Status: Complete

Many Mistakes and Still I'm So Young

I have news

Allie's P.O.V.

After we got to California I felt different. It's almost like I feel complete by being with Zacky. i mean if you look at Aiden you could see his dad. I knew we're going to see his parents today. Zacky hasn't talked to them much since I've been in town. We're currently just got to Zacky's place.

"So when are we going?" I asked zacky.

He was holding our very sleepy soon. I knew he had planned something though.

"In a little bit but first i have something to show you both" He told me

"OK what is it?" I asked him

"It's a surprise" Zacky told me

He soon woke Aiden up who was beyond mad at him for waking him up. Zacky soon led us both upstairs. I knew he was up to something. He stopped at the door nearest to his bed room.

"Surprise" Zacky said opening up the door.

I looked at the room. I was shocked. Aiden smiled and ran into his room.

"When did this happen?" I asked him

"When we were gone. I even had Brian make sure everything was going alright and they finished yesterday. How does it look?" He asked me

"Great. How did you know it was one of his favorite movies?" I asked him

"The guys helped me out" He said with a smile.

We both got closer and saw Aiden running around the room. I felt him kiss the top of my head. I guess this is everything he wanted.

"Maybe we should go before he gets tired and doesn't want to leave" Zacky told me

I nodded. He smiled. I wonder how his parents are going to take it about Aiden? I mean I knew I should of told Zacky but the way things happened it wasn't the right time to tell him

"Aiden come on let's go met your other grandma and grandpa" Zacky told Aiden

"OK" Aiden said

We soon went down stair and left Zacky's house. I mean I was nervous to see what his parents would say about Aiden. I got lost in my thoughts and we arrived at his parents house.

"Ready?" Zacky asked me

"I guess I have to be" I told him

he smiled and nodded. he got aiden out of his car seat and we walked out of the car. I could see his brother and sister we're here to.

"Who's this little guy?" Zina asked zacky

"Go inside and I'll tell everyone" Zacky told her and she went inside.

"Who's kid?" Matt asked

"Allie" his mother said when she saw me

"hi" I told her

"It's been years since we seen you. Is he your?" She asked me

"not just hers" Zacky said

"What?" Matt asked

"When we broke up Allie was pregnant and everyone knew she had a baby but no one knew he really is mine" Zacky told them

"So there's another little baker running around now?" Matt asked

"Yeah your have a nephew" Zacky told him

"Oh OK" he said

I'm guessing everyone is talking this new better than i thought they would be.
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how is it?
If i get more comments I'd update more and sooner