Suicide Notes Of a New York Love Affair

The Plan.

“Come on, Sonny. Get up and get dressed,” Frith said for the umpteenth time, throwing Sonny’s clothes at him.
“Just five more minutes, mom,” Sonny mumbled from under the duvet.
“It’s nearly four o’clock and we’ve been invited to a party, now get up,” Frith insisted. She pulled the duvet off him and threw it on the ground. Sonny finally got up and began to get dressed after Frith tickled him.
“Whose party is it?” He asked between giggles.
“Gerard’s. And you’re coming no matter what.”
“Cool. I’ll just get dressed.”
Just then Frith’s phone rang and she stepped outside to answer it.
“Is he coming?” Came the voice down the phone. It was Niamh. Frith looked around herself cautiously before answering.
“Yeah. Have you got Mikey up yet?” She asked in a hushed voice.
“Just about to knock on the door now, I’ll phone you when I’m done,” Niamh put her mobile back into her pocket with a sigh and knocked on Mikey’s door. A lot of crashing and muttered swearing from behind the door later, Mikey opened the door.
“Holy shit, Mikey, you’ve really let yourself go.”
Mikey looked liked he hadn’t shaved, showered or eaten for a long time. His clothes hung limply against his body and the stained white tee-shirt he was wearing emphasised how much his ribs were sticking out dramatically. His skin was chalk-white and looked like it was stretched over his gaunt face, almost ghost-like.
“What do you want?” Mikey asked dully. Niamh walked straight in past him and stared at the flat she had cleaned only a week before. Despite her best efforts to keep Mikey off the alcohol, there were half drunk vodka bottles scattered around the living room and several shot glasses lying around the kitchen. There was so much mess on the ground that you could hardly see the floor. Niamh inspected the flat with a disgusted look.
“Why are you here?” Mikey asked. He sat in the sofa and began to swig from the vodka bottle in his hand. Niamh knocked the bottle out of his hand sharply. It flew across the room and hit the wall with a crash. The glass shards glittered in the dim light.
“What am I doing here?! What am I doing here?! I helped you from day one and you don’t even bother to thank me. Every single day I worry about you! I came over here to help you, that’s why I’m here!” Niamh shouted at him, her body shaking with fury. Mikey looked at the floor.
“I’m sorry, thank you for helping me,” He said quietly. Niamh ran a hand through her hand and forced a smile.
“S’okay,. C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up. Gerard asked me to bring you to his party.”
“Oh okay. I’ll get ready.”
Once again, Niamh began to clear up the flat while Mikey was in the shower.
“I’m just going to get you some food,” She called after looking in the fridge. “I’ll be about ten minutes.”
She picked up the garbage bags and slammed the door behind her. Niamh tiptoed back up to Sonny’s apartment after throwing the garbage out and getting Mikey’s dinner. Sonny opened the door, clean, fresh and oblivious to what was happening upstairs above him.
“Niamh!” He exclaimed, pulling her into a tight hug before she could disappear. After their fight, Niamh and Sonny had became quite fond of each other. “Want a cup of coffee?”
“No thanks, I was just stopping by.”
Sonny shrugged and went back into the kitchen. Frith suddenly appeared and dragged Niamh into her and Sonny’s room.
“Is he coming?” Frith demanded.
“Yeah, he is. Had Sonny sussed out the plan yet?”
“Nope. Doesn’t suspect anything.”
“I better get back to Mikey. See you at the party!”
After saying goodbye to Frith, tripping over Sonny’s files and nearly being strangled to death in a hug from him, Niamh was ironing Mikey’s clothes.
“You do know that I am capable of doing that myself,” He said.
“No you’re not. The last time you did the ironing, you did it in the bath,” Niamh pointed out.
“Oh yeah,” Mikey grinned as he remembered being electrocuted and rushed to hospital. He was wearing a clean pair of skinny jeans and a ‘Screeching Weasel’ shirt.
“It’s nearly half five. We should get going.”
The journey to the party was almost silent. Almost.
“Niamh, is Sonny going to be there at Gerard’s?”
Niamh clenched the steering wheel and stared as hard as she could at the road.
“Erm… I don’t think so.”
“Oh okay. What do you think of me being in love with him?”
“I think it’s perfectly fine, and I wish he loved you too. I just don’t think Frith would- ”
“-Like it very much,” Mikey finished.
“Yeah. I’m sorry. But she wishes that you two were friends.”
“But sometimes friends are not enough,” He said quietly. They stayed in excruciating silence for the rest of the journey. Finally they stopped outside Gerard’s house. They could hear the deafening music and shouting from the house. They stepped outside the car and walked up to the front door. Niamh stopped and prayed to God that everything would be fine that night before speaking again.
“It’s show-time.”
It’s show-time…

This IS the very last boring chapter.

Beware for bigger things...