Suicide Notes Of a New York Love Affair

Hungover and Heartless.

Sonny woke up the next morning, or more like lunch time, with a splitting headache and his apartment looking like a bomb had hit it. He got up slowly and flash-backs from the night before came firing into his mind like bullets. He could remember Mikey; his face close to his, his eyes looking into his, his lips on his... Him confessing his love for Sonny. Meanwhile, upstairs Mikey was getting up from the kitchen floor he was lying on. There was an empty Sambucca bottle in his hand and his eyes were sore from crying the night before. Two people denying your love in two days, way to go, Mikey thought to himself. He looked in the mirror in the living room and adjusted his glasses, rubbing his eyes. He walked back into the kitchen and got another Sambucca bottle out of the cupboard. Just before he took a swig from the bottle, there was a knock at the door. Mikey stumbled through the living room to the door. He opened the door slightly.
“Who is it?” He asked sleepily.
“It’s Sonny, we need to talk.”
“I think you’ve caused me enough heartache already, just leave me to drink myself to death,” Mikey said, closing the door again. There were angry shouts from the other side of the door but he took no notice. Mikey drunk some more alcohol and fell asleep on the floor of the kitchen, again. A bit later in the day there was a knock on the door.
“I’m not letting you in, Sonny,” Mikey slurred.
“It’s not Sonny, its Niamh,” She said from behind the door. Mikey got up and, after tripping over a bottle in the living room, let her in.
“You look terrible,” Niamh said, taking in the greasy hair, crumpled clothes and smelly breath.
“Thanks, I feel so much better,” Mikey muttered.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” Niamh said, taking Mikey’s hand. She got him into the bathroom and made him have a shower while she got some clean clothes out of his cupboard and began to clean his apartment. When Mikey got out of the shower, he found his apartment spotless and dinner on the table.
“Thank you for this, Niamh,” Mikey said, smiling.
“Anything for a friend,” She smiles back. As Mikey ate his dinner, he could hear this strange sound, like gurgling. He walked into the kitchen to investigate where he found Niamh emptying all his alcohol down the sink.
“No!” He screamed, grabbing Niamh’s hand to stop her emptying any more.
“It’s for the best, and you know it,” She replied softly. He considered this and let go of her, watching all of his precious drinks wash away.
“I’ve got to go and see someone now; you’ll be okay, won’t you?” She asked. He nodded.
“Good man,” She patted his shoulder. Niamh left Mikey and walked down the stairs, stopping to see whether he had followed her, and knocked on Sonny’s door. He opened the door. His apartment also looked terrible and Sonny also looked terrible. His breath also stank and he was pale and looked like a zombie out of a horror movie.
“What did Mikey say?” Sonny said as soon as he opened the door.
“You’ve ruined him,” Niamh said, disgusted, and began to tidy the living room.
“You didn’t answer my question, Niamh,” Sonny said angrily and grabbed her shoulder.
“He didn’t say much, he just didn’t want me to empty his booze bottles,” Niamh said, shrugging off Sonny’s hand.
“I want you to have a shower while I clean up, okay?” She pushed Sonny into the bathroom while she cleaned up his room.
“Fucking girls,” Sonny muttered under his breath, “always trying to own me.”
Half an hour later, Sonny stepped out of the shower to, like Mikey, find his apartment squeaky clean and his dinner on the table.
“Thanks Niamh,” Sonny suppressed a smile. She didn’t smile back.
“Out of all the ways you could have denied him, you did it that way,” She said.
“I’m shorry, but I shwas pretty damn shocked by the whole thing,” Sonny said through a mouth of lasagne.
“Fuck it, Sonny,” Niamh banged her fist on the table, “Do you consider anyone else’s feelings?”
Niamh’s fist began to bleed and she held it close to her, tears coming out of her eyes and rolling down her cheeks slowly.
“I’m sorry,” Sonny whispered. He took Niamh’s fist away from her and wrapped her in a hug. They stayed there for what seemed an eternity, wondering what would happen next.

Sorry but I couldn't think of mutch.
