Status: Complete

Many Mistakes and Still I'm So Young

She's here

Four Months Later

Allie's P.O.V.

I hate Zacky's so fucking much right now. I mean having kids seemed like a good idea but don't. I mean this pain is a fucking bitch and I can't believe I'm doing this again. I mean this first time was a bitch but this time isn't as bad but fuck I'm a dumbass.

I've been in labor for six hours and almost ready for her to come out. Zacky doesn't know what to do. I mean what guy does when this happens? I know mine doesn't. I mean I need more pain medicine.

"Can I have some more pain medicine?" I asked the nurse

"It can't be that bad" Matt said

"When you have a kid threw a small hole that has to grow fucking big then talk until then shut the fuck up" I told him

"Don't piss the pregnant lady off" Val told him

"Blame Zacky on that one" he told Val

"Hey I didn't know it was going to hurt her or my hand this bad" Zacky said

"Yeah I should of warned him" Brian said

"Yeah you should have" Zacky said

"Well last time she was in labor longer" Brian said

"No shit" I said

Two hours later I was ready to push. I did six big pushes she was here.

"It's a girl" the doctor said

"Do you want to cut the cord dad?" he asked Zacky

"Yeah" was his answer cutting our daughters cord.

I can't believe she is finally here. I mean she's been kicking the shit out of me so it's about dam time she's her.
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I know it's been too long but I'm here's a update everyone's been waiting for
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