Status: Complete

Many Mistakes and Still I'm So Young

We're back

Three Days Later

Zacky's P.O.V.

the first night we had done sex was amazing. i mean i love her and my son and hopefully we'll be having another member of our little family. it's kind of weird saying family. i mean we've been together and we have a baby but i never knew about him. i mean i hired some people to make a room for aiden at my place.

well i have some extra rooms and they're just decorating everything before we get back. well i'm going to make sure they're done before we go back to my place. i still have to tell my parents aiden's mine.

well they knew allie had a baby and i think they felt bad that it wasn't mine because they knew everything we had done to be with each other and i had fucked up.

allie was sleeping next to me. i decided to go outside and call brian to check for me. i know him and amber already know my plan on having allie and aiden live with me.

"hello?" he answered

"how's things going in the room?" i asked him

"they finished yesterday it looks great" he told me

"alright well we should be going back today" i told him

"alright see you guys later then" he said and hung up the phone.

i went to allie's room and she was awake. she knew i wanted her and aiden to more in with me. i think everyone saw this happening when i found out she was back and aiden was mine.

"are you going to get dresses?" i asked her

"yeah i guess" she said throwing herself back into her spot in the bed.

"well i do think aiden is awake if you want to play that game" i told her kssing her neck.

"that's sounds good to me" she said kissing me.

i climb back into the bed and aiden was at the door way wide awake. this is something i really need to get used to.

"are you ready to go back to california?" i asked him

"yeah" he said

allie soon got up and got dressed. she got aiden dressed and i was ready to go. i was looking for my jacket until i saw allie.

"so that's where my jacket went?" i asked her

"i was cold and it was near me" she said

we got everything we would need and left her house. we arrived at the airport and got on our plane. aiden was happy. i was happy and allie was happ.y

"when we go back i want my parents to see him" i told allie

"that's fine with me" she said

we got back to california and we were all tired. i was carrying aiden as he slept. i saw alot of girls looking at me being with aiden. i can already see the news. i don't want to think about it but this is my family.

"so we're back home?" i told her

"we're back home" she said and kissed me.

this is everything i wanted. i just hope everyone can notice i'm happy.
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