Sasukes Dirty Secret

Sasukes Dirty Secret

It was a bright sunny day in Konoha everyone’s out and about Kiba, Shino, and Hinata are training with Kurenai sensei, Gai, Lee, Ten Ten, and Neji are running 400 laps around the village, Kakashi and Sasuke are training, Sakura is watching Sasuke train, Naruto is off in the woods chasing something. “That’s enough for now Sasuke lets take a lunch break” Kakashi said sitting down on the grass.
“Ok” Sasuke said sitting down too. Then Sakura ran over with their lunches.
“You looked really great out there today Sasuke” Sakura said inching closer and closer to Sasuke,
“Uh thanks” Sasuke said eating is rice ball.
Then Naruto comes blasting out of the forest. “I’LL GET YOU, YOU LITTLE BASTARD!” Naruto yelled running out of the woods. Sasuke looked at Naruto and said.
“What the hell are you doing?” Then Naruto looks at him and says.
“I’m chasing a black guy who follows me everywhere”,
“Where is he now?” Sasuke asked. Naruto pointed at the ground and yelled.
“THERE!” Sasuke looked up at him and said.
“You fucking moron that’s your shadow”
“Shadow so that’s your name. Listen Shadow you better stop following me or I’m calling the police." Naruto threatened
“Sad, so sad” Kakashi said watching Naruto chase his shadow. After about 30 minutes Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke were done eating lunch and Sasuke and Kakashi continued training. After about 3 hours it began to get dark. “Lets call it a day Sasuke” Kakashi said covering up his sharingan with his headband.
“Ok” Sasuke said sealing his sharingan.
Sakura followed them into the village and they all went their separate ways. Meanwhile Naruto was still in the field. “Ha so you’ve finally left shadow IF YOU COME BACK I’LL GO TO THE POLICE STATION! STALKER!!!!!!” Naruto yelled waving his fist in the air then he took off to the village.

Later that night Sakura was sitting in her room and decided to pay Sasuke a visit. As she was walking she saw Sasuke talking to Naruto, she creeped in closer to hear what they were saying. “Show me your Sexy Jutsu!” Sasuke demanded looking at Naruto.
“Why?” Naruto asked,
“Just do it” Sasuke shouted,
“Ok fine” Naruto muttered,
“SEXY JUTSU!” Sasuke unsealing his sharingan at the that exact moment. Then took off Naruto was standing there in his Sexy Jutsu.
“Wow! Wonder what that was about” Naruto thought. Naruto transformed back and took off. Sakura was puzzled.
“Why would Sasuke ask Naruto to show him his Sexy Jutsu hmmm.” She thought to her self. “Oh well” She said heading over to Sasuke’s house. She walked up to the door and was going to knock when she heard.
She ran to one of the windows and Sasuke was in the Sexy Jutsu mode and on his bed he had several pairs of womens clothes.
“OMG” Sakura thought to herself as she watched Sasuke still in the Sexy Jutsu transformation putting on all these girls clothes. Then Sasuke looked at the window and saw Sakura peaking in.
“Hey I know that giant forehead. SAKURA!!” Sasuke yelled. Sakura took off as fast as she could. Sasuke transformed back from the Sexy Jutsu when the curse seal appeared, then taking off after Sakura. Sakura continued to run. She could feel Sasuke getting closer and closer as she continued to run. When she got to the village gates she saw Naruto on top of the gate.
“NARUTO! YOU’VE GOT TO HELP ME!” She yelled. Naruto startled fell off the top of the gate and landed on his head.
“What is it Sakura?” Naruto said rubbing his head.
“Sasuke’s trying to kill me!” Sakura yelled.
“Please if he’d kill anyone it would be me” Naruto said.
“Naruto I’m serious he’s after me!” Sakura said. Then Sasuke appeared.
“Oh my god” Sakura said backing up.
“Naruto help me” Sakura said as she continued to back away from Sasuke. But Naruto took off cause a light from one of the shops created his shadow so Naruto took after the shadow yelling.
“THIS TIME I’M GOING TO KILL YOU SHADOW!” Sakura looked at Sasuke who had the Cursed Seal markings.
“Please Sasuke, please don’t kill me I will never tell anyone what I saw I swear!” Sakura said looking into his Sharingan eyes.
“I’m sorry but I can’t take that chance, you must die” Sasuke said. Then The Emperor from Star Wars appears and says.
“Good, good let that hate consume you” Then Sasuke throws a kunai knife right into the emperors head and said.
“Shut up” Then he began to move towards Sakura with a kunai knife. Knowing she wouldn’t last one second against Sasuke she began to cry when from out of nowhere Naruto comes and slams into Sasuke yelling
“COME HERE SHADOW GOD DAMN YOU!” Sasuke falls to the ground and the kunai knife goes into his chest and kills him instantly. Sakura stares at Sasuke’s body and says.
“I’m sorry Sasuke” Then she carry’s his body back to his place and sets him down on his bed. Then looks at the women’s clothes on the ground. She keeps staring at them. Then she throws all her clothes off and begins to try on the clothes. Later that night Naruto gets captured and burned to death by the villagers for constantly yelling and chasing his shadow.