Status: Complete

Many Mistakes and Still I'm So Young

Change the name

Thre Days Later

Allie's P.O.V.

i knew zacky really wanted aiden's last name changed. well he had my last name. i knew zacky might say something about where i've been hiding. well i wasn't really hiding. well sort of mainly just from him.

we soon got to the airport. i was using my parents plane. i knew after the airport then i get back to my comfortalbe bed. well zacky might freak about aiden's toy room. well it's not my fault he is spoiled.

"so where do we have to change his name at?" zacky asked me.

"well we're going to san antonio but we have to go to austin for that. i already made the appointment for tomorrow" i told him.

"when?" he asked me.

"two days ago" i told him

"but i was with you. how could you have done it?" he asked.

"ok one of my assistance did it for me" i said.

"i already knew it" he said with a smirk on his face.

"mommy can i play when we go home?" aiden asked me.

"yes you can play" i told him.

"how many toys does he have?" zacky asked me.

"you'll see" i told him.

after about a four hour plane ride. we got to san antonio. aiden was happy you could see it in his face. i knew we had a car waiting for us. well my parents knew i didn't take my car to the airport. we got into the car and left to my place. it was a five minute drive.

"so this is where you've been hiding?" zacky asked me.

"yeah" i said looking at the house. it was pretty big for just me and aiden but i loved it.

we soon walked into the house and aiden took zacky to his room. well it was the toy room.

"you weren't lying about the toys" zacky said shocked.

"nope i wasn't" i told him with a smile.

i went to my room and laid on the bed i missed. zacky soon came into the room after me.

"where can i sleep?" he asked me.

"where do you want to sleep?" i asked him.

"with you" he said.

"fine" i said.

we both laid in the bed. i could tell he was thinking of something.

"what are you thinking about?" i asked him.

"why didn't you ever tell me about him?" he asked.

"well i haven't really been home since i left. well the last time i was home was because of my grandma's was dying and i stayed for the funeral" i told him.

"i didn't know you where home" he said suprised.

"yeah i told amber and brian don't say anything. i just wanted to be with family at that time" i said.

"i wouldn't blame you" he said.

"why what reasons did you think i didn't tell you?" i asked him.

"i thought you moved on and didn't want to deal with me anymore" he said


Next Morning

i woke up aiden and zacky. zacky slept in my room. he didn't want to let go of me either.

"you have what you need?" zacky asked me.

"yeah i just have to get aiden dressed and i'm ready" i told him

"can't we just sleep" he asked me.

"ok if you don't want his name changed" i told him.

he got out of bed fasted. aiden didn't want to get dressed once again. i told him if he gets dressed then we'd go to the toy store and he got dressed.

"i'm ready now" zacky said looking at aiden getting his shoes on.

"ok i think we're ready now" i said.

we soon left the house and head to austin. i just hoped they changed the name and didn't make a big deal about it. i mean he's dad really wants his son to have his last name.

it was a two hour drive. aiden fell asleep which was good because he wants to go to the toy store again. i knew on the way back to san antonio we're going to have to stop at the outlets. i knew they had two toy stores.

"i'll get him" zacky said.

"ok" i told him.

he picked aiden up and we walked into the building. aiden was still asleep.

"what can i help you with?" a chick at a desk asked.

"yes we have a appointment to get my son's last name changed" i said

she nodded and said. "you'll be seen shortly"
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