Suicide Notes Of a New York Love Affair

A Little More Than Expected for a Party.

“Do I look alright?” Said Sonny, standing outside Gerard Way’s front door.
“You look fine, honey,” Said Frith tiredly. She opened the door and saw at least 200 people running around the house, throwing beer cans and objects at people. Gerard stumbled up to them.
“What kind of pandemonium is going on here?” Laughed Sonny.
“Who said what?” Gerard asked blearily.
“You’re just jealous because I can use big words,” Sonny grinned.
“Whatever, just drink whatever you want and quick, before I do,” Gerard saw Frank and staggered over to him and pulled him.
“Er, are they going out?” Sonny said to Frith.
“Well durh. It’s in nearly every magazine and on every website,” Frith rolled her eyes. They walked to the kitchen, ducking as they did, and grabbed as many beer cans as they could.
“Let’s drink these quick,” Sonny said deviously and turned around to face--
The two men stared at each other blankly, blushing violently.
“Oh look, it’s Mikey!” Frith said, pretending to be surprised. “How are you?”
Niamh suddenly appeared behind Mikey.
“Oh my god, it’s Sonny! How are you?”
Sonny looked around him at his friends confusedly. Then the penny dropped.
You did this, didn’t you?!” Sonny shouted at Frith. “I thought I could trust you!”
“I just want you two to be friends!” She shouted back.
“Just calm down, Sonny,” Niamh interrupted.
“You did it too, didn’t you?! You were both hatching up a plan!” Sonny bellowed.
“Shut up! All of you!” Everyone spun around, shocked at Mikey’s outburst. He wasn’t the type to get angry that much. “Look, I don’t really mind that Frith and Niamh have done this. I think we should try to get along, like they are intending.”
Sonny flicked his hair back distractedly and turned back to the girls.
“I’m sorry I shouted at you guys,” He shouted over the blaring music.
“S’alright,” The girls shouted back.
“I think you two guys should have one or seven beers together,” Frith suggested, smiling, to the boys. They smiled shyly to each other and picked up the beer cans on the floor. They shoved their way through the crowds of people upstairs to a balcony on one of the spare bedrooms. At least there it was reasonably quiet. They smiled again at each other and began to crack open and drink the small mountain of beer cans they had. After about the fourth drink, they started to talk.
“I’m really sorry I pulled you that night,” Mikey slurred. “I just really like you.”
“S’okay, ‘cos I really like you too,” Sonny slurred back.
“You mean it?”
“’course I do.”
There was a slight pause.
“Hey, do you wanna dance?” Mikey said vaguely.
“Yeah, okay,” Sonny grinned. They walked, unsteadily, down the stairs and into the living room, where Gerard was having some hardcore rave. Mikey and Sonny began to dance as hard as they could. Sonny suddenly tripped over and fell on Mikey.
“Hey, get up, we gotta dance more,” Mikey giggled. Sonny looked up to Mikey and pulled him roughly, their tongues colliding with each other. Mikey pulled him closer. They broke away after a while, panting slightly. Sonny pulled Mikey close.
“I love you, Mikey!” He yelled over the music.
“I love you too, Sonny!” Mikey yelled back. They continued kissing passionately before someone suddenly pushed them apart.
“How the fuck could you do this to me?!” Screamed a tearful Frith at Sonny.
“Hey, I’m just tryn’ t’have a good time,” Sonny said blearily, turning back to Mikey. Frith pushed them apart again.
“I thought you loved me!” Frith screamed.
“Then I guess you thought wrong.”
Frith gave him what she thought was a well deserved slap. Just then, Niamh appeared, holding a half-drunk Budweiser in her hand. She dropped it when she saw Frith.
“What in fuck’s name is going on?!” She cried. She pulled Frith away from trying to slap Sonny again and hauled her out of the house, screaming and shouting. Sonny swayed on the spot slightly but mumbled something about going home.
“I-I don’t really think it’s safe to do that. Frith won’t let you into the apartment,” Mikey said precariously, still shaken from the fight.
“It’s ok, I can stay at your apartment,” Sonny said with a forced smile. It didn’t matter, though, he just pushed all his worries to the back of his head. He would sort them out the next day, when he was hung-over but sober.

More coming later.