Sequel: Come Back To Me

Almost Easy

The Song

Zacky scribbled furiously as the music flowed through his head. He couldn’t remember the last time that he had felt the passion towards writing that he did then. He was inspired in ways he had never been, and it was all thanks to Hollis. He felt guilty for what he did, and that also fueled his writing. He strummed chords until he found the arrangement he wanted before writing the chords down on the page. He hummed the melody to himself while he struggled to work the lyrics into it.

He placed the pencil down when he had written the entire song’s music down and began to play it in its entirety, the ideas for words floating through his head and falling into place as he played the song through.

He picked up the pencil again and scrawled two words on top of the page – Almost Easy. He hummed the melody again, trying to sort out how to begin, once his thoughts fell into place, so did the lyrics and it was about an hour before the song was completed. He picked up the paper and looked over his work, proud of what his many-year musical hiatus could produce.

He debated going downstairs and showing Brian his work, knowing that his friend would be ecstatic for him and want to help write another guitar part for it and attempting to lay down a bass line…but Zacky wasn’t ready for anyone else to see it. The song had turned out more personal than he had intended and needed to be a little more secure with himself before he would share it with anyone.

He strummed aimlessly before playing the introduction to the song. “I feel insane every single time I have to compromise” He began to sing softly, being sure that there was no way Brian would hear him, “Cause I’m afraid and stuck in my ways and that’s the way it stays…

He was so lost in his music that he didn’t hear Hollis’ light footsteps creeping up the stairs.

Come back to me, it’s almost easy. Come back again it’s almost easy.” He said and Hollis stood silent outside of the door, listening to him play.

"Shame pulses through my heart from the things I've done to you. It's hard to face but the fact remains that this is nothing new.

Hollis struggled to hear the words to the song, but Zacky’s low voice prevented her from hearing everything. But there was one thing that she heard clearly…

I’m not insane I’m not insane. I’m not insane I’m not, not insane.

She took a deep breath as his words hit her. There was pain in his voice, but she also knew that it was a plea for people to know the truth. She debated barging in and telling Zacky how much she loved the song, but she knew that was not the wisest thing to do. Instead she took a step or two away from the door before raising her fist up and softly knocking.

The music stopped the instant her hand hit the door and she could hear him scrambling to put the guitar down and move over to the door.

“If I’m being too loud I’m sorry,” He said as he walked towards the door, obviously expecting Brian to be on the other side of the door. He swung the door open and was visibly shocked when he saw Hollis standing in the hallway.

“Hollis…what are you doing here?”

“Brian invited me over. And then I heard your playing and I had to tell you how amazing I think it was. You’re really talented Zacky, and I think music will be an amazing tool to help you recover” She sad with a huge smile, causing him to smile as well.

“Well… thank you. I didn’t think it was very good. I mean, I haven’t played or written anything in at least two years….so I’m really rusty.” He said, his face turning red.

“I couldn’t tell. And if you hadn’t told me it had been two years since you played…I wouldn’t have known. You’re amazing Zacky. And I know that Brian thinks so too. You should play for him.”

He shook his head, “No. No one was supposed to hear.”

“Oh. I’m sorry for eavesdropping then. I’ll just go back downstairs. But it is an amazing song Zacky.” She said with a smile before turning and walking down the stairs. Zacky watched her turn and walk into the living room before closing his door and retreating back into his bedroom. He picked up the guitar again and began to play the chorus again.

”You’ll learn your lesson. But first you fall…
♠ ♠ ♠
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