Kidnapped,Imprisoned and Pursued

  1. Kidnapped,Imprisoned and Pursued.Chapter 1
    It's about a girl who was kidnapped for 10 years!
  2. Kidnapped,Imprisoned and Pursued.Chapter 2
    Please comment!!!
  3. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 3
    Something happens...dun dun dun dunnnnnnn
  4. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 4.
    Eden meets new people!
  5. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 5.
    This chapter is kinda boring.Sorry!
  6. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 6
    ......I dunno what to put here......
  7. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 7
    This chapter's kinda short.Enjoy!
  8. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 8
  9. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 9.
    Some(semi)romantiking(new'll figure it out)in the air!
  10. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 10
    The story's a double digit now!!!!=^.^=
  11. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 11
    This chapter's kinda short!
  12. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 12
    This is the awsomest chapter ever!(ish)You'll get it later in the chapter.
  13. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 13
    I lurvve this chapter!
  14. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 14
    A kinda short chapter!
  15. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 15
    ...uhhhh...its a long chapter...?
  16. Kidnapped,imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 16
    Warning:It's a semi-boring chapter!!!
  17. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 17
    It's a bit short but I like it anyways.
  18. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 18
    This ones interesting...i guess.
  19. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 19
    It's kinda short/boring but...0_o
  20. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 20
  21. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 21
    Ooo I luv this chapter.
  22. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 22
    We learn something velly...interesting about Kalan...
  23. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 23
    I don't like what happens in this chapter!
  24. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 24
    The story's getting close to it's end...and maybe Bryce is,also.
  25. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 25
    Second last chapter!!
  26. Kidnapped,Imprisoned,and Pursued.Chapter 26
    The last chapter!I personally think this chapter sucks...