Suicide Notes Of a New York Love Affair

The Crash.

Four Months Later

“Come on, Mikey, get up already,” Sonny insisted, poking his boyfriend awake.
“Mmph. I wanna stay at home with you,” Mikey mumbled from under the covers.
“It’s your first day at work, and I’ll be there too, now get up!” Sonny grasped Mikey’s wrist and tried to drag him out of bed, but Mikey was too quick for him, and pulled him into bed with him, giggling.
Sonny planted a small kiss on Mikey’s lips and Mikey pulled the covers up over them both.
“Mikey, we have to go to --” Sonny whispered, but was silenced by Mikey pulling him closer and kissing him softly on the lips. Sonny returned the kiss and pulled Mikey closer still, stroking his waist and telling him in between kisses how much he loved him. Mikey stopped kissing abruptly and said coldly:
“I bet you did this with Frith as well.”
Sonny gave Mikey a dark but hurt look and sat up in bed without looking at him.
Sonny had been left in shock after Frith’s sudden death, having only just told her minutes before that they were breaking up. Mikey had helped Sonny through it lovingly, devoting much of his attention towards Sonny. After the funeral, however, Mikey had become bitter and spiteful towards the subject of Frith and Sonny’s past relationship and possible engagement and constantly made snide remarks about it.
Mikey sat up in bed next to Sonny and tried to pull him into a caring hug, but Sonny remained as stiff as a board. Mikey put his arm around Sonny’s waist and rested his head on his shoulder.
“You know I didn’t mean it, Sonny,” he whispered.
Sonny shook him off and stood up, he walked over to the door and grasped the handle.
“Sonny --”
“No, Mikey, sorry just isn’t going to cut it this time. I’ve gone through three months of your jealousy and spite towards me and it’s ripping our relationship apart. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of you.”
He slammed the bedroom door behind him and slumped into a chair to eat his toast in the kitchen. Mikey sat down next to him carefully, dressed in a black suit.
“Erm, I better get to work early,” Mikey said finally, after trying to catch Sonny’s eye for a few minutes. Mikey kissed him lightly on the cheek to say goodbye and walked out the door. Sonny sat by himself for a while, listening to his boyfriend’s disappearing footsteps. He eventually snapped back into reality and picked up his briefcase and walked out of the door, down the street, and into the station to get to New York.
Mikey has got his job working in the Twin Towers only weeks before and was ecstatic. Not just because of the money and the prestigious glory, but also because of his boyfriend working just down the corridor from him.
Sonny was now crossing the street, getting closer and closer to work. He stopped hastily as he saw the Starbucks logo glint innocently at him. Feeling a surge of guilt for shouting at Mikey, and remembering him leave without breakfast, he crossed the road to Starbucks to buy a triple-chocolate muffin and a hazelnut coffee; Mikey’s favourite breakfast. A few minutes later, Sonny stepped out of Starbucks and looked at his watch. ‘9:03’. Sonny wouldn’t be needed at his desk for half an hour, and nor would Mikey, even though he already knew Mikey was already at his desk now. Maybe they could have a chat over hazelnut coffee and kiss and make up--
Sonny looked up sharply. He watched with horror as a plane crashed into the Twin Towers. People started screaming and running away, pushing past Sonny in their hast to get as far away as possible from the crash. Sonny stood stock still, blinking hard, trying to wake himself up from this nightmare.

This has to be a dream, this can’t be happening…

More screams, horns beeping and police sirens.

I’ll wake up next to Mikey and this’ll all be a dream…

Sirens blaring, crashing and windows cracking and shattering.

I’ll tell Mikey about this and he’ll hold me close, telling me it was just a nightmare…

A second crash. More screaming. Another plane exploded into the other tower.

Me and Mikey will be together and we’ll be fine.
But he is fine.
Isn’t he?

I don't mean this update to be a personal thing, or a sick excuse to get publicity.
I'm sorry to those whose lives were lost and the familes that were left behind in 9/11.