Suicide Notes Of a New York Love Affair

Broken Hearts.

Sonny skipped up the steps to Mikey’s apartment. He knocks on the door.
“Wake up, sleepy head!” He shouts merrily. Sonny couldn’t wait to tell him what happened the night before. The dinner, the talk, the kiss... Sonny could feel himself drifting back into dreamland thinking about Frith. He saw the door open out of the corner of his eye.
“Hey Mikey! You’ll never guess what...” Sonny stopped talking when he saw Mikey. His eyes were puffy and bloodshot behind his glasses and his clothes were creased and his hair lay, lank and greasy, against his head.
“What happened?” Sonny asked, alarmed.
“Nothing, nothing,” Mikey mumbled.
“It doesn’t look like nothing, c’mon, you can tell me.”
“Okay, I’ll tell you. Can I come into your apartment though?” Mikey asked quietly.
“Of course,” Sonny said. Sonny sat Mikey down on his sofa and made some coffee for them both. He poured it into two mugs and gave one to Mikey, sitting next him.
“You can tell me now,” Sonny said.
“Well yesterday, my girlfriend called me up, and said... she said-” Mikey stopped, bursting into tears. Sonny gave him a tissue and asked him to continue.
“She said that she thought we should see new people, but I can’t, I love her too much,” Mikey said, dissolving into tears again. Sonny hugged him close.
“Maybe it’s for the best, you never know. You can stay over at mine for a few days if you’d like,” Sonny said.
“Thanks a lot, I’ll get my stuff,” Mikey said, still sniffing. Mikey left and Sonny began to take out sheets and pillows from the cupboard and put it in the corner of the room. He walked into the kitchen and began to make dinner. Spaghetti Bolognaise; Mikey’s favourite. He was stirring the bolognaise when Mikey walked back in with his spare clothes.
“Dinner’s almost ready,” Sonny said, trying to lighten the mood.
“Great. I’m starved,” Mikey said, weakly smiling. Sonny served up the food and they quietly chatted about music. Afterwards Sonny cleaned the dishes and came back to see Mikey looking at his vast collection of DVDs.
“Can we watch one of these?” He asked.
“Sure. You can pick one,” Sonny said. Mikey thought for a few minutes before he picked one.
“'Breakfast at Tiffany’s'? I didn’t think you’d want to watch that,” Sonny teased.
“I used to watch it when I was a kid,” Mikey said, sticking his tongue out at him. Sonny put it in the DVD player and pressed play. Audrey Hepburn showed up on the screen with Moonriver being played in the background. Mikey sighed deeply and moved closer to Sonny. Throughout the whole film, they hugged tightly for what Sonny thought was comfort. Near the end of the film, where Audrey Hepburn found out she loved Gregory Peck while in the rain, Mikey moved even closer to Sonny. As Moonriver played again, Mikey looked up into Sonny’s brown eyes and pulled him, his tounge in Sonny's mouth. Sonny drew back instantly and stood, wide mouthed, at him. Mikey did the same.
“Oh I-I’m sorry. I b-better just leave,” Mikey mumbled, gathering his stuff together.
“No, wait. We have to settle something,” Sonny said.
“We c-can do it another time. I-I’ll see myself out,” Mikey said, walking quickly past Sonny. Sonny was too fast for him and grabbed his shirt.
“Why did you pull me?” He demanded.
“You want to know the real reason?” Mikey said.
“Of course I do,” Sonny shot back.
“I love you, okay? And I wish more than ever you had never met Frith and you loved me instead,” Mikey said quietly, shrugging himself out of Sonny’s grasp and running up the steps to his apartment. Sonny stood where he was, alone, for a few minutes, gathering his thoughts together. He decided that he would try to forget about that night and took out an ‘Evanescence’ CD and played it full volume, pouring shot after shot of vodka before he fell on his bed, exhausted, and fell into a deep sleep. If Sonny had turned down his music and put away the Vodka, he would have heard the heartbroken sobs from Mikey upstairs.


Keep on reading, plzz.
I'll update tomorrow.