Sequel: Come Back To Me

Almost Easy

The Request

It had been a few weeks since Zacky's last session and Hollis was eating her lunch and going over some patient information when she heard a sharp knocking on her door. She was confused - knowing that she had no patients coming for at least another hour.

She pressed the button on the intercom, "Veronica?"

"There's someone to see you Dr. Thompson" She responded, knowing that Hollis was wondering who was at her door.

"I got that Veronica. Who is it?"

"I don't know doctor, but she says that it's very important that she sees you now."

Hollis sighed, "All right. Tell her to come in."

Hollis put her files to the side and looked longingly at her lunch before pushing it to the side, clearing her desk. "Come in!" She called and the door knob turned slowly and the door was pushed open, revealing a beautiful woman. She had light brown hair and it wasn't until she sat down in front of her desk that Hollis knew who she was without needing introduction.

"You're Zacky's sister, aren't you?" She asked, obviously surprising the woman.

"Yes. Zina Baker. How did you know?"

"You and your brother have the same eyes. I would know that you two were related any day. I assume you already know who I am."

She nodded, "Hollis Thompson."

"Well, do you mind if I ask while you're here?" She asked, taking another quick, longing look at her Subway lunch.

"Go ahead and eat, I'm the one interrupting your lunch and you're being kind enough to see me."

"Thanks" She said, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"As to why I'm here..." She trailed off a little, losing herself in a thought, "I have something to ask of you, and I think that you'll consider it a reasonable request."

Hollis swallowed and took a sip of her water, "All right. What can I do for you?"

It was then that Zina's tone changed dramatically from that of a friend to that of an overprotective sister. "I need you to stop treating my brother differently than your other patients. I can tell by the way he talks about you that he obviously has feelings for you and you aren't helping him by treating him like more than a patient."

"I'm sorry...excuse me?" Hollis asked, not believing what she was hearing, "I treat all my patients with the same care. I'm sorry if Zacky's previous psychologists treated him as nothing more than a file, but I care deeply about all of my patients, that's why I went into this field of work. I do not enjoy having my treatment methods being questioned."

"Oh my God, you have feelings for him too"

"Miss Baker, I refuse to sit here and have my creditability as a doctor questioned. First of all, I have a boyfriend-"

"Yes, I know that you and Brian are together, which just makes the fact that you like my brother even more wrong." Zina snapped.

Hollis continued as if she hadn't heard Zina's remark, "Secondly, I am a doctor. It is highly unorthodox to even think about a patient like that, and it is especially unorthodox to have feelings for a patient. Do not question my professionalism."

And then Zina laughed.

"Excuse me? I would like to know what is funny." Hollis asked, putting on her "doctor" voice.

"I'm sorry. I just think it's hilarious how adamant you are. You truly think by getting all professional and putting on a "doctor" voice will make me believe you. Dr. Thompson, I am not asking for your explanations. I am simply asking you to stop treating my brother as something more than a patient. I know you are dating his roommate...but don't go to their house. Don't hug him and call him outside of sessions. It's doing nothing but hurt him."

"Then why don't you find him another psychologist?"

"Because I know how much you are helping him. I know that he is progressing really well with you as his doctor, which is why I would like you to remain just that...his doctor."

"I would appreciate it if you would leave Miss Baker" Hollis said coldly.

She stood up and walked silently to the door, but just as she was about to close it behind her, she stuck her head back into the office, her green eyes boring into Hollis'.

"You're not convincing anyone. Let my brother live without pining away for someone he can't have." She snapped, closing the door.

Hollis felt disgusted with what had just happened. She was disgusted that Zacky's sister would attack her like that, and she was even more disgusted with the fact that it was true. She looked down at the lunch that sat in front of her, with only one bite taken out of the sandwich - the lunch she had wanted so badly. Feeling suddenly sick to her stomach, she pushed the entire contents of her lunch into the trashcan and put her head down and attempted to calm herself before her next patient would arrive.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry to make Zina seem like a bitch! I have nothing against her (obviously) but I needed her to be bitchy so no haters please!
I really should be studying now...but this was more entertaining.
Hope that you all liked the added drama!
FIVE STARS! You guys are unbelievable!
Keep the comments coming please!


