buy you an ice cream?”
Frith smiles and accepts this. They walk up the road together and into the nearest ice-cream shop. After they buy their ice-creams, we discuss our likes and dislikes while walking down past the river. It was about midnight now and the lights from the buildings were reflected in the river. Sonny pointed across the river to the Twin Towers.
“I might be working there soon,” He says, not trying to show off.
“Really? You’re so lucky,” Frith says, “I just work in the Forensics area of crime scenes.”
“Wow! At least that’s exciting,” Sonny smiles.
“I’ve never met a guy like you before,” Frith says to Sonny but still looking at the river, “None of my past boyfriends have offered to buy me ice cream or are interested in what I do for a living.”
Sonny felt his stomach do somersaults.
“Then I guess I’m being nice,” He says. She smiles.
“I didn’t get to tell you at the party, but I think the same about you, and you’re one of the nicest people I know.”
“Now that we’ve each said that,” Sonny says after a short pause, “Maybe we should, perhaps, go on a date?”
Frith turns around and kisses him briefly on the lips.
“I will be delighted to, Mr Moore,” She says, beaming.


I'm giving you two Chapters cos you're speshal.

I'll love you forever if you comment.
*Puppy dog eyes.*.