Status: Complete

Many Mistakes and Still I'm So Young

Are your sure?

Zacky's P.O.V.

gena called me when i was with allie and aiden. she knows it was over betweens us. i hope she find out allie is home and not leaving this time. if she finds out about aiden then at leasted she knows. i was talking to aiden. he was happy too. allie still looks the same as she did before she left. i was at aiden's eye level now.

"yeah and maybe mommy and daddy can give you a little brother or sister" i told aiden

"really?" aiden asked happly.

"we'll see about that one" allie told aiden.

"well at leasted i can help with that one" i said and gave her a kiss

"yeah and you need to deal with aiden alone before you want another one" she told me

"why?" i asked her

"you have no idea what hell he'll put you threw" she told me

"yeah but can't we at least try look at how happy he got" i told her looking at her with sad eyes

"now i know where he gets that from" she told me

"are we going to try?" i asked her

"i guess so you can stop looking at me that way" she told me

"yeah but you fall for it everytime" i told her

"remember that later" she told me walking away with aiden

we went to pay for the toy and we left. my family still doesn't know about aiden well they know she had a kid but they don't know he's really mine. did i tell you my dad used to work for her at one point in time?

"does your parents know about him yet?" allie asked me

"no but i'm going to tell them when we get back" i told her

"how?" she asked me

"with you and him near me" i told her

"and when they see him then they'll see you" she said

"yeah i'm still mad because you never told me" i said

"at the time i was doing the right thing" she told me

"yeah but you left without a goodbye" i told her

"i had too" she said

"why?" i asked her

"i wasn't going to leave but then i heard what was going on in your room i had to leave and not look back" she told me

"now that you've looked back your not leaving me again" i told her

"yeah i know. do you really want another one?" she asked me

"yeah i do this time i'll be there and see him or her grow inside of you" i told her.

i kissed her again.

"eww mommy and daddy don't kiss" aiden said

"why not?" i asked him

"because she's my mommy" he said mad.

"yeah he has your temper" i told allie

"yeah he does" she said with a smile
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