Status: Complete

Many Mistakes and Still I'm So Young

Aiden is spoiled

Allie's P.O.V.

we made our way to yet another toy store. yes aiden is very spoiled. zacky was saying something about having me wrapped around his finger. yeah aiden might have me that way but he's starting to get his dad the same way. i mean how many two years have the toy his father bought him because he wanted it. not to many i'm guessing.

"i wished you would of told me sooner about him" zacky told me.

"why?" i asked him

"because i would of loved being around my kid" he told me.

"well when i came home it wasn't a good time to tell you" i told him.

"yeah and your brothers wouldn't let me near you" he added.

his phone when off i saw on the ID it was gena. he ingored the call and paid attendion to me and aiden. yeah i didn't feel right with gena calling but i couldn't say anything to him right now. i mean we're going to try a relationship but i don't know if he's ready for that yet. i mean i am if that's what helps us with aiden.

"what are you thinking about?" zacky asked me holding aiden.

"stuff" i said

"what kind of stuff mommy?" aiden asked me

"don't you have to pick out yet another toy?" i asked him.

he smiled and made zacky put him down. aiden went running threw the store. i still can't believe how much he's growing.

"so what were you thinking about?" zacky asked me

"don't worry about it" i told zacky.

his phone went off again. the same person was calling again.

"hello... it's been over between us... i don't want to talk to you..." he said and hung up his phone.

"i'm not even going to ask who that was" i told him.

"because you already know who it was" he told me.

aiden soon came back with yet another toy. he was all happy about it too.

"when do you want to live with daddy?" zacky asked him.

"we already live together" aiden said

"but when we leave back out of town though?" he asked her

"when mommy?" aiden asked allie.

"when ever you want baby" i told him.

"yeah and maybe mommy and daddy can give you a little brother or sister" zacky threw in.

"really?" aiden asked happly.

"we'll see about that one" i told aiden.

"well at leasted i can help with that one" zacky said giving me a kiss

"yeah and you need to deal with aiden alone before you want another one" i told zacky
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